Fiorenzo Parziale

Associate professor

phone: 06/49918340
building: via Salaria 113, 00198 Roma
room: 210

Fiorenzo Parziale is associate professor at the Department of Communication and Social Research of the University of Rome "La Sapienza". He teaches Sociology of Cultural Processes for the bachelor's degree in Public and Corporate Communication, and Sociology of the Family for the bachelor's degree in Social Work. In addition, he is editor-in-chief of the "Teoria e Ricerca Sociale e Politica" scientific series, he is a member of the editorial board of "Sociologie" (of which he was co-director in 2020 and 2021) and he collaborates as referee for other sociological journals (Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Scuola Democratica, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, Meridiana, Cambio, Quaderni di Teoria Sociale, Poetics, Social Indicators Research).
In terms of institutional activities, he is a member of the Monitoring Committee of the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication, and he is responsible for the OFA (Additional Educational Obligations) service.
Through the integration of sociology of cultural processes, sociology of knowledge and sociology of education, his research programme focuses on the following topics: school inequalities and popular education; class subcultures, utopia and ideological conflict; reform of the modern education system and transformations of the pedagogical identities of education professionals; school curriculum and critical thinking. His most recent publications include: The revival of radical popular education in Italy as a new form of cultural and class struggle. The case of the popular schools in Rome (in European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2024); L’educazione popolare nel contesto di privatizzazione di Welfare e scuola. Il caso delle nuove scuole popolari romane (Rivista Trimestrale delle Scienza dell’Amministrazione, 2024); The Anti-Vaxxer’s Attitude as a Socially Rooted Thought-Style (with M.C. Catone, in Maddanu S., Toscano E., eds., Routledge 2024); Ricerca Sociale e Processi Culturali (with P. Montesperelli, Carocci, 2024); A bourdieusian analysis of vaccine hesitancy. The case of Italian upper secondary school students (in International Studies in Sociology of Education, 2023); Il sottile legame tra la concezione neoliberista dell’istruzione e l’insegnamento per competenze (in Cartografie Sociali, 2023).

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