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                                                        GIUSEPPE PEZZINI CV

Nationality: Italian/British      Date of Birth: 24th July 1984
Mail address:  School of Classics, Swallowgate, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9BA, UK


September 2016 - Lecturer in Latin, School of Classics, University of St Andrews

Jan. 2016 - Jun. 2016 Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, Princeton: Member
Oct. 2013 - Aug. 2016 Magdalen College, Oxford: Fellow by Examination (Junior Research Fellow)
Oct. 2008 - Aug. 2016 Magdalen, St Anne's, Corpus Christi, St Hilda’s, Merton, Jesus College Oxford:
Tutor and Lecturer of Latin and Greek Language and Literature (see below)                          
Oct. 2011 - Feb. 2014  Oxford Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources: Assistant Editor
Jan. 2013 - Sep. 2013  University of Reading, Department of Classics: Early Career Fellow
Oct. 2012 - Jun. 2013  Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford: Lecturer in Classics
Jan. 2012 - Dec. 2012  d’Overbroeck’s Sixth Form College, Oxford: Teacher of Italian
Mar. 2010 - Sep. 2011 Oxford Dictionary of Medieval Latin: Editorial Assistant
Oct. 2009 - Mar. 2010 University of Oxford, Faculty of Classics: Language Instructor


Oct. 2008 - Mar. 2012 University of Oxford, St Anne’s College (UK) 
    D.Phil. in Classical Languages and Literature (awarded without corrections)
Oct. 2003 - Dec. 2009 Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy)
    Diploma di Licenza in Filologia Classica 110/110 cum laude (BA & MA)
Oct. 2006 - July 2008 Università di Pisa (Italy)
   MA: Laurea Magistrale in Scienze dell' Antichità 110/110 cum laude
Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2006 Università di Pisa (Italy)
   BA: Laurea Triennale in Lettere 110/110 cum laude


1. Pezzini, G. (2015) Terence and the Verb ‘To be’ in Latin (Oxford: OUP) [Reviews by T. Morgan Times Literary Supplement 27/04/2016, L. Rigobianco BMCR 2016.08.42, E. Malaspina Ciceroniana online 1.210–12, V. Kella Classical Review 67.387–9, W. De Melo Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 144: 431–5, H. Halla-aho Latomus 76: 881–3]
2. Pezzini G. and Sabetti, F. (forthcoming 2019), Gasparo Contarini, The Government and Republic of Venice: Translation and Linguistic notes (Toronto University Press).

Edited volumes
3. Pezzini, G., Adams, J., and Chahoud, A., (forthcoming 2020) A Critical Guide to Early Latin Language (Cambridge: CUP)
4. Pezzini, G. and Taylor, B. (June 2019, in press), Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World. (Cambridge: CUP)
5. Pezzini, G. and Rebeggiani, S. (2013), (edd.) Classics Scholars: between Theory and Practice,  Appunti Romani di Filologia XIV (Pisa-Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore)
6. Pezzini, G., Ashdowne, R., Korn, K., Sneddon, S., Thakkar, M. and White, C. (2013) Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, fascicule XVII: syrina-Z (Oxford: OUP)
7. Pezzini, G., Ashdowne, R., Howlett D., Korn, K., Sneddon, S., Thakkar, M. and White, C. (2013) Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, fascicule XVI: solvere-syricum (Oxford: OUP)
8. Pezzini, G., Ashdowne, R., Howlett D., Korn, K., Sneddon, S., Thakkar, M. and White, C. (2012) Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, fascicule XV: salvator-solvere (Oxford: OUP)

Articles and chapters in edited volumes
9. Pezzini, G., ‘Terence and the speculum uitae: Realism and (Roman) Comedy’ [under revision with Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 20.000 words]
10. Pezzini, G., and De Melo, W. D. C., ‘Early Latin Metre’ in Adams, Chahoud and Pezzini forthcoming 2020 [9500 words]
11. Pezzini, G., ‘Early Latin Lexicon in Roman comedy?’ in Adams, Chahoud and Pezzini forthcoming 2020 [9000 words]
12. Pezzini, G. (forthcoming 2019), ‘Comic Proxiness’ in Geue, T. and Giusti, E. Unspoken Rome: Absence in Latin Literature and its Reception [under revision with Cambridge University Press, 8000 words]
13. Pezzini, G. (forthcoming 2019) ‘Donatus’ Commentum Terentii and its prefatory material’ and ‘Scholia Bembina, Eugraphius, and other Latin antique scholarship on Terence’ in Stover, D. The Oxford Guide to the Transmission of the Latin Classics (Oxford: OUP). [5500 words]
14. Pezzini, G. (forthcoming 2019), ‘Orthography’, in De Melo, W.D.C. and Scullion, S. The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Latin Textual Criticism (Oxford: OUP). [8500 words]
15. Pezzini, G. (2018) ‘Lucilius and the Language of the Roman palliata’ in Breed, B.W., Wallace R., and Keitel, E. (edd.) Lucilius and Satire in Second-Century BC Rome (Cambridge: CUP): 162–83.
16. Pezzini, G. (2018) ‘Caesar the Linguist: The Debate about the Latin Language’ in C.B. Krebs and L. Grillo (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Writings of Julius Caesar (Cambridge: CUP): 173–92.
17. Pezzini, G. (2016), ‘Comic Lexicon: Searching for Submerged Latin from Plautus to Erasmus’ in Adams, J.N. and Vincent, N. (edd.) Continuities between Early and Late Latin (Cambridge: CUP): 14–46.
18. Pezzini, G. (2015), Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 362 (440): Terentius Comoediae, Hymnus (
19. Pezzini, G. & Gili, L. (2015) ‘Aristotle’s Comparative Logic: a Modest Proposal’ Classical Quarterly 65, pp. 559–571.
20. Pezzini, G. (2015) ‘Consonance of -s and Asyndetic Accumulation in Latin Poetry’ Mnemosyne 68, pp. 987–1001.
21. Pezzini, G., (2013), ‘Amedeo Peyron: umanesimo e filologia nella Torino di primo Ottocento’ in Pezzini & Rebeggiani 2013: 77-87.
22. Pezzini, G., (2013), ‘Leo Tuscus: Trascriptions from Oxford Digby 103 ff. 59r – 63v’, in A. Camozzi, ‘The Oneirocriticon of Achmet in the West - A Contribution Towards an Edition of Leo Tuscus’ Translation’, Studi Medievali 55: 29–40.
23. Pezzini, G. (2011) ‘Contraction of est in Latin’ Transactions of the Philological Society 109: 327–343.

24. Pezzini, G. (forthcoming 2019), Review of Spangenberg Yanes, E. (2017) Prisciani Caesariensis Ars Liber XVIII, Pars altera. 2. Commento (Hildesheim: Weidmann)
25. Pezzini, G. (forthcoming 2019), Review of Cioffi, C. (2017) Aeli Donati quod fertur commentum ad Andriam Terenti (Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter) and Cioffi, C. (2018) Prolegomena a Donato, "Commentum ad Andriam" (Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter), Gnomon.
26. Pezzini, G. (2018), Review of San Juan Manso, E. (2015) El Commentum Monacense a Terencio (Vitoria-Gasteiz: EHU Press), Latomus: 298–301.
27. Pezzini, G. (2018), Review of Sen, R. (2015) Syllable and Segment in Latin (Oxford: OUP), Classical Philology 113: 92–7.
28. Pezzini, G. (2017), Review of Feeney, D. (2016) Beyond Greek: The Beginnings of Latin Literature (Cambrigde, Ma.: Harvard University Press), Classical Review 67: 59–61.
29. Pezzini, G. (2014), Review of Moore, T. J. (2012) Music in Roman Comedy (Cambridge: CUP), Classical World 108: 129–130.
30. Pezzini, G., (2013), Review of Cavazza, D. (2011) [Maximi Victorini] Commentarium de ratione metrorum (Hildesheim: Weidmann), Gnomon 85: 324-328.

