
Below is the list of Seminars scheduled and delivered within the PhD course starting from 2021, promoted by the College or indicated by individual candidates and then promoted to all enrolled students. The modalities of participation (in-person and/or online) and logistical information are communicated by the Coordinator directly to the doctoral candidates.
The doctoral candidates have also completed their training activities with individual seminars, agreed with the tutor and approved by the College

March 11, 2021 Consortium GARR "Open Research Europe: the new publishing platform of the European Commission" - online

April 08, 2021 Consortium GARR "Evaluate or enhance research: possible paths" - online

May 06, 2021 Consortium GARR "Between rights and obligations. Copyright in scientific research" - online

May 17, 2021, 14:00 - 16:00, Prof. Patricia Rogetzer "End-to-end thinking in closed-loop supply chains" - online

June 16, 2021, h. 14:00 - 16:00, Ing. Luciano DI DONATO (INAIL) "The safety of machinery: analysis of the main RES of the Machinery Directive 2006/42 CE" - online

June 18, 2021, h. 14:00 - 16:00, eng. Luciano DI DONATO (INAIL) "Safety in maintenance, adjustment, cleaning operations in confined and/or suspected of pollution environments".

September 07-15, 2021, prof. Emilio Matricciani "The technical-scientific writing" - in presence

September 16, 2021 Consortium GARR "Protection and reuse. Reflections between copyright and research data" - online

February 08-16, 2022, prof. Emilio Matricciani "Technical and scientific writing" - in person

April 08, 2022, prof. Darren Hayes "Cybersecurity Issues Associated with Manufacturing" - online

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