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The training program consists of a basic propaedeutic block, two parallel blocks of learning and deepening of methodologies (experimental and numerical mechanics) and a third block of applications to engineering problems. The relevant course modules take place mainly in the first and second year of the course.
The first year is dedicated, from the point of view of training, to the completion of their physics-mathematics preparation. In fact, being an engineering Ph.D. and therefore aimed at the potential technological applications of the research carried out, it places, by long tradition, a strong emphasis on the basic theoretical and methodological preparation, in order to make the subsequent applied technological phase well framed.
In the first year, specific courses concerning in-depth studies in the foundational disciplines of mathematics, physics and statistics, such as Mechanics of the Continuum, Statistical Mechanics, Calculus of Variations, Functional Analysis, Partial Derivative Differential Equations, are therefore considered mandatory, with learning tests that give feedback on what the students have assimilated. Learners are also encouraged to take courses taught in master's degree programs different from their home degree program in order to study engineering and interdisciplinary topics in depth. Specific activities such as seminars, in-depth studies, applications with possible periods of study and research at other institutions are also planned.
Method of choosing the subject of the thesis
Students in this Ph.D. program must devote themselves in depth and in an original way to one of the specializations and applications of mechanical engineering, developing it over the three-year period and in the writing of the final dissertation.
The topic of the doctoral thesis is derived from the joint examination, between the doctoral student and the faculty, of interests and knowledge, leading to the definition of the specific topic and the choice of the guiding teacher, often based on what was explored in depth during the course of the master's thesis. In other cases, depending on the type of grant activated, e.g., funded by research institutions or external industrial entities, the topic may be established a priori and interested students agree to carry it out specifically.
Admission to the second year
At the end of the first year of the doctoral course, in October, students present and discuss a thesis project, agreed upon with the guiding professor, before the Board of Lecturers. In the project, the area of research is defined, and the outlines of the main problems emerging from the literature are given, the type of thesis is indicated, and the objectives of the work are outlined, with possible lines of investigation.
Admission to the second year is made on the basis of what is presented in this thesis project and on the basis of the educational activities carried out and certified by the professors of the courses or research centers at which courses and periods of study and research were carried out, also taking into account any participation in conferences or publications in journals.