Study plan for the academic year 2022/2023

List of courses / activities for the first year

Idraulica numerica e sperimentale 6
Meccanica dei fluidi ambientale 6
Impianti di trattamento delle acque 9
Geofisica ambientale 9
Metodi matematici per l'ingegneria 6
Calcolo numerico 6
Probabilità e statistica 6
Bonifica, ripristino e riqualificazione dei siti contaminati 9
Climatologia applicata 9
Geofisica per la difesa del suolo 9
Idraulica ambientale e marittima 9
Idraulica dei sistemi naturali 6
Impianti di trattamento dei rifiuti solidi 9
Protezione idraulica del territorio e dei litorali 9
Recupero e riciclo dei materiali 9
Studio di impatto ambientale e analisi di rischio 9
Calcolo numerico con elementi di programmazione 9
Corso di inglese (30ore) 1
Statistica non parametrica 6
Probabilità II 9
Algoritmi e strutture dati 6
Corso sulla scrittura di documenti scientifici e tecnici con Latex (M. Cercato 4ore. Raccomandato per entrambi i curricula) 1
Gestione dei sistemi idrici 6
Geotecnica 9
Idraulica fluviale 6
Hydroclimatology 6
Tecniche di meshing agli elementi finiti: principi teorici e software open-source (G. De Donno, 4 h, raccomandato per entrambi i curricula) 1
Metodi numerici per la soluzione delle equazioni di governo della meccanica dei fluidi per fenomeni inerenti l'idraulica ambientale (G. Cannata, 4 h, raccomandato per entrambi i curricula) 1
Applications of membrane processes to wastewater treatment (J.A. Mendoza Roca, 3 h, raccomandato per entrambi i curricula) 1
Fundamentals, modelling and novel membrane processes (S. Alvarez Blanco. 3 h, raccomandato per entrambi i curricula) 1
Aspetti idrogeologici nella caratterizzazione sismica del sottosuolo (M.D. Barberio, 4 h, raccomandato per entrambi i curricula) 1
Criteri di similitudine e modellistica fisica nell'idraulica-marittima (P. De Girolamo, 4 h, raccomandato per entrambi i curricula) 1
Siti contaminati e bonifiche ecocompatibili (A. Pistilli, 4 h, raccomandato per entrambi i curricula) 1
Pericolosità sismica di sito: moto al suolo ed instabilità di versante indotte (G. Grelle, 4 h, raccomandato per entrambi i curricula) 1

More information

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Admission to the second year

List of courses / activities for the second year

More information

In the second year of the doctoral program, the student's educational activities focus on more specialized topics close to his/her research path. As in the first year, the student may attend courses and seminars taught at other universities and qualified research centers. The student may propose to the board variations to his/her training plan by including courses or seminars or training and research activities. Such variations to the training plan must be approved by the board. Students are encouraged to participate in conferences, especially international ones, and are also encouraged and supported to spend at least three months abroad in qualified universities or research centers.

Method of preparation of the thesis

For the preparation of the thesis, the student provides for the scientific background necessary to take ownership of the conceptual cornerstones of the problem he/she intends to develop and of the methodologies necessary to address the problem. The student provides for the development of the methodological tools he/she intends to use and for the production, with these tools, of partial results and preliminary conclusions.

Admission to the third year

Two examinations are scheduled for admission to the following year, the first by July and the second in October. Both verifications consist of an oral presentation by the student to the board. In the first one, the student presents the main elements of the research path so far, the results achieved, and the further goals the student intends to achieve. Following this verification, the student receives advice from the board regarding the elements of his/her research path that require modification, correction, deepening, or further development. In the second verification, the student presents the progress and main results of his/her research path. Following this verification, if the board judges the student's work positively, the student is admitted to the third year.

List of courses / activities for the third year

More information

Method of admission to the final examination

Final examination

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