Research: A New Edition of Sophocles' Inachus
I was born in Pisa on July 21st 1997.
In 2016, I obtained my high school diploma with honors at the "G. Galilei" Classical High School in Pisa. In the same year, I was admitted to the Scuola Normale Superiore and I enrolled in the Bachelor's degree programme in Literature at the University of Pisa.
In 2019 I completed my Bachelor's degree in Ancient Literature at the University of Pisa, achieving the highest marks and honors.
In 2023 I obtained my Master's degree in Philology and History of Antiquity at the University of Pisa, with a thesis titled "La tradizione diretta dell'Inaco di Sofocle" (supervisor Prof. E. Medda, co-supervisor Prof. L. Carrara), achieving the highest marks and honors.
In 2023 I obtained the diploma in Ancient History and Classical Philology at the Scuola Normale Superiore, with the highest marks and honors.
In 2023 I was admitted to the doctoral programme in Philology and History of the Ancient World at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
My primary research area is classical Greek drama in all its (sub)genres: tragedy, comedy, and satyr drama.
I am the author of the following publications:
- "L'ingresso del coro negli Ichneutai di Sofocle e in due commedie di Aristofane: un modulo comico-satiresco?", Maia 74 (2/2022), pp. 256-271.