PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII

supervisor: Veronica Lo Presti
co-supervisor: Antonio Fasanella

LINGUISTIC BROCCA DIPLOMA Liceo Scientifico Statale "Ignazio Vian"

Final grade: 107; Thesis: Experimental and research thesis that, through an examination of some of the commercials aired during the years of Carosello's programming ('50s-'70s), investigates how the first forms of advertising welcomed and expressed the change in the female figure and in this way favored its diffusion in the Italian collective imagination.

Final grade: 110 cum laude; Thesis: The design of this experimental thesis was built around a specific research question, that is, to evaluate the perception of the concept of quality and that of engagement according to the patients and/or caregivers of ASL Roma 3 with respect to the ADI service in nursing provided by the OSA Cooperative. The objective behind the thesis was to understand whether indeed the service provided by the Cooperative can be defined as quality both according to the standards defined by the regulations on accreditation in the social and health care field and according to the requirements designed by the Cooperative itself. This project arose from an internship experience, which therefore involved some of the work directly in the field.
Underlying the methodological framework of the research are the typical characteristics of survey research: the work is based on the collection of data through a semi-structured questionnaire on the sample drawn from the population of ASL Roma 3's patients present in the company's databases. The data were collected by telephone interview and processed, after cleaning them, through SPSS Statistics software.

PhD in COMMUNICATION, SOCIAL RESEARCH AND MARKETING La Sapienza University of Rome - Department of Communication and Social Research (CORIS)

Training courses:
CorisLab NVivo Course
CorisLab SPSS Basic Course
R course (basic and advanced)
English course - British School

Professional experience:

10/2020 - 01/12/2021 Rome, Italy
From October 2020 junior researcher at Labos Foundation with the role of: planning, monitoring project activities and contact with project referents, writing desk analysis of projects, development of survey tools, field activities. Many of the projects the Foundation is involved in are funded by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Department for Family Policies, etc., and concern, in different forms, initiatives to combat educational poverty in fragile areas of the country, actions in response to socio-educational needs of the young and very young, with particular reference to support for parenting and breaking the intergenerational gap, or even activities aimed at the inclusion of marginalized social groups in conditions of hardship (psychological, economic, cultural, etc.).

10/2020 - 12/2020
Paolo Bulgari Foundation Project - Evaluation of the Bulgari Foundation's Year I Activities Col laboration with the scientific head of the project (Prof. Veronica Lo Presti) for the evaluation activities of the initiatives put in place by the Foundation in its first year of activity, which were analyzed through a participatory and Positive Thinking approach, in order to bring out what was good that was done rather than the critical points that were found during the year 2020. Activities included: working tables with Foundation members aimed at the Foundation's desired path of self-reflection, interviews with privileged witnesses, and the drafting of a final report with evaluative recommendations and with a self-assessment track that Foundation members can use on a cyclical basis in the years to come to self-evaluate their activities.

01/11/2021 - CURRENT
Project Tornasole - Evaluation of the Social Impact of the Tornasole Project (external doctoral fellowship) Winner of external doctoral fellowship on the project The Social Impact Evaluation of the Tornasole Project. This evaluation will be conducted taking into account the activities implemented as part of the project itself on the most fragile territories of the city of Roma Capitale. The overall objective of the Evaluation Plan is to assess the social impact of the actions to combat educational poverty, school dropout and strengthening of the educating community - initiated within the framework of the Tornasole project. The evaluation question calls for tracing an integrated model of countering educational poverty and school dropout implemented following a multi-stakeholder and multi-target approach and is structured around the five project lines of intervention, which have as much to consolidate an innovative model of preventing educational poverty, countering school dropout and the digital divide, as to strengthen the educating community. To adequately answer the questions outlined, the evaluation plan arranges for the use of a mixed approach to evaluation, consisting of: the Theory Based Evaluation and the Positive Thinking Inquiry Framework. At the practical level, a series of field activities are planned to answer the research questions: interviews, focus groups, observation. As part of a background research activity, interviews with key project partners and observation of workshops and activities implemented by them have been conducted so far. These field research experiences are all to be understood as in-progress evaluation activities, which is fundamental in social impact evaluation according to the idea that it is not possible to evaluate the impact (long-term effect) of interventions if we disregard consideration of the process that produced them.

02/2021 - 12/2021
FQTS 2021 Project - Evaluation of training offered by FQTS Part of the research team for the evaluation of the training impact of the FQTS Executive Project - Third Sector Cadre Training, an interdepartmental research of the Department of Communication and Social Research at La Sapienza University of Rome. The project involves the evaluation of the training courses offered by FQTS within their thirteenth edition through qualitative (specifically with various participatory observation activities) and quantitative (with the administration of questionnaires) techniques. An interim report was first produced ahead of the summer break, with the aim of reporting the initial results of the activities fielded by FQTS trainers. From September 2021, observations were resumed and the new survey instrument was constructed. Based on these activities, the final evaluation report was developed at the conclusion of the project itself.

02/2021 - CURRENT
La Sapienza University Project - Social Impact Assessment of DaD after Covid-19 Part of the research team of the University project on Social Impact Assessment of DaD after Covid-19. The project involved initial background research that consisted of the following activities: contacting secondary schools in Rome indicated in the sample, interviewing teachers, participatory observation of DaD/DDI lessons, and focus groups with students. The extensive research started in October 2021, and following the reshaping of the research tools and activities-which have always accompanied the evolution of the complex regulatory situation related to the Covid-19 emergency-the data collection and processing phase continued. Currently, the survey phase is being continued through interviews with teachers, focus groups with students from the schools involved and interviews with the families of the students interviewed. The objective is to assess the impact of Covid-19 (and its effects, across the board) on the school community as a whole and thus with reference to the reshaping of teaching methods, integration of digital technologies into traditional teaching, reorganization of home time and space, etc.

01/2022 - 02/2022
PRODEMO European University Project - Evaluation of the activities of the project Promoting Democratic Engagement through Mobile Participation - PRODEMO External evaluator of the project activities implemented during the two-year European project PRODEMO. Sapienza University of Rome participated in the project in synergy with other partners (PROGEU, INTEGRA, Demsoc, CES) and, among other activities, was assigned the task of monitoring and evaluation. The pivotal objective of the PRODEMO evaluation was to assess the social impact of the outreach actions initiated under the PRODEMO project aimed at promoting political participation of mobile EU citizens in Italy, Belgium and Portugal and increasing their civic engagement. This was done based on the creative mix of two approaches to evaluation: Theory Based Evaluation and Realistic Evaluation. As a result of the systematization and analysis of all documents produced by the activities initiated during the two years of the project (workshops, focus groups, Information event, Survey, Mobile App), an English-language evaluation report was produced that allowed reconstructing the steps of change that occurred during the time frame in which the project activities were implemented, with reference to both the expected results and the unexpected, negative and positive ones (the latter functional to shed light on the unexpected elements, promoters of learning and continuous improvement).

03/2022 - 01/2023
FQTS 2022 Project - Evaluation of the training offered by FQTS Part of the research team for the evaluation of the training impact of the Executive Project FQTS 2022 - Training Third Sector Cadres, an interdepartmental research of the Department of Communication and Social Research of the University of Rome La Sapienza. The project involves the evaluation of training courses offered by FQTS through qualitative techniques (specifically through various participatory observation activities and semi-structured interviews with regional project contact persons) and quantitative techniques (through the administration of questionnaires). An interim report was first produced ahead of the summer break, with the aim of reporting the initial results of the activities fielded by FQTS trainers. From September 2022, observations were resumed and the new survey instrument was constructed. In December, interviews were conducted with the project's regional contact persons in order to investigate in more detail the community centering - a distinctive element of the 2022 training. Based on these activities, the final evaluation report was developed at the conclusion of the project itself.

03/2022 - 16/02/2023
Operational Co-coordination of the research and work team Fare Sistema Oltre l'Accoglienza Project - Evaluation of the Fare Sistema Oltre l'Accoglienza Program - FSOA Operational Co-coordinator (together with the project's scientific referee Prof. Veronica Lo Presti) of the research and work team - composed of 5 members - for the evaluation of the impact of the Fare Sistema Oltre l'Accoglienza (FSOA) program. The objectives of the research are: 1) to reconstruct the change brought about by the project starting from the response of the participants, that is, investigating how the socio-occupational inclusion of the most vulnerable was structured and how the activities carried out facilitated their entry into the labor market and the social fabric of reference; 2) to enhance the path of change of the network actors towards greater inclusiveness, with the intention of being able to evaluate the changes that occurred in the lives of those who participate in the network. The research aims to evaluate this program through two approaches: the Theory Based Evaluation and the Positive Thinking Inquiry Framework. In addition, Mixed Methods perspective research techniques (questionnaire and evaluative focus groups) were used to gather the information capable of answering the research question. The research activities and results arising from the latter were reported in detail in an Evaluation Report edited by Veronica Lo Presti and Veronica Salvi (me). The research officially closed with the final Seminar "Making System Beyond Reception: a program for the inclusion and autonomy of the most vulnerable" organized at the Coris Department on February 16, 2023, in collaboration with AMU, AFN and the Department of Communication and Social Research. Among other things, the seminar provided an opportunity to share the main results of the evaluation conducted by the Coris Department.

03/2023 - CURRENT
Co-coordination of the evaluation research and work team - Evaluation of the project "L'accoglienza oltre la cura" Operational co-coordinator (together with the project's scientific referee Prof. Veronica Lo Presti) of the research and work team - composed of 5 members - for the evaluation of the project "Welcoming beyond care" established by the Peter Pan ODV Association. The Peter Pan Project obtained funding from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for the project "The Reception Beyond Care," which aims to develop in 18 months a reception program that goes beyond care. The project, which targets young patients and their families fleeing from troubled countries, in addition to encompassing care, embraces one of the issues closest to the association's heart, namely "After." The evaluation of the project is entrusted to the Department of Communication and Social Research at La Sapienza University of Rome. The objective of the evaluation research is 1) To reconstruct the change brought about by the project from the participants' response, that is, to investigate how the activities implemented facilitated the inclusion of children and their families in the social fabric of reference; 2) To evaluate the effectiveness of a model of social inclusion that can be sustainable over time. Observation, interview and focus group activities inscribed within the innovative evaluation approaches of Positive Thinking and Theory Based Evaluation will be organized to meet these objectives.
The evaluation research began in the current month (March), and in the current background research phase, observations were conducted at the project's shelter facilities and interviews were conducted with the project's privileged witnesses.

