PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII

advisor: Prof.ssa Maria Chiara Giorda
co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Alessandra Vitullo

Research: Young Third-generation Muslims in Rome: between social representation and social recognition

She got her Master’s degree in Foreign Modern Languages and Literatures following a dissertation on the figure of Odysseus at Sapienza University of Rome and her Master’s degree in Primary Education Science with a final thesis on Psychology on learning strategies and shame at Roma Tre University, where she also received the post-graduate qualification in Teaching Degree of English as Foreign Language in the upper and lower secondary school. After having passed a Ministry of Education public
selection, she became a tenured English teacher in an upper secondary school in Rome. During her time at school she took part in Erasmus+ projects and coordinated learning programmes for the certification for foreign languages.
She is currently a PhD student in "History and Cultures of Europe" at the Faculty of Humanities of Sapienza University of Rome and a subject expert in History of religions at the Department of Humanities Roma Tre University. She is a member of the editorial staff of EREnews, European Religious Education newsletter.
She recently deepened her interest in the evolution of the socio-ethnic-religious context in Italy, focusing on the Muslim community. Her research project investigates young Muslims attending Italian universities.

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