Delivered study plan 2021/2022

Due to organizational difficulties and the impossibility of using physical spaces due to the COVID emergency, the planned institutional training was not provided in an extended mode to all PhD students, but dedicated courses and seminars were held, in online mode, to meet individual needs. Participation in training courses has been widely encouraged, in particular provided by virtual PhD networks to which the PhD has joined, and in-depth research proposed by individual candidates and consistent with their lines of activity.

In particular, it has been actively promoted the attendance of courses offered by:
- Sapienza training on soft skills for doctoral candidates, as part of the CIVIS program
- Training provided by the STITCH center - Sapienza Information-Based Technology InnovaTion Center for Health
- Training provided by GARR consortium
- AIDI PhD-Net
- AIIG PhD-Net

In particular, the following intensive courses have been offered to candidates:
- Human-based Smart Manufacturing Systems, provided by the Doctoral School of the Politecnico di Bari, Doctoral School in Mechanical and Management Engineering and the Doctoral School in Industry 4.0, 30h, 13/01/2021 - 29/01/2021
- Fund raising, project writing and management, provided by the Doctorate in Technology, Innovation and Management of the University of Bergamo, 6h, 25/01/2021 - 27/01/2021 and i13/12/2021 - 15/12/2021
- Research topics in manufacturing and service operations management (M&SOM), provided by the Doctorate in Technology, Innovation and Management of the University of Bergamo, 15h, 20/02/2021 - 03/03/2021
- Discrete-event simulation models and techniques: application in industrial and service contexts, provided by the Doctorate in Technology, Innovation and Management of the University of Bergamo, 6h, 15/04/2021 - 20/04/2021
- Generating Impactful Research Ideas for Young Scholars, provided by European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, 20h, 06/05/2021 – 03/06/2021
- Introductory Econometrics, provided by Società Italiana di Econometria, 44h, 05/07/2021 - 10/07/2021
- Project, Program & Portfolio Management, Sapienza advanced training course, edition 2021

The PhD students participated in the following Summer Schools: AIAS 2021, AIDI 2021, AIIG 2021, GAMM 2021, GNB 2021 and completed their training activities with individual courses, agreed with the tutor and approved by the Faculty

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