

University Researcher; University Lecturer; Immunopathologist
Department of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome

University Lecturer in Pathology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome Senior Researcher in Pathology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Sapienza University of Senior Medical Officer, Autoimmunity Laboratory, Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
President, Degree Course in Nursing, Sapienza University of Rome

1985 Degree in Medicine (First Class Honours), Sapienza University of Rome
Award for best graduate thesis in pasteurian disciplines – Cenci-Bolognetti Foundation
1985 Italian Professional Practice Certificate in Medicine (MD)
1989 MSc in General Pathology, Sapienza University of Rome
2005 MSc in Immune and Allergic Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome

1987-88 Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Thrombosis, Temple University, Philadelphia (supervisor - Dr. A. Schmaier);
1988-89 Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Pathology, Temple University, Philadelphia (supervisor - Dr. B. Calabretta);
1993-94 Visiting Researcher, CRC Research Group, Department of of Pathology, University of Cambridge (supervisor - Dr. B.Ponder)
Research interests
My current research interest is the relationship between HMGB1, released in the tumor microenvironment, in experimental models of thyroid cancer and neuroblastoma.
I am also interested in the biocompatibility of graphene oxide in various cell lines and three- dimensional models (spheroids) and its possible use as a drug-carrier and carrier of intracellular messages (gene-silencing and gene over-expression).
Research positions
1990 – 2001 Technical Supervisor and Medical Assistant, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Experimental Medicine, Immunopathology Service
2001 – present Senior Researcher in Pathology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Sapienza 2001 – present University of Rome University Lecturer in Pathology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome

Research projects and grants
2021 “Post transcriptional regulation of epithelial mesenchimal (EMT) transition in thyroid cancer cell lines”
2020 “A loop involving miR-221, miR-222, SIRT1 and HMGB1 regulates thyroid carcinoma growth and invasion” (Sapienza University of Rome grant n. 2012106) (participant)
2019 “Biocompatibility of graphene and zinc based nanomaterials in human cell models” (Bilateral research project with Moscow State University) PI
2018 “Hypoxia-like effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on tumor and non-tumor cells” (grant n.1550837) (participant)
2017 “Use of ‘green’ functionalized graphene oxide as a message carrier into neuroblastoma/glioblastoma cell lines and into three dimensional in vitro models” (Sapienza University of Rome) (participant)
2016 “Prevention of HMGB1-mediated tumor progression by aspirin” (Sapienza University of Rome) (participant)
2016 “Updates of molecular medicine in clinical pathology” seminar cycle, Department of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome (Grant number C26C15FFNY) ( PI)
2015 “Zinc oxide nanoparticles to convey biological macromolecules in mammalian cells: cytotoxic action and induction of autophagy” (Sapienza University of Rome) (participant)
2015 “HMGB1-induced miRNA signature in exosomes purified from thyroid cancer cell lines regulates EMT and stemness" (Sapienza University of Rome) (participant)

Editorial and Peer Review
Peer reviewer for the following journals:
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry; Endocrine related cancer; ILMS, Internationl Journal of Nanomedicine; Journal of Molec Endoc ; Cancer Biomarkers; Febs letters; Plos One; International Journal of Endocrinology; OncoTargets; Biochimie; Research reports in Clinical Cardiology
Peer reviewer of research projects: Italian Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN 2016-2020)
Topic editor of Applied Sciences (MDPI)

Member of the Editorial Board of Case Reports in Clinical Pathology; JSM Thyroid Disorders & Management

Memberships: SIPMET and AICC

Clinical work
2008 – present Senior Medical Officer, Policlinico Umberto I, Rome

Research products

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