Community and diverse economies research and practice (Short course, Prof. Katherine Gibson)

Short course by Katherine Gibson for PhD candidates and early career researchers on the theoretical and methodological foundations of post-capitalist and diverse economies research and practice.

27-29 May 2025

During her visiting at the Department MEMOTEF of Sapienza Università di Roma, Prof. Katherine Gibson, internationally known for her research on rethinking economies as sites of ethical action, is going to lead the short course ‘Community and diverse economies research and practice’, on May 27-29 2025.

The course will focus on the theoretical and methodological foundations of post-capitalist and diverse economies research and practice. 

The course is intended for PhD students and early career researchers who have completed their PhD in the last 5 years, and is open to participants from other PhD programs and universities*

The final programme, including also the preparatory reading list, will be published in early April. 


* Registration is free and attendance over the three days is mandatory (those who cannot attend the three days are kindly asked not to submit their interest, they will still have the possibility to attend the public lecture held by Prof Gibson as part of the course). 

The deadline to submit interest is March 19th, using this form.



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