The robot society (in Italian)

Renato Grimaldi, Sandro Brignone, Silvia Palmieri
SEMINAR IN ITALIAN ORGANIZED BY THE THE PHD PRROGRAMME - obbligatorio per studenti del curriculum 3
The aim of the meeting is to provide a theoretical and experimental framework for understanding how to live and survive in a society where robotics and artificial intelligence are increasingly present

February 2, 2023 - ha 14-16

We will bring Nao, a social robot capable of seeing, recognising its interlocutor, understanding its age, gender, mood, moving in a space and communicating with its voice, into attendance. These gifts of the social robot make it possible to programme a human-machine interaction, which in our case we are developing in the field of education and care. We will see an artificial intelligence in action. The link with the Gallino Laboratory will show those present the variety of robots that the Laboratory already possesses.

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