Research activities carried out at the Laboratory of Advanced Communications Technologies and Services (ACTS) focus on a wide range of topics within the broad area of technologies, algorithms and protocols for wireless communications and positioning.
The research approach followed at ACTS Lab combines rigorous theoretical modeling and accurate experimental analysis. Participating in research activities allows PhD students to learn how to find the correct balance between theory and practice, by taking into account requirements and constraints imposed by real world applications, i.e. a fundamental skill of ICT engineers. Students are also offered the opportunity of joining a network of researchers working at top-notch institutions in Europe, US and Asia, thanks to the scientific collaborations and connections created by researchers at the ACTS Lab based on their participation in a large number of major EU-funded research projects in the last 25 years.
Research topics currently being addressed at the ACTS Lab include:
Cognitive radio algorithms and protocols;
Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols for wireless networks;
Indoor positioning and navigation;
Theoretical bounds of wireless communication systems;
Ultra Wide Band communications;
Impulse radio theoretical limits.
PhD students and researchers have access to equipment for experimental activities connected to their research, including:
a testbed for indoor positioning of mobile devices covering this first two floors of the DIET Department, based on the combination of Wi-Fi fingerprinting and UHF proximity detection. The testbed is composed of a central processing server controlling 15 Wi-Fi access points as well as active and passive RFID readers, and mobile phones, tablets and RFID tags acting as client devices;
a wireless ad-hoc network composed of 45 Raspberry Pi B+ boards equipped with both Wi-Fi and low-rate ISM transceivers for design and performance evaluation of MAC protocols;
hardware and software for research on software defined radio and cognitive radio, including two Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) N210 boards and a Wi-Spy spectrum analyzer.
For further information on how to join, please contact the researchers at ACTS lab: