Research: The South Beyond the North: Johan Galtung's Mediterranean Experiences and Their Impact on Peace Studies.
Doctoral candidate at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in the Peace Studies program, Curriculum 2 in "Identities, Memories, Religions, and Peace." After obtaining a degree in Philosophy from the University of Cagliari in 2003, further academic advancement was achieved with a Master's degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences in 2021. Additionally, a first-level Master's in Development Cooperation and Promotion of Peace Processes was obtained at CEIDA in 2007.
With a deep-rooted interest since the early 2000s in peace, conflict, and mediation themes, she is an active member of TRANSCEND International, a global network of researchers and activists dedicated to peace research, mediation, sustainable development, and environmental protection. She served as the director of the Transcend Peace University online and in 2011 founded the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Practice in Germany, which she co-directed until 2014.
She has been a trainer at the Interdisciplinary Center for Peace Science (CISP) in Pisa and for the volunteers of the Civil Peace Corps of Papa Giovanni XXIII and Operation Dove in Rimini. Additionally, she was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Peace Festival in Brescia.
In the field of education, she is a fixed-term lecturer of history and philosophy in upper secondary schools (CDC A019) and has taught at the Nuchis Penitentiary (SS).
Author of the book "Discovering Galtung" (Gandhi Edizioni- English version, 2016), in which she condensed reflections and experiences matured directly with Johan Galtung in the context of non-violent conflict transformation.