PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: tanjamilena.autilio@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Prof. Elisabetta Ferretti

Work Experience

PhD STUDENT in Network Oncology and Precision Medicine
Nov 2022 – Today

Internship Student
M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology
Sapienza University, Rome
Professor Agnese Po
Lab – “Molecular Oncology”
Feb 2021 – Oct 2022

Internship Student
B.Sc. Biotechnology
Sapienza University, Rome
Professor Giovanni Bernardini
Lab - "Molecular Immunology And Immunopathology"
Sept 2020

Education And Training

Master's Degree
Sapienza University, Rome
Medical Biotechnology (Lm-9)
110/110 cum laude
Thesis title: "Identification of new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for medullary thyroid carcinoma using circulating cell-free DNA" 2020 - 2022

Bachelor's Degree
Sapienza University, Rome
Biotechnology (L-2)
110/110 cum laude
Thesis title: " La migrazione linfocitaria: quando è importante e come studiarla" 2017 - 2020

High School Diploma
G. Peano, Marsico Nuovo
Liceo Scientifico
2012 - 2017

Personal Skills
Mother tongue(s): Italian

Job-related skills
Cell Biology
▪ Primary cultures and in vitro maintenance of 2D cell lines and organoids
▪ Immunofluorescence assay
▪ Immunohistochemistry assay
▪ Transfection of cell lines

Molecular Biology
▪ Agarose Gel electrophoresis for DNA analysis
▪ Western blot assay
▪ Chromatin Immunoprecipitation
▪ Bacterial transformation
▪ Viral particles production
▪ Nucleic acid extraction (DNA, RNA)
▪ cfDNA extraction from Peripheral venous blood
▪ cDNA synthesis
▪ Real time-PCR and digital droplet-PCR
▪ Nanostring


Conferences and seminars
▪10-11/12/2021 Italian Society of Pathology and Translational Medicine. Hedgehog driven regulatory network sustains chemoresistance and mesenchymal phenotype in Colorectal Cancer cells. A. Citarella, G. Catanzaro, Z.M. Besharat, F. Barbagallo, S. Trocchianesi, C. Sabato, T. M. Autilio, A. Asquino, A. Vacca, M.A. Venneri, E. Ferretti2, A. Po. Poster presentation.
▪ L'esposizione Acuta all'Interferente endocrino Bisfenolo A (bpa) Altera l'Omeostasi delle cellule Endoteliali Umane. G. Catanzaro, V. M. Bimonte, Z. Spinello, L. Coppola, T. M. Autilio, A. Asquino, Z. M. Besharat, A. Po, A. Vacca, S. Migliaccio, E. Ferretti. OrtoMed XVII Congress.
▪ 22-23/09/2023 SIPMeT Young Scientists Meeting 2023. Circulating cell- free DNA (cfDNA) in medullary thyroid carcinoma patients is characterized by specific methylationchangesandfragmentationsignature.AutilioT.M.,CitarellaA.,Besharat Z.M., Trocchianesi S., Verrienti A., Zavattari P., Loi E., Angeloni A., Elisei R., Durante C., Ferretti E and Po A. Poster Presentation.
▪ 30/11-02/12/2023. Ortomed. Modello sperimentale in vitro di obesità sarcopenica (SO). Spinello Z., Autilio T.M., Besharat Z.M., Lucarini V., Catanzaro G., Zizzari I., Bimonte V.M., Migliaccio S., Donini L.M., ferretti E., Masuelli L. Poster presentation.

Training Course in "Il Rischio nelle strutture Sanitarie" pursuant to Article 37, point 2, of Legislative Decree n. 81/08

