PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI

Valentina Amenta (1992) is a PhD student in Documentation Studies, Linguistics and Literature - Curriculum: Gender Studies (XXXVI program) at “La Sapienza”, University of Rome.

In 2015, at "La Sapienza" University, she obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Classics, writing an interdisciplinary thesis in Latin Language and Literature and Gender studies: “Rewriting the Canon: The analysis of the Ovidian myth of Philomela and Procne from a postcolonial and feminist perspective” (Supervisor: Victoria Rimell).
In 2016 she was admitted to the Master Erasmus Mundus in Women’s and Gender Studies “GEMMA”, obtaining double qualifications: Modern, Post-colonial and Comparative Literature in Bologna University “Alma Mater Studiorum” and Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies in Granada University (Spain). The Master’s Thesis, written and presented in Spanish, was about “The myths about rape and its representations from Ovidian mythology to current audio-visual narratives” (Supervisor: Adelina Sánchez Espinosa; Co-supervisor: Rita Monticelli).

Furthermore, she attended the training course organized by the Italian Feminist Association "Differenza Donna" NGO and she worked as Gender-based Violence expert in a Domestic Violence and Abuse Shelter for women and children located in Rome (2014/2016).

Her Phd research project consists in a comparative analysis of representations of traumatic and post-traumatic experiences caused by gender violence in different types of texts, analysing the interweaving of body, memory and trauma in the context of self-representation.

Research products

11573/1693490 - 2023 - Fuori dal canone, dentro la storia: una rilettura di genere e intersezionale di “Una donna di Ragusa” e “Una donna libera” di Maria Occhipinti
Amenta, Valentina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Contronarrazioni. Il racconto del potere nella modernità letteraria. Convegno annuale MOD (Roma; Italia)
book: Contronarrazioni. Il racconto del potere nella modernità letteraria - (9788846766595)

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