The goal of the PhD program in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is to train professionals and researchers capable of dealing with advanced and innovative topics in the field of Engineering. In training activities particular care is taken in modeling, numerical and experimental areas, with the aim of developing innovative design ideas, procedures, systems and technological solutions useful for systematically dealing with research and development of activities of interest. These activities are carried out in constant contact with the varied expertise of teacher members of the doctoral college and through collaborations with universities, research institutions and industries in the field, where periods of study and in-depth study are carried out (85 percent of the students of this doctoral program carry out a period of study abroad, Alma Laurea 2022). Over the years research objectives and interests were continuously updated by introducing multi-thematic discipline linked to the latest technological developments. Among others, we mention the link between fluid dynamics and biology and biochemistry, between the dynamics of mechanical systems and control systems and between passive, active and semi-active meta-materials. Research contributions produced within doctorate activities are published in relevant applied engineering, physics and physics-mathematics journals. The research activities carried out in the PhD in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics are divided into three multidisciplinary areas:
(i) Fluid-dynamics (ii) Applied Mechanics (iii) Mechanics of Solids and Structures
In the field of fluid dynamics, research refers to studies and multi-scale applications, ranging from macro-industrial systems to micro-biological. In the field of Applied Mechanics, dynamic and mechatronic systems, advanced materials, bio-mechanical and sensor applications are considered. In Solid and Structural Mechanics, systems and structures from the macro to the nano-mechanical scale are investigated.
Examples of studies and applications developed in recent years: drag reduction with diluted polymer solutions, control dynamics of interferometers for gravitational waves, evaporation and droplet condensation, nanoscale interfaces, viscoelastic behavior of materials, bio-manufacturing mechanics of complex tissues, robotic and mechatronic systems, nano-porous materials, damage identification, composite material braking systems, tactile perception of surfaces. The PhD degree had proven to be a very high qualification for the entry of doctors in work, with particular regard to advanced research sectors, both in the public and private areas, even international.
Statistics (AlmaLaurea, 2022) 1-YEAR EMPLOYMENT RATE: 90.9% TIME SPENT TO GET 1ST JOB: 1.8 months SECTOR OF ACTIVITY: public 40.3%, private 59.7% NET MONTHLY SALARY: €1902 |