02/2023 - CURRENT
Project ViVA- Meta-evaluation and Analysis of interventions to prevent and combat violence against women Part of the meta-evaluation research team of the Department of Communication and Social Research at La Sapienza University of Rome. The research is a collaboration between the Institute of Population and Social Policy Research of the National Research Council (IRPPS-CNR) and the Department of Communication and Social Research of La Sapienza University of Rome (CoRiS). The collaboration activated is functional to produce a methodological reflection having as its object the evaluative research activities carried out by the CNR-IRPPS as part of the Viva Project - Analysis and Monitoring of Interventions to prevent and combat violence against women. The objective of this Agreement is the testing of a meta-evaluative analysis methodology that meets the need to facilitate the integration of a reflexive methodology in the evaluation design prepared by CNR-IRPPS in relation to WP5 and WP6 of the Viva Project, as well as its modeling with a view to replicability in the evaluation of complex programs. Specific objectives of the meta-evaluation activity are: i. to orient the evaluation process (the how), critically reflecting on the appropriateness of the methodological choices adopted and, therefore, on standards and criteria of effectiveness and efficiency of the research activity; ii. to promote a reflection on the results of the evaluations, with the aim of orienting new analyses (the what).

Conferences and seminars:
03/12/2021 - Sports Palace - EUR (Rome)
FQTS concluding meeting (final conference)
Participation in the final conference of FQTS - Formazione Quadri Terzo Settore - at the Palazzo dello sport in EUR (Rome) as a researcher of the team that dealt with the training impact evaluation of the Executive Project FQTS 2021.

27/01/2022 - CORIS Conference Center (online - zoom)
First Conference of the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology and Communication Participation in the First Conference of the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology and Communication, "Voices and Views on the City. Interpretations in comparison" as a speaker on the panel proposed by Prof. Veronica Lo Presti "Social innovation and suburbs: proposals for intervention and evaluation." The talk, in particular - shared with Veronica Lo Presti and Pasquale Grosso of the daSud association - was on "The Social Impact Assessment of the Tornasole project: Positive Thinking and youth citizenship."

02/22/2022 - CORIS Conference Center
PRODEMO Final Conference Participation in the Conference held at the Conference Center of the Department of Communication and Social Research (Coris) as an external evaluator of the project Promoting Democratic Engagement through Mobile Participation - PRODEMO. During the conference, among other things, the main results found during the evaluation activity were exposed and reported as a summary of the evaluation conducted independently by the three external evaluators of the project.

14/04/2022 - Haxhi Zeka University, Peja, Kosovo (online - zoom)
Participation in the International Conference as a speaker in the Social Science & Humanities & Philological Science session with a paper titled "The social impact evaluation of the Tornasole Project: Positive Thinking and Youth Citizenship" ("The social impact evaluation of the Tornasole Project: Positive Thinking and Youth Citizenship").

21/09/2022 - 23/09/2022 - Aurum di Pescara
XXIV Congress Italian Association of Evaluation (AIV).
Participation as a speaker at the XXIV Congress of the Italian Association of Evaluation "Evaluating in complexity and promoting change. What support for territories and stakeholders in evaluation reflection and practice?" in the panel coordinated by Prof. Veronica Lo Presti entitled "Innovative approaches for the evaluation of complex programs." The paper, titled "Social impact evaluation and capacity building in the fight against educational poverty: the case of The Academy in the Tornasole project," is an empirical research contribution, to be inscribed as part of the background research and in-progress evaluation activities of the social impact evaluation of the doctoral project.

19/01/2023 - 21/01/2023 - University of Naples Federico II - Department of Political Science
End-of-term Conference Italian Association of Sociology (AIS) Participation as an auditor in the End-of-term Conference of the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS) "Re-Assembling The Social. Re(i)instituting the social. 40 years of AIS."

16/02/2023 - Aula Oriana - Department of Communication and Social Research La Sapienza University of Rome
Final Seminar "Fare Sistema Oltre l'Accoglienza: un programma per l'inclusione e l'autonomia dei più vulnerabili" Participation as speaker at the Final Seminar "Fare Sistema Oltre l'Accoglienza: un programma per l'inclusione e l'autonomia dei più vulnerabili" organized by AMU, AFN and Department of Communication and Social Research (Coris) La Sapienza University of Rome. Paper titled "Characteristics, "success cases" and perspectives of Fare Sistema Oltre l'Accoglienza: the main results of the program evaluation."

Language skills:
Mother tongue Italian
Foreign language English (B2), Spanish (B1), German (A2), French (B2)

Digital skills:
R software
Softare SPSS Statistics
Office package
Google Tools

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