31. Pezzini, G. (2018), ‘Imparare Latino dai Romani’ Review of E. Dickey, Learn Latin from the Romans (Cambridge 2018), Il sole 24 Ore 11 November 2018.
32. Pezzini, G. (2018), ‘The Authors of Middle Earth: Tolkien and the Mystery of Literary Creation’, The Journal of Inklings Studies 8.31–64.
33. Pezzini, G. (2018), ‘Distruggere, un atto estetico?’ Review of C. Chryssòpulos, Il bombarolo del Partenone (Trieste 2017), Il Sole 24 Ore 18 March 2018.
34. Pezzini, G. and Davison, A. (2016) ‘In the word is the beginning’, Church Times 24 March 2016.
35. Pezzini, G. (2015), Oscar Wilde, Il Principe Felice, illustrations by Brad Holland, preface by Rowan Williams (Milan: Nuages).
36. Pezzini, G. (2011), La certezza di Newman: coscienza e realtà, preface by Ian Ker (Milan: Piccolacasaeditrice).
37. Pezzini, G. (2008), ‘Simenon e Camilleri: un caso di degradazione letteraria’, Syntaxis 2: 1–83.


1. Pezzini, G., Terence Heautontimorumenos. Introduction, Text and Commentary Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries (Cambridge; CUP) [under contract]
2. Pezzini, G. Lucrezio, De Rerum Natura Libro Quarto, Introduzione, traduzione e commento (Milano; Lorenzo Valla) [commissioned]
3. Pezzini, G., Rebeggiani, S., Nelson, T., Pergamon and Rome: Culture, Identity, Influence [proposal currently under review with OUP]
4. Pezzini, G., Newman B., and Saetveit Mills, L. Richard Methley: Works [proposal currently under review with Cistercian Publications]
5. Pezzini, G., ‘Pontem interrumpere: Plautus’ Casina and absence in Roman comedy’ [13600 words, under revision]
6. Pezzini G., ‘“Pergamene aesthetics” in Roman Republican literature’ [in preparation for Pezzini, Rebeggiani and Nelson]
7. Commento a Terenzio, Heautontimorumenos 53-212: BA dissertation (Università di Pisa)
8. Commento a Terenzio, Heautontimorumenos 213-511: MA dissertation (Università di Pisa)
9. Due Manoscritti Medioevali di Virgilio: Par. Lat. 7925 e Ox. Auct. F.2.8:
Dissertation for the Diploma di Licenza of the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS).

1. ‘Word-formation in Plautus: between ‘real’ and ‘comic’ Latin’, 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (17–21 June 2019)
2. ‘Terence in Molière’, University of Reunion Island (28 May 2019)
3. ‘adeo saplutus: informalità letteraria nella Cena Trimalchionis’, Università di Firenze (23 November 2018)
4. ‘The Lords of the West: Tolkien and the Poetics of Cloaking’, ITIA Research Seminar, University of St Andrews (12 October 2018).
5. ‘Terence and the speculum vitae: Comedy and Realism’
University of Oxford (5 March 2015), Università di Roma La Sapienza (17 November 2015), CUNY Graduate Centre (26 February 2016), Bryn Mawr College (18 March 2016), University of Edinburgh (8 February 2017), University of St Andrews (3 November 2017), University of Southern California (27 March 2018)
6. ‘The Prologue of Heauton Timorumenos’, William & Mary College, Virginia (21 March 2018).
7. ‘The Authors of Middle Earth: Tolkien and the Mystery of Literary Creation’, ITIA Research Seminar, University of St Andrews (29 September 2017).
8. ‘Pontem interrumpere: missing characters and other absences in Roman comedy’
Keynote at the conference ‘Unspeaking Volumes’, University of St Andrews (29 June 2017)
9. ‘Contractions and the verb ‘to be’ in Latin’: literary and philosophical aspects’
University of California Berkeley (5 February 2015), Università di Torino (23 December 2015), Università di Roma La Sapienza (18 June 2018)
10. ‘Vis Grammatica: Caesar’s ‘political linguistics’ at the end of the Republic’
Trinity College Dublin (14 March 2013), Classical Association Conference (5 April 2013)
11. ‘Inerudita adhuc novitas: a reassessment of the status of final -s in Latin’
Romance Linguistics Seminar, University of Cambridge (3 January 2013)
12. ‘Latin clitics and Latin word order’
University of Cambridge (23 May 2012)
13. ‘Non recte uinctust: contraction in Terence’
University of Reading (2 May 2012), Università di Roma La Sapienza (8 October 2012)
14. ‘Marius Victorinus and the Latin orthographic theories: from Verrius Flaccus to Bede’
American Philological Association Annual Meeting (6 January 2012), Philadelphia
15. ‘The metre of Terence’ 
Classical Association Annual Conference (17 April 2011), University of Durham
16. ‘Augustine and the Roman Narrative of Decline’
Classics Professorial Seminar, University of Oxford (15 June 2009)


