Annual report

Annual Report 2021
The students admitted to the PhD courses (for the XXXVI cycle) presented their research project on December 14th 2020 to the Doctoral Board. On this occasion they were assigned two tutors (one internal and one external to the Doctoral Board).
I year
Due to the health emergency, the lessons were organised regularly in remote mode, on the Google Meet platform. March 1st 2021 the speech of Jacques Galinier (CNRS, Paris) on ethno-theory of the unexpected in the Otomy experience in Oriental Mexico inaugurated the interdisciplinary seminar focused on “The norm and the exception”. The seminar organised in 21 meeting hosted historians of medieval, early modern and modern period, and historians of religions and anthropologist, who offered interdisciplinary perspectives of research to the PhD students. In February the PhD students attended the eight meeting of the digital and methodological seminar. Each curriculum has organized its own curricular seminar, focused on specific issue. The Medieval history seminar organized the seminar “Roma e il medioevo. Politica, società, economia” (March-May); the meeting “Incontri italo-tedesco fra dottorande e dottori di ricerca in storia medievale Roma-Wüppertal” (11 marzo), the seminar “L’Apprendistato dello storico”, focused on “Disobbedire nel medioevo. Tensioni, repressioni, pacificazioni” (January 11-15 ). The History of Religions Curriculum six meeting seminar focused on the discusssion of books and questions concerning history of religions (February- June). The early modern and modern history curriculum focused the seven lectures seminar on “Identità in età moderna e contemporanea” (March-May). The Anthropology curriculum focused the 21 meetings seminar on “apocalisse e utopia”.
The PhD students attended also other seminar, meeting, book presentation. Many PhD students spent their research time in Italy and abroad, when the health measures allowed, establishing links with research Centres in Italy and abroad, and took also part in symposia, seminars, meetings: Claudia Bischetti (Archivio Storico Capitolino, Archivio di Stato di Firenze, Archivio di Stato di Roma) Martina Denni (Archivio Colonna Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Marco Maimone (l'Archivio di Stato di Milano Stefano Latino l'Archivio di Stato, Isec - Istituto di storia dell'età contemporanea Sesto San Giovanni, Archivio parrocchiale di Santo Stefano, Archivio comunale di Sesto San Giovanni; Erika Silvestri (Mahn und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück; Brandenburg an der Havel Documentation Centre Hartheim; Bundesarchiv, Arolsen Archive – International Center on Nazi Persecution; WGA Database – Landesarchiv Berlin); Giulia Cantisani (Partecipazione al gruppo di ricerca internazionale (GDRI) - Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative - LESC (CNRS/Université Paris Nanterre) - "Archéologie des Amériques" - ArchAm (CNRS/Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Naima Quintiliani (Archivio fotografico dell’ICCD, Archivio storico dei Comboniani, Roma).
From these activities many PhD students published articles.
The first year is focused in the definition of the critical confrontation with scientific literature and historiography to focus the research topic and in the organization of a reasoned plan of the research. The PhD presented these question in a text, submitted to the two tutors and to the Doctoral Board. In September 2021 all first year PhD students participated to the PhD Seminar. They presented and discussed in public their research, starting from the text submitted to a discussant they have chosen.
In this academic year the following agreement for joint thesis supervision (Cotutela) have been defined: internal agreement: Giulia Cantisani (EHESS, Paris), Niccolò Brandodoro (EHESS, Paris).
All first year PhD students have been admitted to the second PhD year.
II year
The second year is devoted mainly to research and elaboration of material and sources. The main objective of didactical activity is the methodological and epistemological sharpening. The second year PhD students had to attend the curricular seminar and meetings: “L’Apprendistato dello storico: Disobbedire nel medioevo. Tensioni, repressioni, pacificazioni” (January 11-15); “Laboratorio dottorandi”, organized by the PhD students for the discussion of books, and the PhD Students Seminar (September 14-17, 2021).
Together with teaching activity PhD students spent their research time in Italy and abroad, when the health measures allowed, establishing links with research Centres in Italy and abroad : Alexa Bianchini (Archivio della Curia Generalizia dei frati Minori, Archivio Storico Capitolino, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Archivio di Stato di Roma); Antonino Campagna (Archivio di Stato di Roma; Archivio Apostolico Vaticano; Archivio Storico de Propaganda Fide; Archivio gentilizio Caetani di Sermoneta); Francesca Vera Romano (Archivio per la Congregazione della Dottrina della fede, Archivio Vescovile di Melfi, Archivio Apostolico Vaticano, Archivio Vescovile di Manfredonia, sezione di Vieste, Archivio di Stato di Alessandria); Manuele Gianfrancesco (Archivio storico del "Liceo Alfieri" di Torino, Biblioteca "Luigi De Gregori" del Ministero dell'Istruzione, Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Archivio di Stato di Roma Museo storico della didattica Mauro Laeng di Roma, Archivio Storico del Comune di Lanciano; Archivio Diaristico Nazionale di Pieve Santo Stefano, Archivio storico Comunità Ebraica di Roma); Michela Buonvino (Casablanca, Sefrou, Fès, Rabat).
Many PhD students took also part in symposia, seminars, meetings : Antonio Campagna (EUI, Fiesole; El Museo Canario" in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Centro Stern di Potsdam); Francesco Oliva (ISEM, Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, Summer school di Storia Urbana, Aix-En-Provence); Gianmarco Cerreti (Diplome Universitaire Hisaar, Università di Strasburgo); Giulia Leonardi (Konstanz Universität). From these activities many PhD students published articles.
In this academic year the following agreement for joint thesis supervision (Cotutela) have been defined: internal agreement: Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (Francesco Oliva), Heidelberg Universität (Gianmarco Cerruti); external agreement, requeste by Universidad de Cantabria (Maria Madrazo), Université de Strasbourg (Giulia Leonardi), Universidade de São Paulo (André Luiz Marcondes Pelegrinelli), Universidad de Granada (Antonio Vertunni); Tecnische Universität Berlin (Erika Silvestri).
The second year has been focused on research and collection of sources and material for research, and in a first definition of work, finalised to the writing of a chapter of the thesis. This chapter has been submitted to the two tutors and to the Doctoral Board, for the admission to the third year. Together the chapter has been presented and discussed in the PhD Seminar, starting from the text submitted to a discussant they have chosen. Except one case, all the Second Year PhD students have been admitted to the third year.

