Delivered study plan 2021/2022

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics PhD courses:

• Meccanica Statistica (Cirillo – Sapienza)
• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Masi – Sapienza)
• Hands on Continuum Mechanics with COMSOL (Teresi – Roma Tre)
• Mechanics of heterogeneous and porous continua (Sciarra - Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
• Soft Mechanics and Instabilities (Nardinocchi, Ruta – Sapienza)
• Introduzione alla Meccanica Quantistica (Casciola – Sapienza)

Other courses:
• Signal Processing
• Advanced topics in computer science engineering
• Advances in data analysis and statistical modelling
• Filtering and optimal control
• Non-linear systems and control
• Autonomous and mobile robotics
• Control of autonomous multi-agent systems
• Mathematical Logic for Computer Science
• Corso di scrittura tecnico-scientifica (Matricciani – Politecnico di Milano)

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