
The PhD program in Economics and Finance provides students with a solid foundation in the theoretical and empirical tools of modern economics and finance, drawing heavily on the discipline of international economics, development economics, financial markets and commodity markets. The department prepares students for careers in research and teaching at the world's leading academic institutions. It aims to give the students a common background where to build the specialties of the various curricula. Attendance is compulsory for the following subjects: macroeconomics; microeconomics; econometrics; finance, asset pricing, applied maths and quantitative methods. Optional subjects are offered too according to students' research programs. Additional courses can be attended in partner institutions (e.g., Lille2 University, Birkbeck University of London, University of Sussex (UK), Stern School of Business della New York University, Loyola University di Chicago, University of Florida, Department of Economics Sussex University, ESSEC in Paris, Birkbeck University of London, SOAS of London, Erasmus University di Rotterdam, London School of Economics, Cass Business School e Imperial College di Londra, University of Paris 13, University of Jena.
Faculty research, both empirical and theoretical, includes such areas as:
Structure of financial markets
Formation and behavior of financial asset prices
Saving and capital formation
International economics and financial markets
Development Economics
Innovation Economics
International Economics.
Candidates with undergraduate training in economics, mathematics, engineering, statistics, and other quantitative disciplines have an ideal background for doctoral studies in this field.


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