
Admission to the Chemical Science Ph.D. programme (40th cycle)

[9/6/2024] The announcement for the selection of candidates for admission to the 40th cycle of the PhD in Chemical Science has been published on May 20 on the web pages of the Sapienza doctoral office. The selection for admission comprises the presentation of a research project and an oral exam that will take place on the 17th of July at the Aula Parravano of the Cannizzaro building (Chemistry Department).
FURTHER INFORMATION FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS. To apply for a Ph.D. fellowship is mandatory to take part in the oral exam to be done in presence on July 17 in the Chemistry Department at Sapienza University of Rome. Foreign students who can not participate in such exam can apply for a Ph.D. position WITHOUT a fellowship (this means they will need to obtain a fellowship from other sources). ... ...


Purposes of this Doctorate course are many-fold and directed toward the development of proper and autonomous scientific capacity in all chemical fields for doctorate students. They will learn how to proceed in a given research line and to solve the problems into original and self consistent ways. Obviously, they will learn how to choose advanced ad hoc techniques or theoretical approaches. Plans are to form self-conscious researchers, able to develop chemical sciences in both industrial and academic environments. In a three-year course the candidates shall operate, under a project co-ordinator, in such a way to develop a significant scientific activity on items suggested by the candidates themselves. In the project they will define in due terms the expected results and the innovative contributions to former knowledge in the field. The results will be collected and discussed in the doctorate thesis. It is recommended that Ph.D. work shall be developed, at least six months, into international laboratories. This will allow the candidates to compare his/her level and capacity into an international context and to increase his/her expertise and self-consciousness. A well balanced development of Ph.D. curricula represent the most important part of research projects. Ph.D. candidates, anyhow, will follow advanced courses (12 credits in the three years) to improve their preparation in the field(s) pertinent to their thesis work. The related programs for each of the above items may change from year to year, depending on the projects presented by the Ph.D. Students. Each of them will prepare and discuss a project, in collaboration with his/her Supervisor and the Ph.D. Coordinator and will submit to the PhD Council for approval. In addition to teaching activities to be followed in the Department, or in Sapienza University, Doctorate Students will follow national and international courses on the items of pertinence to their thesis work or will follow seminars and lectures hold by eminent scientists. It is also possible for them to support teaching activities held in the department, according to the suggestions raised by the Ph.D. Council.


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