Serenella Stivaletta graduated in Law at Sapienza University of Rome in March 2022, with a dissertation entitled "Organizzazione amministrativa e tutela dell'ambiente: il Ministero della Transizione Ecologica".
She attended, in the a.y. 2021/2022, the Master Interateneo in Administrative Law (MIDA) provided at the LUISS Guido Carli University, and, in all likelihood, she will obtain his Master degree in March 2023 with a thesis on local public service concessions in light of Legislative Decree No. 201 of December 23, 2022.
She is a Ph.D. candidate in the XXXVIII cycle of the Doctoral Program in Public, Comparative and International Law at the Faculty of Political Science, Sapienza University of Rome for the curriculum in European Environmental and Public Health Administrative Law.
She collaborates with the Chair of Administrative Law I (channel P-Z) at the Faculty of Law at Sapienza University of Rome and is practicing law at a law firm in Rome, working mainly in the area of administrative law.
Since December 2022, she has been collaborating with GIUST-AMM - Rivista di diritto pubblico, contributing to the update of the Environmental Law and Health Law Observatories, particularly with regard to the case law of the Constitutional Court and some Regional Administrative Courts.