PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX


Classical high school diploma (final grade: 100/100) from I.I.S. "Giuseppe Ferro", Alcamo (TP).

Bachelor's degree in Classical Literature (final grade: 110/110 cum laude) awarded at the University of Palermo.

Master's degree in Science of Antiquity (final grade: 110/110 cum laude) with a dissertation in Roman History entitled "Relazioni diplomatiche romano-seleucidi", supervisor Prof. Daniela Motta, co-rapporteurs Prof. Roberto Sammartano and Prof. Antonella Mandruzzato, awarded at the University of Palermo.

Dual degree - EMCC (Master of Arts - M.A.): Masterstudiengang "Classical Cultures", Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Deutschland), supervisor Prof. Hans Beck.

Further information:

Presentation of a seminar, during the course of Latin Language and Literature II (a.y. 2018/2019), on Tacitus' "Germania", at the University of Palermo.

Study mobility at Royal Holloway - University of London (09/01/2020 - 12/06/2020) within the Erasmus+ program.

Moderator in a seminar entitled "Echi e memorie del mondo classico nella rappresentazione e nella narrazione dei luoghi," part of the seminar series entitled "Storia, memoria e scrittura" (activity type F), on 11/25/2020, at the University of Palermo.
Study Mobility at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (01/03/2022 - 26/09/2022) within the Duoble Degree and PIS program and the European Master in Classical Cultures (EMCC) and Erasmus+ program.

EMCC Summer School at the Universitè de Toulouse Jean Jaurés (06/21/2022 - 06/25/2022): International seminar entitled "Rome and Antiochus: a case of 'geographical pragmatism' within ideal conflicts".

Performance of a 125-hour internship at the Archäologisches Museum of the University of Münster (study of some epigraphs preserved there) in August and September 2022, under the supervision of Dr. Helge Nieswandt.

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