Surgery techniques in ovarian cancer and in uterine cervical cancer patients. Dissection of ureter. Electrosurgery technique in gynaecologiacal cancer. Prof. V. Donato-prof.ssa G. Perniola


“Surgery techniques in ovarian cancer and in uterine cervical cancer patients.

Dissection of ureter.

Electrosurgery technique in gynaecological cancer.”

In this lesson I showed the different techniques to reach a radical surgery in ovarian and uterine cervical cancer patients. Particularly I taught how to dissect the parametria and the ureter in according to the stage of the disease. Lastly during the lesson, it was showed different electrosurgical devices that we can use to obtain the dissection of pelvic structure such as bladder, parametria, recto vaginal septum, and for the major vessel coagulation such as ovarian artery and / or uterine artery.

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