30/04 and 01/05/2019 Plautus’ Menaechmi: The Byre Theatre, St Andrews (producer)
19/03/2019 Liceo Classico Giovanni XXIII, Marsala (Italy): La vis comica di Terenzio: il realismo sulla scena
09/11/2018 XV Simposio Docenti Universitari (Rome): Inclusioni ed eccellenza. L’università come promozione
13/01/2018 Fondazione Grossman, Milano (Italy): I classici nel mondo: la sfida dell’inutilità
20/12/2017 Liceo Sacro Cuore, Milano (Italy): La malattia d’amore e il desiderio d’infinito in Lucrezio
15/10/2016 Liceo Classico Vittorio Alfieri, Torino (Italy): L’indispensabile inutilità: I classici e la ricerca nel mondo postmoderno
15/10/2016 Liceo Scientifico Copernico, Torino (Italy): Sesso e religione in Lucrezio
02/11/2016 Stewart’s Melville College, Edinburgh: Catullus’ contradiction, Unity and Diversity in the libellus


Postgraduate Supervision
Women in the Comoedia Togata (PHD St Andrews, 2017–), ‘Cicero and Stoic epistemology’ (Mlitt St Andrews 2018/2018), Word order in Lucilius (Mlitt St Andrews 2016/2017), Ekphrasis in the Alexandreis of Walter of Châtillon (Oxford 2015), Justin’s Epitome and the classical tradition (Oxford 2015), Madness in Greek Tragedy (Oxford 2010).
University of St Andrews (2016-2019)
Sub-honours (years 1–2, 25–90 stud.): Catullus (LT1003, CL2004), Virgil (CL1005, LT1004), Latin grammar (LT1001), Romam Popular Literature (LT1003)
Honours (years 3–4, 10–15 stud.): Roman comedy (LT 4207), The Tools of the Classicist (Linguistics, textual criticism, philology) (LT4221) Latin Didactic Poetry (LT4210), Latin reading comprehension (LT4000–4989), Dissertation supervisions (on ‘Livy’s narratology’, ‘Republican Orators’, ‘Catullus and comedy’, ‘Heauton Timorumenos, Act III’).
Masters Classes: Textual Criticism, Performance, Latin comic metre, Non-Standard and informal Latin.
University of Oxford and Reading (2008-2015)
Lectures and seminars: The Language of Plautus (Oxford), Imperial and Late Latin (Oxford), Latin and Greek Metre (Oxford), The Greek Tradition in Roman Literature (Reading)
Tutorials (1–5 students): Virgil Aeneid, Tacitus and Tiberius, Texts and Contexts, Latin Core, Greek and Latin Comedy, Cicero the Orator, Greek Tragedy, Philology and Historical Linguistics (Oxford)
Language classes (1–15 students): Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Latin, Latin Prose Composition, Latin Verse Composition, Beginner and Advanced Greek (Oxford and Reading)
Reading classes (5–10 students): Tacitus, Agricola, Vergil, Aeneid, Seneca's Epistulae, Cicero's Pro Caelio, Aeschylus' Agamemnon, Catullus and Propertius (Oxford and Reading).


(4 March 2019, St Andrews), with Gianfranco Agosti (La Sapienza), workshop on ‘Epigraphy and Literature in Late Antiquity’; 8 speakers from 5 countries, including Peter Kruschwitz (Reading), Jason Moralee (UMass Amherst).

(10–11 July 2018, St Andrews), with James Adams (Oxford) and Anna Chahoud (TCD), international conference on ‘What is Early Latin?’; 15 speakers from 8 different countries, including Cynthia Damon (UPenn), Neil O’Sullivan (Western Australia), Olga Spevak (Toulouse), Jarrett Welsh (Toronto), Wolfgang De Melo (Oxford), Brent Vine (UCLA).

(1 March 2018, St Andrews), workshop on ‘Pergamene culture in Republican Rome’; 7 speakers from 3 different countries, including Maria Broggiato (La Sapienza), Andrea Balbo (Turin), Myrto Hatzimichali (Cambridge).

