Giovanna Gianturco

Full professor

phone: 0649918445
building: Via Salaria 113
room: B04

PO (S.S.D. SPS/07 - General Sociology; S.C. 14/C1) - Department of Communication and Social Research, Faculty of Political Science, Sociology and Communication

The scientific-didactic experience has always been oriented both on some topics of sociological theory (social change, migration processes, sociology of sports, sociology of family and education) and on research methodology, with particular reference to the use of the qualitative approach. These interests are documented by publications, research and participation in conferences (national and international) as a speaker or discussant since 1993, as well as by teaching activity (national and international) carried out continuously since 1997.

Research products

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma