

The PhD Course aims to provide specific training to graduates in Medicine, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology in order to acquire scientific expertise in endocrinology, metabolism, andrology and to define a new kind of researcher, the biotechnologist of reproduction highly specialized in the study of gametes and fertility. The training of the students is dedicated to the acquisition of basic knowledge related to metabolic and andrological disorders with particular reference to the diseases involved in male infertility and learning cryobiology, molecular biology, molecular genetics, with emphasis on the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in the process of fertilization and in the pathophysiology of reproduction. To achieve these goals the students will be trained in both basic research and applied research in the diagnosis and resolution of pathologies involved in fertility through theoretical seminars on specific topics and frequency in specialist laboratories pertaining to the PhD course.
In the training period the course will be organized as follows :
1- Presentation at the beginning of the course, of a personal research project
2- Participation in seminars on basic topics within the areas of interest of the PhD course
3- Participation of PhD students to national and international meetings (Congresses and workshops) where the issues related to their research project are discussed. Presentation of the results of the research projects are encouraged
4- Frequency of foreign institutions to increase the knowledge on study methods inherent to their research
5- Time rotation of the students in accredited research laboratories
6- Discussion of the PhD thesis with external members.

Training program
Pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes with particular reference to genetic components
Pathophysiology of thyroid diseases
Pathophysiology of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
Pathophysiology of pituitary diseases, morphofunctional analysis of male and female gamete
Flow cytometers and cell sorting applied to the study of sperm
Molecular study of infertility
Genetic polymorphisms of infertility chromatin integrity and mitochondrial gamete
Cryobiology of oocyte and spermatozoon
Germ cell culture
Stem cell applications in reproductive medicine


The goal is to provide the training to acquire theoretical, practical and methodological knowledge relative to scientific research in the endocrine-metabolic-andrological fields.
In detail:
a) endocrinological field (molecular pathophysiology with special regard to thyroid hormones, gene expression and study of the mechanisms that regulate genes coding for enzymes involved in steroidogenesis also in the context of prostate disease; neuroendocrine tumors; dysregulation the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, adrenal diseases);
b) metabolic section (pathogenesis and therapy of diabetes mellitus and its complications, dyslipidemia and obesity, special attention will be given to the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases and potential applications in molecular diagnostics, and pharmacogenetics);
c) andrology field (pathophysiology of reproduction and male sexuality including immunological aspects of fertility. The genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases will be emphasized).

The goal is to provide a specific scientific training to graduates in Medicine, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology to define a new kind of researcher highly specialized in the study of gametes and fertility. Biotechnology indicates the plurality of technologies applied to biology, are widely used in the development of new medical therapies or the development of new diagnostic tools. Examples are the techniques of DNA and RNA microarrays used in genetics and the radiotracers in medicine. Promising applications are related to the study of reproduction that has enabled the development and optimization of sophisticated technologies that can improve the reproductive efficiency of humans. The educational objective of this PhD is to acquire scientific and professional skills in the area of ​​reproduction. To achieve this goal will be provided knowledge of cryobiology, molecular biology, molecular genetics, embryology, genetic manipulation with emphasis in the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in the process of fertilization and in the pathophysiology of reproduction. Students will be trained in both basic research (the study of stem cells, polymorphisms and mutations of genes involved in the reproductive process) and applied research in the diagnosis and resolution of pathologies involved in fertility through theoretical seminars on specific topics and attendance of laboratories pertaining to the PhD course.

Agreements and collaborations
Sorbonne Universite agreement bilateral agreement
Cambridge University agreement bilateral agreement
University of Goteborg agreement collaboration and mobility agreement

Prof. Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts, Dept. of Growth & Reproduction and Prof Steve Gonias, Department of Pathology - University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA USA
Prof. Karine Clement, Sorbonne University, Paris, FR -
Prof. Stefan Schlatt UKM Munster Germany -
Dr. Constantine Stratakis NICHD Bethesda MD USA -
Prof. Mark E Dumas Imperial College London -
Prof. Ekkehard Grunig University of Heidelberg -
Dr. Yakoub Khalaf Guy's Hospital London -
Prof. Blossom Stephan -Institute for Ageing and Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, UK -
Prof. Stefano Romeo, Dipartimento di Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Università di Goteborg.
Prof. Antonio Vidal-Puig, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, BHF Cambridge Centre of Excellence, Cardiovascular Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC)
Prof. Jeremy Tomlinson, Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, University of Oxford

- Each doctoral student has a study space equipped with a computer and internet connection including all related telematic services.
- Interdepartmental Library of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Medicine.
- Research laboratories equipped to carry out relevant topics at a clinical and experimental level:

Experimental Andrology
Diabetology and Metabolic Diseases
Clinical and molecular endocrinology
Epidemiology and Genetics of type 2 diabetes and its chronic complications
Clinical and molecular pathophysiology of adipose tissue
Hormonal Pathophysiology and Rare Diseases
Immunity and molecular biology of metabolic diseases
Preclinical models for the study of immuno-metabolic diseases
Experimental Neuroendocrinology
Hormonology-Andrology-Immunology of Reproduction
Food Science and Human Nutrition
Seminology-Semen cryopreservation-Oncofertility


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