Followed webinars, seminars and workshops
▪ Non-coding RNAs in Health and Disease. MDPI – Biomedicines Webinar. 24/11/22
▪"Bridging Immunity to Cancer: Models of Study and New Research Outcomes”. Department of Oncology and Molecular Medicine. Istituto Superiore di Sanità. 28-29/11/22.
▪ "Cracking the Pancreatic Cancer Enigma: An Overview of the Ligorio Lab". Sapienza University of Rome. 02/12/2022.
▪ A Tumor-Liver Multi-Organ-on-chip for assessing simultaneously anticancer drug efficacy and hepato-toxicity. React4Life. 27/01/23
▪ More predictive in vitro testing by integrating a 3D human tumor microenvironment into MIVO organ-on-chip technology. React4Life. 30/01/23
▪ “Dividere il genoma: meccanismi e disfunzioni”.Accademia medica di Roma. 09/03/23
▪ Technological approaches to improve angiogenesis in 3D tissue engineered graft. React4Life.
▪ Genetic and molecular dissection of male breast cancer by “omics” profiling: toward a gender medicine in oncology. Sapienza Università di Roma. 04/04/23
▪ “50 Years with NK cells”. Sapienza Università di Roma. 20/06/23
▪ "Advanced Multiplexing and Spatial Mapping of RNA Targets using the RNAscopeTM HiPlex V2 Assay ". Bio-Techne/ACD Webinars. 27/06/23
▪ “The non-coding genome”- EMBO | EMBL Symposium. 11-14/10/23
▪"Bridging Immunity to Cancer: The Contribution of the Tumor Microenvironment and Metabolism". Istituto Superiore di Sanità. 28/11/2023

Research products

11573/1691552 - 2023 - Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma is characterized by specific fragmentation and methylation changes with diagnostic value
Citarella, Anna; Besharat, Zein Mersini; Trocchianesi, Sofia; Autilio, Tanja Milena; Verrienti, Antonella; Catanzaro, Giuseppina; Splendiani, Elena; Spinello, Zaira; Cantara, Silvia; Zavattari, Patrizia; Loi, Eleonora; Romei, Cristina; Ciampi, Raffaele; Pezzullo, Luciano; Castagna, Maria Grazia; Angeloni, Antonio; Elisei, Rosella; Durante, Cosimo; Po, Agnese; Ferretti, Elisabetta - 01f Lettera, Nota
paper: BIOMARKER RESEARCH (London : BioMed Central) pp. - - issn: 2050-7771 - wos: WOS:001071556900001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85171850558 (0)

11573/1677425 - 2023 - Hedgehog-GLI and Notch Pathways Sustain Chemoresistance and Invasiveness in Colorectal Cancer and Their Inhibition Restores Chemotherapy Efficacy
Citarella, Anna; Catanzaro, Giuseppina; Besharat, Zein Mersini; Trocchianesi, Sofia; Barbagallo, Federica; Gosti, Giorgio; Leonetti, Marco; Di Fiore, Annamaria; Coppola, Lucia; Autilio, Tanja Milena; Spinello, Zaira; Vacca, Alessandra; De Smaele, Enrico; Venneri, Mary Anna; Ferretti, Elisabetta; Masuelli, Laura; Po, Agnese - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CANCERS (Basel: MDPI) pp. 1471- - issn: 2072-6694 - wos: WOS:000947305400001 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85149860378 (9)

11573/1682747 - 2023 - Molecular mechanisms of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor pralsetinib activity in in-vitro models of medullary thyroid carcinoma: Aberrant activation of the HH-Gli signaling pathway in acquired resistance
Trocchianesi, Sofia; Po, Agnese; Citarella, Anna; Spinello, Zaira; Rughetti, Aurelia; Besharat, Zein Mersini; Autilio, Tanja Milena; Pecce, Valeria; Verrienti, Antonella; Elisei, Rossella; Durante, Cosimo; Catanzaro, Giuseppina; Ferretti, Elisabetta - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIOMÉDECINE & PHARMACOTHÉRAPIE (Paris: Editions Scientifique & Medical Elsevier) pp. 114995- - issn: 0753-3322 - wos: WOS:001020719000001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85161303043 (1)

11573/1683419 - 2021 - Hedgehog driven regulatory network sustains chemoresistance and mesenchymal phenotype in Colorectal Cancer cells
Citarella, A.; Catanzaro, G.; Besharat, Z. M.; Barbagallo, F.; Trocchianesi, S.; Sabato, C.; Autilio, T. M.; Asquino, A.; Vacca, A.; Venneri, M. A.; Ferretti, E.; Po, A. - 04f Poster
book: https://www.sipmet.org/ - ()

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