(17-18 April 2015, Oxford), with Barnaby Taylor (Exeter College, Oxford), conference ‘Duce Natura:
Linguistic Naturalism in the late Roman Republic’; 11 speakers from 6 different countries, including Jim Zetzel (Columbia), Tobias Reinhardt (Oxford), David Blank (UCLA), Alexander Verlinsky (St Petersburg).

(12-14 December 2013, Oxford), with R. Ashdowne, S. Sneddon, M. Thakkar and C. White (DMLBS), conference on ‘Latin in Medieval Britain: Sources, Language, and Lexicography’. Speakers included Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute), Mary Garrison (York), Andy Orchard (Oxford), and Richard Sharpe (Oxford).

(30 June 2011, Turin) with Stefano Rebeggiani (USC), graduate conference on ‘Classics Scholars: their Work and Methods’. Keynote speaker: Alessandro Schiesaro (Roma La Sapienza).


Member of the Governing Body of Magdalen College, Oxford (2013–2016)
Interviewer in the Admissions Process to the University of Oxford (2014)
Honour Advisor (St Andrews, January 2018–)
Member of the International Baccalaureate Academic Board (St Andrews 2017/18)
Promoter and Director of Joint PHD St Andrews – Rome La Sapienza (St Andrews July 2018–)
Member of the Research Committee (St Andrews 2018/2019)
Member of the Research Data Management Advisory Group (St Andrews 2018/2019)
Disabilities Officer (St Andrews 2017/18)
Dissertations Co-ordinator (St Andrews 2017/18)
Member of the Postgraduate Committee (St Andrews 2016/17, 2017/18)
Academic Misconduct Officer (Sst Andrews 2016/2017)


Founder and Director of the Centre for the Public Understanding of Greek and Roman Drama
Referee for Cambridge University Press, Transactions of the Philological Society, Philologus, Classical Philology, Classical Quarterly, Classical Journal, Journal of Inklings Studies
Member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland since August 2018.
Member of Reprise, Register of Expert Peer-Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation (PRIN), assessing research projects on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) (since May 2018)
Assessor for the Government of Ireland (GOI) Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (since March 2017)
External Member of the Collegio di Dottorato in Filologia e Storia del Mondo Antico, Università La Sapienza
(since October 2017)
Member of the OCR Classics Consultative Forum (since October 2016)
Reviewer for VQR ANVUR 2011–2014 (system for assessing the quality of research in Italian universities)
Member of the Philological Society, Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron
Developer of Metron (at, software for the scansion and digitisation of Latin metre.
Collaborator of the project Manuscripta Vergiliana, online database of manuscripts of Virgil (SNS) 
Organiser of Latin pre-sessional courses for first year students (University of Pisa, 2006-2008)
Student representative in the Faculty Student Council (University of Pisa 2004–2008)


St Andrews Research Fund (in support of the conference ‘Pergamene Culture’ and ‘What is Early Latin?’)
John Fell Fund, Oxford University Press (in support of the conference ‘Duce Natura’, see above)
Scaliger Fellowship, Leiden University Library (2015)
Fondazione Goria Asti – Fondazione CRT Torino: Master dei Talenti (2010-2011)
St. Anne's College Graduate Research Scholarship (2008-2011)
Oxford Classics Faculty Graduate Studentship (2008-2011)
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship (2009-2010)


Windows and Mac OS operating systems; Microsoft Office (including macros and formulas); software and databases related to Classics (e.g. Diogenes, TLG, ThLL, Brepolis, SNS Latin and Greek); Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere and other Cutting Software; IWeb, Wordpress and other software; XML editors (Oxygen), PHP programming. 


17 April 2016 – La Stampa, p. 1 ‘Il professore che riscrive la grammatical latina’ by Cristina Insalaco.

9 December 2013 – The Times, p. 13 ‘A labour of Latin love: dictionary that took 100 years to complete’

11 December 2013 – Die Welt ‘100 Jahre für ein Wörterbuch? Das ist gar nichts’

Complete list:


17 April 2016 – La Stampa, p. 1 ‘Il professore che riscrive la grammatical latina’ by Cristina Insalaco.

9 December 2013 – The Times, p. 13 ‘A labour of Latin love: dictionary that took 100 years to complete’

9 December 2013 – The Guardian ‘Dictionary completed after a century in preparation’

11 December 2013 – Die Welt ‘100 Jahre für ein Wörterbuch? Das ist gar nichts’

Complete list:

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