First yearDuring the 1st year of the PhD program, the students of the XXXVIII cycle have attended the different lectures which have been organized at the Departments of Physics and at SBAI, at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and at CERN (JUAS). At the end of the courses, they had to pass exams for a corresponding total of 18 credits, equivalent to about 120 hours of frontal teaching. There is a broad spectrum of choices, which has allowed students to spend a significant fraction of their time on the research site which is often far from Rome. All courses provided at Sapienza were also accessible, with e-learning and streaming techniques, remotely. These courses may vary from year to year and they are announced at the beginning of the course. Their contents are described by teachers to students in a general meeting. The goal of the Board is to have courses which are the "state of the art" of modern research. Part of the credits can be obtained by attending "Schools of Physics" (summer, winter, spring or autumn), which are often organized, in Italy and abroad, by the scientific community. The participation to these courses must be authorized by the Coordinator. At the end of the School the doctoral students will report on what they have learned to an expert, designated by the coordinator, who will provide an evaluation expressed with a grade. It is also possible to take courses and take exams at other PhDs in Physics of Sapienza or other Italian universities. These participations must be specifically and previously authorized by the Coordinator, who also decides how to check that the student has obtained the proper skills. The Board approves the individual study plans. Plans that comply with the guidelines indicated here will be approved automatically, while different study plans will be discussed with the proponents and approved on a case-by-case basis. In order to be admitted to the 2nd year, students must have passed all the exams scheduled by the end of October with an average of 26/30. In addition, they submit a thesis proposal which must be approved by the board.
Second yearThe students of the XXXVII cycle have chosen the thesis topics, which can be consulted on the individual profiles, which represent the state of the art of accelerator physics and place them in an international context. Specifically, two theses concern Flash therapy (linac e control system), two la laser diagnostics for cultural heritage, one beam dynamics e stability at SPS at CERN, one muon collider and finally one high intesity muon beams at PSI. The presentations made by students for admission to the third year are
here. The students are strongly advised to follow all the seminars that are held in one of the institutions proposing the doctorate. Special PhD seminars in Sapienza are also set up, held by external teachers, whose attendance is mandatory.
Third yearThe students in the XXXVI cycle have been working on the thesis. Six of the nine students asked for an extension due to covid. To get a picture of the topics covered, it is possible to consult the final presentations made by students for admission to the final exam and which can be found
here .