Call for application 37° cycle

Notice to candidates:
In accordance with the DECREE-LAW 6 August 2021, n. 111, Urgent measures for the safe exercise of school, university, social activities and public transport, starting from 01st September 2021 and in order to access physically to the University, students must possess and exhibit the Green pass, whatever the purpose of their entrance is.
Therefore, even though the doctoral competition as in the regulation does not apply the previous decree-law as it is required for the public competitions, all PhD candidates who will take the test in presence should exhibit the aforementioned documentation; furthermore, it is required to exhibit the Green pass for all the students who will need to go to the various offices inside the University.

Specifications of Scholarships and available positions

Overall Specifications approved for the course by the Academic Senate

Green Scholarships Innovation Scholarships
8 0

Progetti disponibili

  • GREEN - Utilizzo di Carbonio riciclato per la realizzazione di tessuti non tessuti (TNT) adatti all’impregnazione con materiali termoplastici per componentistica nel settore Automotive alleggerita e riciclabile al 100%
    Use of recycled carbon for the production of non-woven fabrics (TNT) suitable for impregnation with thermoplastic materials for components in the automotive sector, lightened and 100% recyclable
    Azienda ospitante: Carbon Task S.r.l.
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Realizzazione di Zeoliti sintetiche ad alta percentuale cristallina e specificità di adsorbimento per l’eliminazione del Nikel nella conduzione di impianti di crescita aeroponica di ortaggi normalmente fissativi nei confronti dello ione Nickel
    Realizzation of synthetic Zeolites with a high crystalline percentage and specificity of adsorption for the elimination of Nikel in the management of aeroponic growth plants of vegetables that are normally fixative towards the Nickel ion
    Azienda ospitante: TSV S.r.l.
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Valutazione dei fenomeni di degrado ad alta temperatura di materiali impiegati in turbine operanti con combustibili a basso impatto ambientale
    Evaluation of the phenomena of high temperature degradation of materials used in turbines operating with low environmental impact fuels
    Azienda ospitante: Nuovo Pignone Tecnologie Srl Baker Hughes (Firenze)
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Controllo di convertitori per applicazioni HVDC in connessione point-to-point e multi-point
    Control of Power Electronic Converters for HVDC applications in point-to-point and multi-point configuration
    Azienda ospitante: Terna Rete Italia S.p.A., Direzione Ingegneria – Tecnologie, Via Galbani 55 00156 Roma
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Progettazione multifisica di machine elettriche sincrone a magneti permanenti a flusso assiale ad elevate densità di potenza e velocità di rotazione
    Multiphysics Design of High Power Density and High Speed Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines.
    Azienda ospitante: Lucchi R. s.r.l.
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Inverter trifase a tensione impressa basato su dispositivi wide-bandgap per la conversione elettromeccanica dell’energia ad alta frequenza nei veicoli elettrici ed ibridi di nuova generazione.
    Wide-bandgap-semiconductor-based, three-phase voltage source inverter for high-frequency electromechanical energy conversion in next generation hybrid vehicles
    Azienda ospitante: Lucchi R. s.r.l.
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Materiali elettrofilati per lo sviluppo della mobilità sostenibile e dello storage energetico
    Electro-spun materials for the development of sustainable mobility and energy storage
    Azienda ospitante: NANOFABER srl , Via Giovanni Andrea Badoero, 82 00154, ROMA, ITALY
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Utilizzazione di tecniche di monitoraggio e analisi di tipo non distruttivo e non invasivo di tipo green, basate su chemical imaging, per la caratterizzazione, la valorizzazione e il re-impiego in agricoltura di scarti agronomici e monitoraggio delle coltivazioni e dei prodotti risultanti da tale re-impiego.
    Use of non-destructive and non-invasive green monitoring and analysis techniques, based on “chemical imaging”, for the characterization, enhancement and re-use in agriculture of agronomic waste and monitoring of crops and products resulting from this reuse -use.
    Azienda ospitante: FRIULI COSTRUZIONI S.R.L.
    visualizza il progetto completo

Admission Procedure

Qualifications assessment The Selection Board will evaluate the
qualifications and documents
submitted by the applicants, in
accordance with the list provided
below. The chosen curriculum (A.
Electrical Engineering, B. Materials
and Raw Materials Engineering, C. Micro-
Nanotechnologies) must be
indicated clearly in the application.
A maximum score of 20 will be given for
the qualification of the curriculum vitae,
up to 25 for the research program and up
to 5 for the motivation letter.
The minimum score required to be
admitted to the oral exam is 30/50.

Oral interview The interview (in Italian or in English)
assesses the competences and skills of
the candidate and his/her research
attitude towards to the topics of the PhD
program. The following aspects will be
qualifications of the candidate,
motivations for pursuing this PhD
program, research and knowledge of the
English language.
The oral exam is passed if the candidate
reaches at least 30/50 points. Only the
candidates who will score a minimum of
60/100 are eligible for admission to the
PhD program.
language ITALIANO

contacts and info,-DEI-MATERIALI-E-DELLE-NANOTECNOLOGIE_nD3512_IT.aspx 06 4458 5699 - dottoressa Ilaria CAGNIZI
more info The oral exam can also be carried out via videoconference (it must be requested by writing to with at least 15 days notice of the test data).

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
Graduation date and grade of the Bachelor’s degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Bachelor's degree
History of Scholarships, Research Grants (or similar)
Certificates of Foreign Languages
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
certificates of Participation in research groups
certificates of Participation in internships
Other University Awards/Degrees (e.g.: awards in competition, second degree)
Computer skills
Thesis summary
Scientific interests and motivations
Research project
Publications list

Required documentation

§ research project
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ first letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ List of publications
optional, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ letter of motivation (by the candidate)
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages

Exam Schedule

Qualifications assessment
publication on notice boardYes
publication on the web siteYes
date of publication30/10/2021

Oral interview
classroomSala riunioni Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica
addressVia delle Sette Sale 12b 00184 Roma
publication on notice boardYes
publication on the web siteYes
date of publication6/11/2021

Evaluation scale

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma