
Organizations still need to evolve and meet new requirements of Industry 4.0 and PNRR in this highly competitive, dynamic, and erratic environment, through
a) Defining methodologies for the design, development, management, and enhancement of products, processes, and organizational structures.
b) Monitoring the continuous growth and evolution of innovation processes.
c) Transferring and adapting knowledge on an industrial scale.
d) Exploiting the results to expand innovation and define new evolutionary requirements for products, processes, and organizational structures.

Doctors should be able to design and manage production systems and innovative services with a holistic approach, by making technological choices that are consistent with existing business strategies and with specific industrial contexts. Moreover, the outcomes of the research conducted during the program can be assessed against the broader concept of community and wellbeing, considering its potential impact on all financial sectors. In particular, the PhD program in Industrial and Management Engineering focuses on the evolution of:
- Products and services, with regard to new technical and operational features, as well conceptual solutions.
- Technologies, from pure experimentation to the implementation of new production processes on an industrial scale, namely highly digitalized environments.
- Business processes, in order to constantly improve their efficiency and effectiveness with respect to manufacturing, environmental, safety, competitiveness and social responsibility objectives.
- Strategies and organizational models ensuring the creation of value and competitive positioning.
- Business network through different approaches for the coordination, collaboration and risk and benefit sharing.

Research activities will include, but will not be limited to, the following fields: advanced production techniques, including Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing; biomedical engineering product and solution designs; ergonomics and human factor management; complex socio-technical systems resilience; Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things integration in Smart Factories; reliability, maintainability, safety and security management of industrial systems; business risk management and governance; integrated design and optimization of supply chains, production processes and services, including Product Service System; management of complex projects and their portfolio; environmental management of industrial systems.


Le attività presentate in questa pagina sono finanziate totalmente, o in parte, dai fondi del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza.
L'elenco e le finalità delle attività intraprese dalla Sapienza sono descritte nella pagina dedicata Sapienza per il Pnrr.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma