- New Service Development and Service Innovation
- Digital Marketing
- Social Innovation
- Value Creation Through Service and The Service-Dominant Logic
- Resource Integration
- Artificial Intelligence and Business Ethics
Full Professor of Management - SECS P08 - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro (03/2020)
12/ 2017
Enabled to full professor - SECS P08
2015/05 - 2020/03
Associate Professor of Management SECS P08 - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
2008712 - 2015/05
Assistant Professor of Management SECS P08 - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
2008/ - 2008/12
Research Fellow MIPAF "Innovation development for Agrifood SMEsi"
Center for the Development and Innovation in Agrifood Sector (CAISIAL) - University Federico II of Naples
2001 - 2003
Research Fellow "Quality and Innovation in Management" Department of Management - University Federico II of Naples
Phd in Management “Business Administration” XII Ciclo. Department of Management - University Federico II of Naples
1997/11- 2000/11
Phd Course in Management - “Business Administration” XII Ciclo. Department of Management - University Federico II of Naples
2020/11 - now
LaCMed - research project UE founded - PAC Programme
Member of the research group
2014/09 - now
“International Network of Service Researcher” – research project led by the CTF - University of Karlstad - Sweden
Member of the research group
2019/01 - now
“Design and development of Sustainable and Smart Business Models - SECS P08” Project founded by POR-Calabria FESR/FSE 2014-2020
Principal Investigator
10/2019 - 7/2020
Research Project founded by PON Research and innovation 2014-2020 – Avviso DD 407/2018 “AIM International Attractivity and Mobility”
“Sustainable Business Models: Theoretical Framework And Practices Design ForAgrifood SME’s”
Principal Investigator
11/2018 - 06/2019
Research Project (visiting program) – Sapienza University of Roma
New relational practices of Resource Integration within the Service Eco-system
Member of the research group
2013/01 - 2018/10
International Research Project
“Smart Service Ecosystem: Designing a Sustainable Innovation Practice” – awarded as Smart Exellence by ILSole 24Ore (2018/09)
Principal investigator
2011 - 2017
Research Project between University “Magna Græcia” of Catanzaro and CTF – University of Karlstad
“Service Innovation to improve competitiveness”
Principal Investigator
2011 - 2012
PRIN – Projects of Relevant National Interest
"Impact of functional food on metabolism” (d.m. 1152/ric del 27/12/2011) –prot. 2010JCWWKM
Member of the research group
2011 - 2013
International Research Project founded by Brazilian Federal Government (CNPq) n. 14/2011, process 473 008/2011-4
“Agrifood Network Innovation in PMEs: a comparative study of cases from Switzerland, Italy and Brazíl”
Principal investigator (Italian Unit)
2011 - 2014
POR CALABRIA FSE 2007/2013 - Action plan 2009-2010 action D.5.
Network innovation in agrifood firms
Principal Investigator
2010 - 2012
International Research Project co-founded by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Lucerne
“Networked innovation in food SMEs”
Principal investigator (ItalianResearch Unit)
2007 - 2010
Inter-universities Research Project - Sant'Anna School of Pisa
Member of the research group
2007 - 2008
Plan of Mediterranean Cooperation Regione Campania - University Federico II of Naples
“Methodologies for managing Cultural Heritage in Mediterranean Area”
Member of the research group
2005 - 2007
Research Project founded by Regione Campania legge regionale 28/03/2002 - University Federico II of Naples
“Structural configuration of firms for global competition”
Member of the research group
2001/1 - 2001/12
Young researchers - Research project founded by MIUR - University Federico II of Naples
Innovation and competencies in ICT companies
Principal Investigator
2000/1 - 2000/12
Young researchers - Research project founded by MIUR - University Federico II of Naples
The role of TQM in innovation processes
Principal Investigator
1997 - 2001
CNR - Research Project
“Product innovation in Southern firms (packaging and shoes)i” - University Federico II of Naples
Field principal investigator
2016/09 (2 weeks)
University Complutense of Madrid - UCM, Spain.
Erasmus – Lifelong Learning Teaching Programme a.a. 2015-2016
Strategy class (bachelor e master program)
2015/09 (8 hours)
International Master in Service Innovation – University of Karlstad Sweden
“Cooperative Innovation” class.
/132013 (32 ore)
Upper Master d in Innovation Management - University Caxias do Sul - Brasil
“Social Capital and Network Innovation” class.
2012/11 (2 weeks)
Service Research Center - CTF - Karlstad University – Sweden
2011/05 - 2011/06 (2 weeks)
Lucerne School of Business - University of Applied Science and Arts - Lucerne Switzerland
Universidad de Almeria, Spain
Erasmus – Lifelong Learning Teaching Programme a.a. 2009-2010
“Value co-creation: a theoretical review” e “Value co-creation in drugs market” – Seminars (Phd Program)
2008 - now
Course thought at University of Catanzaro Magna Graecia (both bachelor's and master's programs)- last academic year
- Management (since 2008)
- Marketing (advanced course since 2008)
- Innovation Management (since 2017)
- Strategy (since 2020)
2015 – now
Online teaching on the topic of Marketing and Customer Relationship Marketing
Online Master Program – Management and Marketing
University Politecnica delle Marche
2019 - 2020
UMMM - UMG Marketing Management Master
2015 - now (a.y.)
Teaching to postgraduates Masters (MUMM-Sapienza University; DIM-University Politecnica delle Marche)
2020/11 - now
LaCMed - research project UE founded - PAC Programme
Member of the Quality Board
10/2020 - NOW
SN Business & Economics
Special Issue Ageing Consumers: Rethinking Marketing Strategies and Seizing Business Opportunities
Member of the Advisory Board
2020/05 - now
Dottorato di Ricerca in Comunicazione, Ricerca Sociale e Marketing, Coris - Sapienza University of Roma
Componente del Collegio dei Docenti
2018/10 - now
SIG “Innovation & Technology Management” SIMA – Società Italiana Management
2018/11 - now
SINERGIE – SIMA – annual conference
Member of the Scientific Board
2018/07 - now
Research Center Economics and Service Management - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
Componente del Comitato Scientifico
2018/01 - now
Premio Marketing per l'Università
Member of the Scientific Committee
2018 - now
Premio Marketing per l'Università
Member of the Panel of Judges
Naples Forum on Service
Member of the Scientific Board
2013 - 2019 (XXXII ciclo)
Phd Course “Teoria del diritto e ordine giuridico ed economico europeo” – University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
Member of Lecturer's Committee
2009 - 2013
Phd Course “Economia e Management in Sanità” – University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
Member of Lecturer's Committee
1st Workhsop on Service Innovation Research
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board
2021/01 - now
Management and Marketing Cases SIM – SIMA Series - Pearson Italy
Member of the Advisory Board
2020/10 - 2022/10
Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Member of the Topic Board
02/2020 – now
Marketing and Management Series - Casa Editrice G. Giappichelli.
Member of the Editorial Board
2019/09 - now
SIJM - Sinergie Italian Journal of Management
Associate Editor
2015/3 - now
SIMA Società Italiana Management
Local Representative
2014/01 - 2018
IJM -Italian Journal of Management Springer Publishing (già Mercati & Competitività Franco Angeli)
Member of the Reviewer Staff
2013 - now
SIMA - Società Italiana Management
2009 - now
Reviewer for International Journal (Journal of Service Science, Marketing Theory, Journal of Marketing Management, TQM Journal, Managing Service Quality, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Theory) e conferenze internazionali (Cinet, Euram, Emac, Ama Servisig, Naples Forum, Quis, Frontiers, Reser, SIM, SIM)
2007 - now
SIM - Società Italiana Marketing
Best Selected Paper - Technology & Innovation Marketing Session- SIM Conference - Milan, 2020 September
“Ethics and artificial intelligence: new and old challenges. Focus on self-driving cars" with Ambra Altimari
Highly Commended Paper Award by Journal of Service Management -9th IRSSM Conference. Lubjana – Slovenja, 2018 July
“Technology as operant resources for the cultural heritage reconstruction experience” with F. Sfodera, I. Mingo, A. Mattiacci
Best Selected paper al XXVI Convegno annuale di Sinergie - Cassino, Novembre 2014
“Designing a collaborative business model for SMEs”, con A. Caridà, M. Melia
Outstanding Paper Award Winner -Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013
“Store experience and co-creation: the case of temporary shop", with T. Russo Spena, A. Caridà, M. Melia, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 40 issue 1, pp. 21-40
Publikationspreis 2013 - - Hochschule Luzern
“Asymmetric relationships in networked food innovation processes”, with P. Wolf, T. Russo Spena, P.Y. Kocher, British Food Journal (2012), Vol 114, Issue 5, pp. 702-727
Best Paper - Innovative Service Thinking Case Study Section - 22nd Service Conference and Workshop, Academy of Marketing & Westminister Service Sector Research Centre University of Westminister – London UK
“Service Logic in Innovation”, with C. Mele, T. Russo Spena
2019/05 - now
Management Degree - Università degli Studi di Catanzaro Magna Graecia
Bacherlor's Program Coordinator
2017/07 - 2020/09
Council of the Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Economia Sociologia - Università degli Studi di Catanzaro Magna Graecia
Member of the Department Council
2019/05 - now
Committee of Quality Assurance of the Education Offer - DIGES - Università degli Studi di Catanzaro Magna Graecia
2018/05 - now
Master Degree Program Complex Organizations - Università degli Studi di Catanzaro Magna Graecia
Quality Assurance Group
2017/01 - now
Counseling College and Placement Committee- Department of Law Economics Sociology - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
2013 - 2016
Erasmus LLP - Università degli Studi di Catanzaro Magna Graecia
Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree in Management
Superscienceme - La notte europea dei ricercatori Research is your (R)evolution
"L'impresa nel tempo" - video clip
Designer and maker
2020/03 - 2020/05
First student challenge - Interactive Lab for the competencies transfer. Partnership with DIEMMECOM
Project Manager
2020/03 - 2020/05
Il sistema FCCT - Confindustria Catanzaro
Entrepreneurial Education on Resilience and Strategizing for copying with Covid-19 emergence
Project Designer and Manager
Fondirigenti, Unindustria Calabria, Federmanager
Trend, competencies and eduction opportunities for innovation development
Key note speaker “Innovazione nel Marketing e Comunicazione di Impresa”
2019/03 - 2019/05
Ginno Workshop - DNA Lab
University College Contest for the development of a smart product for a local (sponsor)company.
Project Designer and Manager
2018/03 - 2018/05
Ginno Workshop - DNA Lab
University College Contest for the development of a new service for a local (sponsor)company.
Project Designer and Manager
CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS (as presenter, chair, discussant)
Research Center “Laboratorio di Storia Giuridica ed Economica”- Università degli Studi di Catanzaro Magna Graecia
Webinar Reti marittime, traffici commerciali e flussi turistici nel Mediterraneo tra età moderna e contemporanea
Invited speaker: Evoluzione e caratteri del business crocieristico (sec XX e XXI)
Festival of Sustainable Development- RUS - Università l'Orientale di Napoli - 2 0ttobre 2020
Conference "L'economia circolare: innovazione per la chiusura del cerchio"
Invited speaker
2019 - now
SIG Innovation & Technology Management - SIMA- Sinergie Convegno Annuale
International web conference - University after the emergency - Università Cà Foscari - Cà Foscari Challenge School - Adapt 15 giugno 2020
Invited Speaker: University of the future. The need for new business models.
CiNet - Practicing innovation in digital Ecosystem - Continuous Innovation Network 21st Conference -
Special track Value Co-creation in Digital Ecosystems : New Innovation Paths (3 days session)
Organizzatore e coordinatore
2011 - 2019
Naples Forum on Service
Sessions: value co-creation, technology and service innovation, resource integration
1998 - now
She attended many conferences and international workshops within renowned network (Euram, Eiasm, AHFE, Reser, ECKM, Emac, Naples Forum, Frontiers, AMA Servsig, Quis, Frontiers, Emac, Cinet) by presenting paper and having been awarded.
PUBLICATIONS (last 15 years)
Sfodera, F., Mingo, I., Mattiacci, A., & Colurcio, M., Night at the museum: technology enables visitor experiences. Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 38(1), 231-250.
Altimari A., Colurcio M., "Ethics and artificial intelligence: new and old challenges.Focus on self-driving cars"
Proceedings of the XVII Convegno Annuale SIM- ISBN978-88-943918-4-8
Caridà, A., Edvardsson, B., & Colurcio, M.. Conceptualizing resource integration as an embedded process: Matching, resourcing and valuing. Marketing Theory, 19(1), 65-84. (
Candi, M., Melia, M., & Colurcio, M.. Two birds with one stone: The quest for addressing both business goals and social needs with innovation. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(4), 1019-1033.
Colurcio, M., & Caridà, A.. Integrazione delle Risorse. Da concetto generico a costrutto di marketing. Pacini:Pisa.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., Russo Spena, T. R., & Kandampully, J.. Service innovation in emerging economies: an inclusive perspective. Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 37(3), 11-38.
Pastore, A., Carida, A., Colurcio, M., Edvardsson, B., & Melia, M.. Fueling Novel and Sustainable Service Ecosystems: The Orchestrating Role of the Engagement Platforms. In XXIX International RESER Conference “Services and the future of the workforces. gares Edita e imprime.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., Edvardsson, B., Melia, M., & Pastore, A.. Exploring The Role Of Service Platforms In Shaping New Service Ecosystems. In the 10th Year-Naples Forum on Service: Service Dominant Logic, Network & Systems Theory and Service Science. Integrating Three Perspectives for a new Service Agenda Youcanprint ISBN | 978-88-31622-19-6 55.
Carida, A., Colurcio, M., Edvardsson, B., & Pastore, A.. Engagement platforms and Service Ecosystem Emergence: A resource orchestrating perspective. In 10th International Research Symposium in Service Management-IRSSM (Vol. 10).
Colurcio M., Caridà A., Melia M., Pastore A.. From service platforms to platfirms: framing new service ecosystems for creating and capturing value”: Proceedings XV Convegno Annuale SIM P. ISBN 978-88-943918-2-4.
Sfodera F.,Mingo I., Colurcio M., Mattiacci A..Technology as operant resources for the cultural heritage reconstruction experience, in 9th IRSSM Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-961-240-342-3. (best paper).
Caridà A., Edvardsson B. , Pastore A., Colurcio M.. Technology Enabled Resource integration in Service Ecosystems” in 9th IRSSM Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-961-240-342-3.
Vargo, S. L., Koskela-Huotari, K., Baron, S., Edvardsson, B., Reynoso, J., & Colurcio, M.. A systems perspective on markets–Toward a research agenda. Journal of business research, 79, 260-268.
Colurcio, M., Caridà, A., & Edvardsson, B.. Conceptualizing Resource Integration to Advance Service Innovation. In Innovating in Practice (pp. 237-259). Springer, Cham.
Russo-Spena, T., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M.. Framing the New Social–Service Innovation Mindset. In Innovating in Practice (pp. 205-235). Springer, Cham.
Caridà, A., Melia, M., & Colurcio, M.. Business model design and value co-creation: looking for a new pattern. In Innovating in Practice (pp. 339-361). Springer, Cham.
Colurcio, M., & Melia, M.. Harmont & Blaine: A Successful Dachshund to Build the Values and Brand Identity. In Fashion Branding and Communication (pp. 41-72). Palgrave Pivot, New York.
Colurcio M.. Nuove dinamiche relazionali per la co–creazione di valore Il crowdsourcing. ROMA: Aracne, ISBN: 978-88-255-0335-7.
Colurcio, M., & Verre, A.. IoT as value co-creation enabler in B2B. A resource integration approach. In Value co-creation: management challenges for business and society. Proceedings Convegno Annuale SIMA- Sinergie CUEIM.
Carè, S., & Colurcio, M.. When the Community gets Smart. Looking at the IoT as value co-creation construct. In Toulon-Verona Conference" Excellence in Services" Proceedings.
Colurcio, M., Melia, M., Carè, S., & Verre, A.. Value co-creation in the IoT era. In 5th Naples Forum on Service. Book of abstracts. Youcanprint. ISBN: 978-88-92667-57-0.
Carè, S., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M.. Crowdsourcing a new collaboration form for value creation and resources integration. In 12th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD 2017)“Knowledge Management in the 21st Century: Resilience, Creativity and Co-creation”.
Colurcio M., De Nito E..Knowing and practices in a crowdfounding platform. In 12th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD 2017)“Knowledge Management in the 21st Century: Resilience, Creativity and Co-creation”.
Colurcio, M., & Verre, A.. Resource Integration and the Internet of Thing: A Synergetic Combination?. In 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2017. Published by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited Reading UK.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., Russo, S., & Kandampully, J.. Unloking the potential of technology for inclusive service innovation in emerging economies. In 5th Naples Forum on Service. Youcanprint.
Colurcio, M., & Carè, S.. Resource integration in the IoT era: focus on Smart Community. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Business, Law & Economics. ATINER's Conference Paper Series BLE2017-2230.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Kandampully, J.. The Role of Technology in Enabling Social Innovation in Emerging Economies” in Quis Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, June Porto, Portugal.
Kristensson, P., Parasuraman, A., McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Edvardsson, B., & Colurcio, M.. Linking service design to value creation and service research. Journal of Service Management, 27(1), 21-29.
Colurcio, M.. Creare valore con la folla in Colurcio, M., & Laudonio, (Eds). La folla e l'impresa. Un dialogo sulle dinamiche di co-creazione di valore e strumenti di finanziamento dell’impresa. . 167-197. BARI:Cacucci Editore, ISBN: 978-88-6611-527-4
Stampacchia, P., Colurcio, M., & Coppola, M.. Integrated value-in-use: looking for a new strategic orientation. Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 34(Sep-Dec), 159-175.
Colurcio, M., Carè, S., Caridà, A., & Melia, M.. Crowdsourcing: Looking for a Pattern. Journal of Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management, 1(1), 259-271.
Colurcio, M., & Laudonio, (Eds). La folla e l'impresa. Un dialogo sulle dinamiche di co-creazione di valore e strumenti di finanziamento dell’impresa. BARI:Cacucci Editore, ISBN: 978-88-6611-527-4
Colurcio, M., & Carè, S. . Co-Creating value design with the crowd: a crowdsourcing practice for the interior design sector. In Proceeding of International Conference Marketing Trends-Arts, Cultural and Creative Industries Symposium.
Carida, A., Melia, M., Care, S., & Colurcio, M.. Not just New Product Development: Mapping Trends and Effects of Crowdsourcing Practices. In 14th Annual International Conference on Marketing.
Candi, M., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M. 2016. Aligning Business Concerns and Social Concerns through Business Model Innovation. In ISPIM Innovation Forum.
Caridà, A., Russo Spena T., Colurcio, M., & Kandampully, J..Service Innovation in Emerging Economies” in Mele C., Russo Spena T. (Eds.) What's ahead in Service Research? New perspectives for Business and Society – 26th Annual Reser Conference,June, Naples, Italy..
Witell, L., Anderson, L., Brodie, R. J., Colurcio, M., Edvardsson, B., Kristensson, P., ... & Andreassen, T. W.. Exploring dualities of service innovation: implications for service research. Journal of Services Marketing.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M.. Designing a collaborative business model for SMEs. Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 33(Sep-Dec), 233-253.
Candi, M., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M. (2015). Service Business Models: Considering the Social Dimension. In R&D Management Conference 2015.
Colurcio, M., & DE CHIARA, A.. Sustainable Marketing. Handling the unknown. In Business Systems Laboratory. Third International Symposium. Advances in Business Management. Towards Systemic Approach.
Caridà, A., Edvardsson, B., & Colurcio, M.. Modes of resource integration driving value co-creation: An empirical investigation in virtual brand communities (VBCs).In Gummesson, E., Mele, C., Polese, F. (Eds.) Service Dominant Logic, Network and Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda.ISBN: 979-12-200-0486-2.
Colurcio M., Candi M., Melia M.. Wellbeing: a new dimension to address in business model. In Gummesson, E., Mele, C., Polese, F. (Eds.) Service Dominant Logic, Network and Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda.ISBN: 979-12-200-0486-2.
Caridà A., Russo Spena T., Macke J.,; Basso K.. ,Smart Service System and Smart cities: towards an ecosystem view”.In Gummesson, E., Mele, C., Polese, F. (Eds.) Service Dominant Logic, Network and Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda.ISBN: 979-12-200-0486-2.
Mele, C., Colurcio, M., & Russo-Spena, T.. Research traditions of innovation: Goods-dominant logic, the resource-based approach, and service-dominant logic.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M.. Rethinking and improving the health care service through interactive web technologies. In in E. Baglieri e U. Karmarkar, (Eds) Managing Consumer Services: Factory or Theater?, Springer International Publishing, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-04288-6; eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-04289-3
Stampacchia, P., & Colurcio, M.. La manifattura nelle imprese orientate al valore d'uso. In XXVI Convegno annuale di Sinergie" Manifattura: quale futuro?". Sinergie-CUEIM.
Colurcio, M., Edvardsson, B., & Caridà, A.. Resource integration in innovation processes: a literature review. Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering, 1(247), 259-271. AHFE International.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Melia M .. Interactive technologies to enhance collaborative practice for innovation. Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering, 1(247), 220-239.. AHFE International.
