New series of meetings MSCA @ Sapienza


The MSCA @ Sapienza initiative restarts: starting from April, a series of days dedicated to the European Union's main instrument for doctoral and postdoctoral training and for the career development of talented researchers will be held.
The Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions finance both individual grants and collaborative research projects in any field of science (bottom-up approach), characterized by scientific excellence and geographical, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. Between 2014 and 2020, the program directly funded 65,000 researchers and led to the creation of over 1,000 international doctoral networks of excellence. For the period 2021-2027, 6.6 billion euros have been allocated to the program.
The MSCA @ Sapienza initiative is aimed at teachers, as well as researchers who want to deepen their knowledge on the topic. It will be divided into the following days:
Monday 8 April, 2.30 pm
Infoday ''Excellent research and international collaborations: the opportunities offered by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions'' - The infoday will present the main characteristics and opportunities offered by the 3 main calls in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie panorama: Doctoral Networks, Postdoctoral Fellowships and Staff Exchanges. The event will be held online.
To register, fill out the registration form by April 4th.
Monday 22 April, 3.00 pm
Workshop ''Planning a MSCA-PF proposal @ Sapienza: key steps for a successful application'' - The workshop is aimed at researchers, from Sapienza and elsewhere, interested in learning more about the Postdoctoral Fellowships call and how to participate choosing Sapienza as host institution. The event will be held in English in blended mode.
To register, fill out the registration form by April 18th.
May 20-31
Grant Writing Lab ''Writing a successful MSCA-PF proposal: a walkthrough the application template'' - The GWL is divided into 3 days and aims to provide useful information and suggestions for writing an MSCA-PF proposal effectively. During the laboratory, the individual sections that make up the form will be analysed, the errors to avoid and the strong elements of a successful proposal. Specific sessions dedicated to topics of particular relevance for an MSCA proposal, such as Open Access and ethical aspects, will also be organised. The workshop will be held in English in blended mode. For information on how to register for the GWL, please consult the following page: Grant Writing Lab
For further information:
MSCA @ Sapienza

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