The goal of unifying DOCTORATE IN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN DISEASES OF SKELETON, SKIN AND ORO-CRANIOFACIAL DISTRICT is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge and application of innovative technologies that cross through a translational approach, bringing together all the various specialties involved in the study of skeletal disorders and skin belonging to basic medicine, medical/surgical sciencesapplied to biomedical research. The approach for studing the skeleton and skin diseases (inflammatory, degenerative, metabolic and neoplastic ones) has changed dramatically in recent years with the advent of new methods of analysis (from anatomy to clinical-instrumental interpretation pathophysiological, from molecular biology to proteomics, from functional and morphological analysis, structural and ultrastructural, to the studies in vitro and in a single cell). There is also an increasing evidence of the importance of the involvement of stem compartments and their use as in the case of human-derived mesenchymal cells taken from dental pulp and cells of the microenvironment in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Finally, it seems to underline the growing development of experimental medicine and medical/surgical biotechnologies as the evaluation and the use of new biomaterials-biomimetic combined with sophisticated and minimally invasive surgical techniques. Given the multidisciplinary nature of this approach, it is necessary therefore, a course not only able to prepare doctoral students are able to use different methods, but above all to give them a unifying vision of preventive etiopathogenetic and therapeutic processes by applying innovative technologies.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1) Research activities within a group in order to develop a well-defined line of research; 2) Acquisition of advanced skills on the methodologies used to achieve the defined objectives; 3) Acquisition of methodological skills of basic techniques used in research obtained through theoretical and practical training courses taught by teachers of the doctoral course or by scientific organizations; 4) Acquisition of theoretical knowledge about the most important advances in research obtained through the partecipation to the: scientific seminars; Post-graduate and electives courses of dealing in medical topics of interest (and not); Conferences, Meetings and Workshops. 5) Acquisition of ability to present experimental data, to discuss the content of articles that appeared in the scientific literature and to communicate the results acquired in relevant fields of research.