PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIV
phone: 3467828936

Born in Rome, graduated in Urban Architecture and Territorial Information Systems (2015) and in Landscape Architecture (2018) Sapienza University of Rome, Master's Degree in Landscape Design. She has gained various theoretical and design research experiences, has collaborated in teaching, participated in conferences and started publication activities. In the context of theoretical research, she has developed the theme "The value of vegetation for the sustainability of urban public spaces" and presented, approved the abstract "The role of vegetation in the design of public space" for the session Climate Change, the role of Urban Green at the IV International Conference: Changing Cities. The design research was carried out in the garden sector with the projects of an exhibition garden for the EMU headquarters in Marsciano (PG), the garden for the victims of terrorism in Rome Caracalla and the rooftop garden of the American school St Stephen's School in Rome Aventino and participation in the competition "Bari Costasud, Redevelopment of the coastal and suburban area to the south east of the city". She collaborated in teaching in the Landscape Planning Laboratory, coordinated by prof. Jordi Bellmunt, CdL in Planning and Design of Landscape and Environment, inter-university Tuscia-Sapienza. She has participated, also as a speaker, in numerous conferences in particular we remember the invitation received for participation in the X International Biennial of Landscape in Barcelona and the V and VI International widespread Convention Architecture and Nature of San Venanzo, on the themes "The urban park as regeneration of a disused area ";" The garden and open spaces ". She was a member of the editorial board of "The urban park as regeneration of a disused area" and "Architecture and Nature 2018" and the project developed within the Poggio Aquilone workshop was published. From 2017 she’s a member of the organizing committee of the "Architecture and Nature" event.

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