PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Prof. Gian Luca Gregori
co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Romana Berno

Research: Paedagogi and paedagogia in Rome during the Principate.

Sergio Turrisi (1989).
PhD candidate in Philology and History of the Ancient World (historical curriculum).

Graduated in Classics in Sapienza in 2011 with a thesis in Aegean Civilizations (110/110 cum laude), he continued his studies in the same university with a master's degree in Philology, Literature and History of the Ancient World in 2014 (110/110 cum laude).
He later qualified to Literary Disciplines, Latin and Greek in high schools and has been a tenured Teacher in high schools since 2017.

Enrolled in the XXXVIII cycle of the PhD in Philology and History of the Ancient World with a project on the history of education in the Roman world entitled: Paedagogi and paedagogia in Rome during the Principate. The objective proposed is a systematic study of all the documentation related to the figure of the paedagogus, to be understood as the private tutor of the puer romanus or as a teacher active in the paedagogia, the servile schools connected to the imperial household (p. palatinum and p. a capite Africae)..

Author with others of a chapter in the forthcoming volume Education and Dialogue in Polarized Societies. Dialogic Perspectives in Times of Change edited by O. Erstad, B. E. Hagtvet, J. V. Wertsch (f 2024).

Other articles forthcoming:

- El paedagogus en la familia romana entre la República media y el Principado, in Ana Martín Minguijón, Karen María Vilacoba Ramos y José
Nicolás Saiz López, La familia en la Antigüedad. Estudios desde la
interdisciplinariedad, Madrid, pp. 1045-1058.

Research products

11573/1721341 - 2024 - Active Citizenship and Participation Through "Dialogue in the Square"
Ligorio, Maria Beatrice; Barzanò, Giovanna; Amenduni, Francesca; Cauchi, Roberta; Turrisi, Sergio; Raffio, Lorenzo; Regazzini, Claudia; Valentini, Ludovica - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Education and Dialogue in Polarized Societies, Dialogic perspectives in times of change - (978-0-19-760542-4)

11573/1720636 - 2024 - Il paedagogus, una figura marginale nell'istruzione del puer? Osservazioni sulla documentazione epigrafica e letteraria a Roma tra Repubblica e Principato.
Turrisi, Sergio - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Margini e marginalità: per un'analisi multidisciplinare delle figure e dei contesti. Atti del seminario Semi di Sapienza 2023 (22-23 giugno 2023). - (978-88-5491-499-5)

11573/1727234 - 2024 - El paedagogus en la familia romana entre la República media y el Principado
Turrisi, Sergio - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: La familia en la antegüedad. Estudios desde la interdisciplinariedad. - (978-84-1122-382-9)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma