PhD student (Joint PhD Programme St Andrews - Sapienza Università di Roma) working on Agathias' Histories under the supervision of Prof. Gianfranco Agosti and Prof. Jason König. Title of the thesis: Titolo della tesi: "Reassessing Agathias. Early Byzantine historiography beyond Procopius".
September 2019 – Present
PhD in Classics/Filologia, Letterature e Storia del Mondo Antico
Joint PhD Programme University of Saint Andrews – Università di Roma La Sapienza
April – June 2019
Course of Higher Education (9 CFU) «La Tarda Antichità: Metodologie della ricerca»
Università di Roma La Sapienza
October 2016 – January 2019
Master’s degree in Classics 110/110 cum laude
Università di Roma La Sapienza
Final dissertation’s title: «Studi sulle Storie di Agazia»; supervisor Prof. Gianfranco Agosti; co-supervisor Prof. Pietro Vannicelli
October 2012 – January 2016
Bachelor’s degree in Classics 110/110 cum laude
Università di Roma La Sapienza
Final dissertation’s title: «De Clementia: la virtù, la parola, il potere»; supervisor Prof. Giuseppe La Bua
September 2007 – July 2012
High School Diploma 100/100
Liceo Classico Carducci-Ricasoli, Grosseto
16-20 September 2019
Summer School in Translation and its Theories (scholarship holder)
Dipartimento d’Eccellenza di Scienze Umane, Università degli Studi de L’Aquila
24-28 June 2019
International Itinerant Palaeographic School in Naples/Florence (scholarship holder)
Collège de France - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
15 September – 15 December 2018
Research stay in Paris at the Bibliothèque Byzantine, Collège de France (scholarship holder)
Università di Roma La Sapienza “Borsa di studio per tesi all’estero”
2-13 July 2018
Summer School in Byzantine Studies in Thessaloniki/Kastoria (scholarship holder)
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
17 September-27 November 2020
GK1001 (Greek for Beginners)
20 hours
University of St Andrews
8-9 November 2019
"From Athens to Ctesiphon: Intellectual Migrations in Agathias’ Histories"
Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity
17 April 2020
"Agathias: Remarks on the Histories and their language"
School of Classics – St Andrews Postgraduate Seminars
2 October 2020
“As an immature cluster of grapes”: A possible iconographic explanation for a late antique inscription (SEG 58.1777)
School of Classics – St Andrews Postgraduate Seminars
18-19 March 2021
"Looking (in vain) for the mythistoricus: Agathias' pragmatic historiography"
Classics W.I.P. - A Conference, School of Classics, St Andrews
24-25 June 2021
"Literary self-criticism in Agathias’ Histories"
Panel 12 "Literary criticism in ancient historiography", Conference in Classics & Ancient History, Coimbra
7 March 2020
Volunteer at the stand of the School of Classics – Science Discovery Day, University of St Andrews
June 2020
“Lockdown Video Project” – University of St Andrews
August 2020
Three videos on Byzantium and the Byzantine World in the Ask Me Anything Video Series Project, University of St Andrews Public Engagement, (Videos editing: Calum McAndrews)
27 October 2020
Research sharing video for the Scottish Research Showcase
Italian: native speaker, English: C1/C2, French: B2/C1, Portuguese: B2
Spanish: excellent reading, Modern Greek: good reading, German: basic reading