Colurcio, M., & Caridà, A.. Gli effetti cognitivi, comportamentali ed economici del viral marketing. Mercati e Competitività, 1, pp.85-101, 2014. ISSN 1826-7386; ISSNe 1972-4861
Melia M., Colurcio M., Caridà A.. In-store communication to improve the customer experience, International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, Vol. 3. Issue. 4, 2014. ISSN: 2160-9802, e-ISSN: 2160-9810.
Caridà A., Colurcio M.. Collaborative innovation in Food SMEs: a practice approach, Archives of Business research, Vol. 2, issue 4. ISSN 2054-7404.
Carida, A., Galvagno, M., & Colurcio, M.. Service Innovation Research: Looking for Definition and Boundaries. In 24th Annual RESER Conference, Helsinky - Finland (ISBN 978-951-38-7436-0.
Caridà, A., & Colurcio, M.. Collaborative practice for innovation in food industry. In International Marketing Trends Conference International Marketing Trends Conference, Venezia – Italy. ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.
Caridà, A., & Colurcio, M.. Viral Marketing Communication: just sales or more?. Business Systems Review, 2(1), 99-110.
Colurcio M., Russo Spena T.. Collaborative Innovation. A focus on Food SMES. chapter 28, in I. Muzzalupo (Eds), Food Industry, Intech (2013). ISBN 978-953-51-0911-2
Russo Spena, T. R., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M. . Storytelling e web communication. Mercati e competitività.Vol. 1, 2013. ISSN 1826-7386; ISSNe 1972-4861.
Melia, M., Colurcio, M., & Caridà, A.. La comunicazione in tempo di crisi: un’indagine sui migliori brand italiani. In X Convegno Annuale SIM? Smart life: dall'innovazione tecnologica al mercato. Milano – Italy. ISBN 978-88-907662-1-3.
Caridà, A., Melia, M., Colurcio, M.. Pratiche di co-creazione e di co-distruzione di valore. Focus sulle tecnologie web. In X Convegno Annuale SIM? Smart life: dall'innovazione tecnologica al mercato. Milano – Italy. ISBN 978-88-907662-1-3.
Colurcio, M., Tregua M.,. Users’ engagement e co-innovation: verso la definizione di una pratica. X Convegno Annuale della Società italiana Marketing (Simktg), 3 e 4 Ottobre. In X Convegno Annuale SIM? Smart life: dall'innovazione tecnologica al mercato. Milano – Italy. ISBN 978-88-907662-1-3.
Colurcio, M., Carida, A., & Bifulco, F.. Il valore del brand nella value proposition dei functional foods. X c Convegno Annuale della Società italiana Marketing (Simktg), 3 e 4 Ottobre. In X Convegno Annuale SIM? Smart life: dall'innovazione tecnologica al mercato. Milano – Italy. ISBN 978-88-907662-1-3.
Edvarsson, B., Colurcio, M., & Witell, L.(Eds). 1st Workshop on service innovation research. Aracne Editrice. Roma
Colurcio, M., Russo Spena, T., Caridà, A., & Melia, M. Innovation management: a bibliometric analysis of research traditions. In 1st Workshop on Service Innovation Research. Aracne Editrice: Roma.
Melia, M., Colurcio, M., & Caridà, A.. Value co-creation: a useful approach to cope with the crisis. In The 2013 Naples Forum on Service”, June– Ischia – Italy.Giannini Editore.ISBN 978-88-7431- 684-7
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M.. Interactive technologies and value co-creation: the Mayo Clinic experience. In The 2013 Naples Forum on Service”, June– Ischia – Italy.Giannini Editore.ISBN 978-88-7431- 684-7.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M.. Web practice to enhance value co-creation. Focus on healthcare context. In The 13th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS). CTF, Service Research Center, Karlstad University.
Melia, M., Caridà, A., & Colurcio, M.. The Virtual brand community’s design to enhance firm’s creativity: an italian case. In EMAC 2013 42nd Annual Conference. – Istanbul - Turkey ISBN 978-9944-380-10-2.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M. (2013). A practice approach to investigate value co-creation in the healthcare context.In EMAC 2013 42nd Annual Conference. – Istanbul - Turkey ISBN 978-9944-380-10-2.
