PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Prof. Francesco Freddolini
co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Maria Giulia Aurigemma


Sara Sciascia (Rome, 1997) graduated from the University of Roma Tre, obtaining in 2019 her bachelor's degree in History and Conservation of the Artistic and Archaeological Heritage and in 2022, with full marks and honors, her master's degree in History of Art discussing a research thesis about the relations between Poliziano's philology and Michelangelo's early works (supervisor Silvia Ginzburg, co-rapporteur Mario De Nonno). During college she did an internship at the Liceo Scientifico Cavour contributing to the management of the PCTO project in collaboration with the Uffizi Galleries. In October 2022 she is a winner in the XXXVIII cycle of the PhD in Art History, with a project on " The recovery of the ancient theater at the court of Raffaele Riario in the works of the artists in Rome between 1486 and 1517."

Research products

11573/1724967 - 2024 - Allégorie mythologique, Portrait du pape Paul V, Suzanne et les veillards, Psyché et l'Amour, schede di catalogo in "Chefs-d'œuvre de la Galerie Borghèse à Paris"
Bandini, Giulia; Calzona, Lucia; Cappelletti, Francesca; Curie, Pierre; Giovanati, Ettore; Martini, Elisa; Pasquier, Alain; Pinto, Alessandro; Sarti, Maria Giovanna; Sciascia, Sara - 02f Scheda di catalogo
book: Chefs-d'œuvre de la Galerie Borghèse - (978-94-6230-380-5)

11573/1721391 - 2024 - Scultura, pittura e teatro alla corte di Raffaele Riario: riflessioni sul Bacco di Michelangelo e prospettive per una ricerca.
Sciascia, Sara - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUDI MEDIEVALI E MODERNI (Napoli : Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane Napoli: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative editoriali, 2014-) pp. 385-409 - issn: 1593-0947 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1693288 - 2023 - Il tocco di Pigmalione. Rubens e la scultura a Roma.
Cappelletti, Francesca; Simonato, Lucia; Sciascia, Sara - 02f Scheda di catalogo
book: Il tocco di Pigmalione. Rubens e la scultura a Roma - (9788892824775)

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