CURRICULUM IN ROMAN LAW: The project is aimed to increase individual researches of the participants in the field of the history of ancient societies and their legal systems. Fundamental objective is to promote research concerning Roman law in the historical context of ancient societies. Relevant fields of investigation and reflection, in addition to an essential consideration on the rationale of Roman law, will be jurisprudential law, the analysis and resolution of controversial cases (Roman law as case law), the construction of theoretical schemes and the definition of the ideals that move jurists and inspire their choices. CURRICULUM IN THEORY OF LEGAL SYSTEMS The curriculum of Theory of Legal Systems consists of two distinct routes deeply connected for theoretic questions as regards the thematic system: a rout concerning philosophy law and a route concerning canon and ecclesiastical law. As to the first one, the expected formative task is of a value both general and specific, it aims at promoting the acquisition of high qualification crititical and scientific within cultural ambits essential for the research in the field of legal and political philosophy and, at the same time, of great interest in the practice of juridical professions, involved in problems involving the reflection upon technical structural and theoretic reasons connected with juridical institutes. CURRICULUM IN CONTRACT LAW AND ECONOMICS OF BUSINESS: The thematic areas dealt with the private law are aimed to the strengthening of national and international integration of university systems by promoting initiatives in the cultural, scientific and educational fields through the study of legal and economic sciences, even in the framework of European Institutions of law and policies; the whole aimed to build up the basis for the creation of an European legal area and for a perfect integration within the common market. |