Colurcio, M., Wolf, P., Kocher, P. Y., & Spena, T. R.. Asymmetric relationships in networked food innovation processes. British Food Journal. paper awarded by Hochschule of Luzern.
Russo Spena, T., Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M.. Store experience and co‐creation: the case of temporary shop. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. Outstanding Paper da Emerald Literati Excellence Award
Colurcio, M., Tregua, M., Melia, M., & Caridà, A. (2012). Social networks for outsourcing and developing a firm's creativity. In Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering (pp. 62-71). CRC Press.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M. (2012). Le nuove tecnologie e la co-creazione del valore in sanità. In IX Convegno Annuale" Marketing Internazionale ed Effetto Country of Origin". September, Benevento - Italy. ISBN 978-88- 907662-0-6.
Colurcio M., Tregua M., Caridà A., Melia M.. Social networks for outsourcing and developing a Firm’s creativity. Session management of ideas and creativity - 13th International CINet Conference, 16-18 settembre, 2012 – Roma – Italy. ISBN 978-90-77360-15-6.
Melia, M., Colurcio, M., & Caridà, A.. Looking for value in the new pharmaceutical network. AMA SERVSIG International Service Research Conference”, June – Helsinki - Finland. ISBN 978-952-232-170-1.
Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., & Melia, M..The web for value co-creation in Healthcare. AMA SERVSIG International Service Research Conference”, June – Helsinki - Finland. ISBN 978-952-232-170-1.
Melia, M., Caridà, A., & Colurcio, M.. Creating value through virtual brand communities. In 41th EMAC Conference Marketing to Citizens Going beyond Customers and Consumers. Poster session -Lisbon - Portogallo. ISBN 978-989-732-004-0.
Colurcio, M., Caridà, A., & Melia, M.. Viral marketing between communication and entertainment. In 40th EMAC Conference, Ljubliana - Slovenia may. ISBN 978-961-240- 211-2.
Colurcio, M., Melia, M.& Caridà, A.. Virtual Brand Communities for Resource Integration? In 40th EMAC Conference, Ljubliana - Slovenia may. ISBN 978-961-240- 211-2.
Russo Spena T., Melia M., Colurcio M., Caridà A., Storytelling and virtual space. The new frontiers of brand’s communication.In 40th EMAC Conference, Ljubliana - Slovenia may. ISBN 978-961-240- 211-2.
Colurcio, M., Melia, M., & Caridà, A.. Virtual brand communities to integrate resource and experience.Colurcio, M., Melia, M., & Caridà, A. (2011).
Colurcio, M., Melia, M., & Caridà, A.. Value co-creation and resource integration in Italian drugs distribution. In the 2011 Naples Forum on Service. Giannini EditoreISBN 13:978-88- 7431-525-3.
Russo Spena, T., Colurcio, M., Wolf, P., & Kocher, P. Y.. Enablers and barriers to innovation through network learning in food SMEs. In 12th International CINet Conference: Doing More with Less – Arhus – Denmark, September. ISBN 978-90-77360-14-2.
Melia, M., Caridà, A., & Colurcio, M. (2011). La comunicazione d’impresa in rete: le Virtual Brand Communities. In VIII Convegno Annuale Società Italiana Marketing.
Mele, C., Russo Spena, T. and Colurcio, M.. Co‐creating value innovation through resource integration, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 60-78.
Russo Spena, T., & Colurcio, M.. A cognitive-relational view of innovation in the agri-food industry: the fresh-cut business. International Journal of Innovation Management, 14(02), 307-329.
Caridà, A., Spena, T. R., Melia, M., & Colurcio, M.. Tempo e spazio per la value co-creation: il temporary shop, Mercati e Competitività, Vol. 3, 2010. ISSN 1826-7386; ISSNe 1972-4861.
Colurcio, M., Russo Spena, T., & Melia, M.. La Comunicazione interattiva tra narrazione e social network. In Proceedings VII convegno SIM-Società Italiana, September – Ancona – Italy.
Caridà A., Colurcio M., Il viral marketing tra comunicazione ed intrattenimento ”. In Proceedings del VII Convegno Annuale della SIM-Società Italiana Marketing, September – Ancona – Italy.
Melia, M., Colurcio, M., Carida, A., & Russo Spena, T.. “Value co-creation and experience in drugs distribution: The Coop Health Corner”. In 39th EMAC Conference – Copenhagen – Denmark, June, ISBN 978-87- 92569-01-1.