III year
The third year is devoted to last part of the research and to the writing of the thesis. Together with teaching activity PhD students spent their research time abroad, establishing links with research Centres in Italy and abroad, and took also part in symposia, seminars, and meetings: Davide Del Gusto (Archivio dell’Abbazia di Montecassino Archivio di Stato di Roma); Daniele Argenio (Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Archivio di Stato di Venezia) ; Fabrizio Biferali (Archivio Apostolico Vaticano, Biblioteca Marciana) Alessandro Barile (Fondazione Istituto Gramsci di Roma, Archivio di Stato di Firenze); Piergiorgio Bruno (Sciences-Po, Paris; Bodleian Library di Oxford Margaret Thatcher Archive, Churchill College di Cambridge Fondation Jean Jaurès Parigi, National Archives) Giacomo Mazzei (Archivio Storico del Senato, Fondazione Giulio Pastor); Daniele Minisini (Universidad Complutense, del CSIC di Madrid e dell'Universidad San Damaso); Cecilia Draicchio (Western Region del Ghana) Francesco Lattanzi (Isole della Società (Polinesia francese, Isole Marchesi). Many PhD students took also part in symposia, seminars, meetings and some PhD students received important recognition, awards and funding: Daniele Minisini, Fullbright Grant presso Yale Divinity School; Anna Giulia Macchiarelli (Senior Research Grant collaboration).
From these activities many PhD students published articles and volumes.
All the doctoral students of the XXXIV cycle have applied for the two-month extension provided by the DPCM of May 2020 and the subsequent three months provided by the MUR (with the exception of Alessandro Barile, , who discussed his thesis on 14/02/22). The external referees for the evaluation of the papers are evaluating the the PhD thesis candidates for the access to the final exams. The final discussions of the XXXIV cycle will take place in May and September 2022.

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