Study plan for the academic year 2021/2022

List of courses / activities for the first year

ABRO 2022 Course on Advances in Operations Research: Sparse Optimization + Clustering and Optimization (flyer on the right) 5
ABRO 2022 Course on Advances in Bioengineering: Network Analysis for Health and Medicine (flyer on the right) 5

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Each year, the ABRO PhD organises 2 core courses of 5 credits each, focusing on two of the three curricula (A=Automatics, B=Bioengineering, RO=Operational Research) in rotation according to the model: A+B, A+RO, B+RO. The course topics (ABRO 20XX Course on Advances in A/B/RO) change from year to year to provide ABRO students with an up-to-date overview of the latest research topics and techniques in the field.
These courses are compulsory for first-year students.

The first-year study and research plan is defined by the doctoral student in consultation with his/her supervisor. See the ABRO rules for study activities in the Documentation section.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The general area of the PhD thesis is defined by the PhD student in accordance with his/her supervisor.

Admission to the second year

According to the ABRO rules for study activities and the Sapienza regulations for doctoral programmes.

List of courses / activities for the second year

ABRO 2023 Course on Advances in Automatic Control: Topics to be defined 5
ABRO 2023 Course on Advances in Bioengineering: Topics to be defined 5

More information

Each year, the ABRO PhD organises 2 core courses of 5 credits each, focusing on two of the three curricula (A=Automatics, B=Bioengineering, RO=Operational Research) in rotation according to the model: A+B, A+RO, B+RO. The course topics (ABRO 20XX Course on Advances in A/B/RO) change from year to year to provide ABRO students with an up-to-date overview of the latest research topics and techniques in the field.

The study and research plan for the second year is defined by the PhD student in agreement with his/her supervisor. See the ABRO rules for study activities in the Documentation section.

Method of preparation of the thesis

The specific subject of the PhD thesis is defined by the PhD student in accordance with his/her supervisor.

Admission to the third year

In accordance with the ABRO regulations for study activities and the Sapienza regulations for PhD courses, both available in the Documents section.

List of courses / activities for the third year

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In the third year, no study activities in institutional courses are planned to allow the PhD student to concentrate on writing his/her doctoral thesis. Attendance at externally organised PhD schools is of course allowed.

Method of admission to the final examination

In accordance with the ABRO regulations and the Sapienza regulations for PhD courses, both available in the Documents section.

Final examination

In accordance with the ABRO regulations and the Sapienza regulations for PhD courses, both available in the Documents section.

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