
5th June Prof. Kennedy (2h; 10am-12pm)
"Assessing capacity to form a specific intent and mens rea and Insight and prospective responsibility"
12th June Prof. Di Ronco (2h; 10am-12pm)
‘Introducing sociologically driven criminological research: focus, methods and horizons"
19th June Prof. Babnik and Prof. Podlesek (4h; 10am-14pm)
"COVID-19 pandemic and mental health: research methodology for studying cognitive functioning"
26th June Prof. Meynen (2h; 10am-12pm)
"Neurolaw: The intersection of forensic psychology, neuroscience, ethics, and law"
3rd July Prof. Barbosa (2h; 10am-12pm)
"The Psychobiological Bases of Psychopathy"

18th September 2023 Prof.ssa van Dongen (3h; 10am-1pm)
"Innovation in forensic clinical practice using neurotechnology"

20th May 2024 Prof. Terranova (3h; 9.30am-12.30pm) 
"Biomedico-legal Sciences and Eligibility in the field of Substance related Disorders. Forensic Applications."

9th September 2024  Prof.ssa Irena Boskovic (2h; 11am-1pm) 
"From Lie Detection to Prevention: Alternative Approaches to the Detection of Fabricated Symptoms"

16th September 2024 Prof. Lisbeth Uhrskov Soresen (2h; 10am-12pm) 
"Register-based research - methodological considerations"

23rd September 2024 Prof.ssa Katherine Warburton (2h; 19-21pm) 
"The Criminalization of Mental Illness"

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