
The international PhD programme of Germanic and Slavic Studies is a joint double degree course founded in consortium by Sapienza University of Rome and Charles University in Prague (

The disciplinary field in which the course is located includes studies of Germanic and Slavic cultures, languages and literatures, from the earliest monuments of these languages and cultures to contemporary times.

Admission to the programme follows an open selection held at one of the two partner universities, on separate calls for applications.

Prominent among the proposed lines of research are philological, linguistic and literary research, in the thematic, figurative, formal, linguistic, rhetorical and didactic fields; the field of Central European studies, based on a literary-historical and cultural-historical principle, from the medieval tradition from which the literatures and cultures of the various languages of the Holy Germanic Empire tradition proceed to the present day; cultural and intercultural studies, with the interchanges of codes, paradigms, interpretative models in the Germanic and Slavic area and in contact with external areas, from an interdisciplinary perspective. Linguistic research involves metalinguistic analysis of the languages of the Germanic and Slavic groups; the study of translation, in its multiple articulations and in multimedia applications, may also be explored.

Lectures and seminars are held mainly in English or in the language of specialization of PhD students, especially since the second year of the programme, when they are attended for at least one semester at the partner university.
At Charles University specialistic (germanistic or slavistic) competences are deepened in dedicated seminars.
PhD students spend at least 12 months abroad; mobility is supported through Erasmus+ and other agreements with universities and research institutions in Central and Eastern Europe.

The final dissertation is written in English or the PhD student's language of specialization, supervised by a supervisor at the admission university and a supervisor at the partner university.
The aim of the international doctoral course in Germanic and Slavic Studies is to train researchers with a deep expertise in Germanic studies or Slavic studies and a solid comparative competence, taking into account the many intersections between Slavic and continental Germanic cultures in Europe; researchers with a solid specialized competence, able to fit profitably into both the Central European and Italian research contexts. The PhD project, conceived in 2018 taking into account the creation in Italy of the macro-sector 10M, comprising Germanic and Slavic disciplines, has demonstrated solid conceptual foundations and excellent training potential.

The Germanic Studies curriculum aims to foster the acquisition of critical tools and specialized research skills in the field of cultures, languages, texts and literary works in one or more Germanic languages (German in its variants, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, Afrikaans). The literatures, languages and cultures of Germanic languages are studied in depth individually, and at the same time in the broader context of the Germanic and Slavic area from a comparative perspective.

The Slavic Studies curriculum aims to foster the acquisition of critical tools and specialized research skills in the area of Slavic cultures, languages, texts and literary works in one or more Slavic languages (Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian [BCMS], Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian; as far as the early and middle phase is concerned, Slavic-Ecclesiastic). The literatures, languages and cultures of Slavic languages are studied in depth individually, and at the same time in the broader context of the Germanic and Slavic area, from a comparative perspective.


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