SARS-CoV-2 infection: the great fear and the urgent need of basic research - Prof Anna Teresa Palamara

At the end of 2019 some cases of viral pneumonia emerged in the healthcare facilities of Wuhan, China. A novel strain of coronavirus was isolated on January 7th 2020 and sequenced on January 9th 2020 as a SARS-like virus. On February 2020 the WHO officially called the new virus SARS-Cov2 and named the disease COVID-19. The virus started to spread, initially as an epidemic. Subsequently, on March 11th 2020 the WHO declared the pandemic state. The virus affected millions of people causing thousands of deaths worldwide. The tremendous impact of SARS-CoV2 infection on health care systems, economy and everyday life, together with the lack of available vaccines or specific drugs, have shed light on the urgent need of scientific data to set up effective strategies able to fight the infection. In this context, the basic research plays a pivotal role in: -understanding the viral structure and the mechanisms of spread and transmissibility; -unraveling the complex relationship between virus and host that underpins the pathogenic mechanisms; -identifying novel potential targets for therapeutic and/or preventive strategies. In the seminar we will discuss the most recent findings on these aspects.

19 Maggio 2020 ore 14 online

Prof. Anna Teresa Palamara - Dept. of Public Health and Infectious Diseases - Sapienza University of Rome.

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