Caridà, A., Russo Spena, T., Melia, M., & Colurcio, M.. 39th EMAC Conference – Copenhagen – Denmark, June, ISBN 978-87- 92569-01-1.
Colurcio, M., Melia, M., Caridà, A., & Tregua, M. (2010). Packaging and experiential benefits. The case of probiotic drinks. In 39th EMAC Conference – Copenhagen – Denmark, June, ISBN 978-87- 92569-01-1.
Colurcio, M., & Brognieri, W.. Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation: exploring the relationship. In 10th EURAM Conference “Back To The Future”. May, Rome, Italy.
Colurcio, M.. Asymmetric business relationships and interaction capabilities: an exploratory study. Sinergie, Quaderno, (16), 109-128.
Colurcio, M., & Mele, C.. Percorsi di configurazione e modelli di business: Harmont & Blaine. In Varaldo R., Dalli D., Resciniti R., Tunisini A., (Eds) Un tesoro emergente. Le medie imprese italiane dell’era globale, Franco Angeli: Milano
Colurcio, M.. TQM: a knowledge enabler?. The TQM Journal, Vol.21, Issue 3, 2009.
Mele, C., Colurcio, M., & Russo Spena, T.. Alternative logics for innovation: a call for service innovation research. In Proceedings of the Naples Service Forum– June -Capri -Italy ISBN 978-88-7431-452-2.
Mele, C., Colurcio, M., & Russo Spena, T.. Co-create Value Innovation through Resource Integration Process. In Proceedings of the Naples Service Forum– June -Capri -Italy ISBN 978-88-7431-452-2.
Colurcio, M., & Russo Spena, T.. Conoscenza e innovazione quali driver di crescita aziendale in un settore tradizionale: il caso Rago” . Finanza, Marketing & Produzione, Vol . 4, 2008.
Colurcio, M., & Mele, C.. Il Quality Management per il talento e la creatività. Mercati e competitività.Vol. 2, Issue 28, pp. 17 - 44.
Mele C., Colurcio M., Russo Spena T.. Service- dominant Logic as a Framework for innovation within networks”. In the 22nd Service Conference and Workshop Proceedings – London– UK. Best paper
Colurcio, M., & Russo Spena, T.. A Cognitive-Relational View of Innovation in the Agrifood Industry: The Fresh Cuts Business. In 9th CiNET Conference Radical Challenges in Innovation Management September - Valencia - Spain.
Colurcio, M., & Russo Spena, T.. Fresh cut: consumer behaviour and trends. Paper presentato alla Poster Session In 37th EMAC Conference Marketing Landscapes: A Pause for Thought"., 37th EMAC Conference, May Brighton - UK.
Stampacchia, P., Colurcio, M., & Russo Spena, T.. Preferenze, profili e tendenze del consumo dei prodotti di IV gamma. In Proceedings dell'International Congress “Marketing Trends, January, Venezia - Italy.
Stampacchia, P., Colurcio, M., & Russo Spena, T.. L'impiego dei dati di Customer Satisfaction nei processi di governo delle imprese.De Qualitate - Novembre I parte.
Stampacchia, P., Colurcio, M., & Russo Spena, T.. L'impiego dei dati di Customer Satisfaction nei processi di governo delle imprese.De Qualitate - Dicembre II parte.
Colurcio, M., & Mele, C.. Quality Management: Un Percorso Per La Gestione Del Talento E Della Creatività. Qualitate - Novembre.
Colurcio, M., & Russo Spena, T.. Conoscenza ed innovazione: driver di crescita aziendale in un settore tradizionale. Il caso Rago Group. In LA CRESCITA AZIENDALE-CONVEGNO AIDEA GIOVANI.
Mele, C., & Colurcio, M.. The evolving path of TQM: towards business excellence and stakeholder value. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.Vol. 23.
Colurcio, M., & Mele, C. (2005). Management della qualita'. Principi, pratiche e tecniche. The McGraw-Hill Companies. pp. 1-268, ISBN: 88-386-6336-X.
Colurcio, M.. La generazione delle idee, in P. Stampacchia, F. Bifulco (Eds), I percorsi di innovazione delle imprese, Giappichelli, Torino. p. 73-110.
Colurcio, M.. La definizione del concept, in P. Stampacchia,F. Bifulco (Eds), I percorsi di innovazione delle imprese, Giappichelli, Torino. p. 143-170.