Call for application

Competition procedures

Self-declaration affidavit with signature (dichiarazione sostitutiva d i certificazione e/o dell’atto di notorietà according to art. 46 and

art. 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000) must be attached to the documents requested.

Written examination

The written examination will consist of the critical comment of an international scientific article chosen by the

candidate on one of the themes of interest of the doctorate. The test will evaluate the theoretical skills, the

ability to critically frame research within the relevant scientific literature and the statistical/methodological

skills of the candidates in the areas of interest of the doctorate. The evaluation criteria of written examination

(Max 60 points) will be: 1) Justifying the choice of the article chosen by the candidate (10 points). 2) Relevant

information on the article (10 points). 3) Critical framing within the international scientific literature (10

points). 4) Critical discussion on the methodological aspects (10 points). 5) Comment on results / discussion

(10 points). 6) Limits of the study (10 points).

language of examination: ITALIAN

Oral examination

The oral examination will consist of an interview aimed to assess the previous scientific research experiences

of the candidate and his/her knowledge of the methodological/statistical aspects of the research in

Psychology. Moreover, during the interview, the knowledge of scientific English will be evaluated. The

examination will evaluate: a) the research skills, b) the relevance of the candidate's research interests with

those of the PhD program, c) the general methodological and research design skills, d) the ability to

understand a scientific text written in English. The evaluation criteria of oral examination (Max 60 points) will

be: 1) The ability to critically analyse her/his previous research, highlighting the logical path, from research

hypothesis to the methodology and statistical analysis used, until the discussion of the results obtained; the

ability to frame research activity within the international scientific literature; the ability to analyse the limits

encountered and to propose solutions; the ability to outline a program or a line of research consistent with the

PhD topics and feasible in the three years of the doctorate, pointing to themes, methodologies, theoretical

relevance (40 points). 2) For the English language examination, it will be evaluated the ability to correctly

read a scientific text, and especially the accuracy of the Italian translation of the text and its consequent

understanding (20 points).

language of examination: ITALIAN

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma