11573/1673669 - 2023 -
Revisional surgery after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding Angrisani, Luigi; Palma, Rossella; Archivolti, Erica; Hawkins, William J.; Kulendran, Myutan - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Obesity, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. A Comprehensive Guide - (978-3-030-60596-4)
11573/1689146 - 2023 -
Sizzling Fat-Curative Endoscopic Resection of a Giant Lipoma Causing Colo-Colic Intussusception Eberspacher, Chiara; Arcieri, Stefano; Lauro, Augusto; Palma, Rossella; Coletta, Enrico; Arcieri, Francesco Leone; Mascagni, Domenico; Pontone, Stefano - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
rivista: DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES (Plenum Press:Book Customer Service, 233 Spring Street:New York, NY 10013:(212)620-8471, (212)620-8000, EMAIL: info@plenum.com, INTERNET: http://www.plenum.com, Fax: (212)807-1047) pp. - - issn: 0163-2116 - wos: WOS:001071113300002 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85171671568 (0)
11573/1686251 - 2023 -
Endocuff Vision-Assisted Resection for Difficult Colonic Lesions-Preliminary Results of a Multicenter, Prospective Randomized Pilot Study Palma, Rossella; Andrisani, Gianluca; Fanello, Gianfranco; Lauro, Augusto; Panetta, Cristina; Eberspacher, Chiara; Di Matteo, Francesco Maria; Vaccari, Samuele; Zorzetti, Noemi; D'andrea, Vito; Pontone, Stefano - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE (MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland) pp. - - issn: 2077-0383 - wos: WOS:001045617000001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85167654650 (0)
11573/1665113 - 2023 -
Serotonin and melatonin in human lower gastrointestinal tract Vaccaro, Rosa; Casini, Arianna; Severi, Carola; Lamazza, Antonietta; Pronio, Annamaria; Palma, Rossella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: DIAGNOSTICS (Basel: MDPI) pp. 1-10 - issn: 2075-4418 - wos: WOS:000914495500001 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85146813008 (10)
11573/1691528 - 2023 -
Indocyanine Green Tattooing During Colonoscopy as a Guide to Laparoscopic Colorectal Cancer Surgery: A Literature Review Varanese, Marzia; Arcieri, Stefano; Lauro, Augusto; Panetta, Cristina; Eberspacher, Chiara; Palma, Rossella; Mascagni, Domenico; Pontone, Stefano - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
-Glen Head, N.Y.: Westminster Publications 2004-) pp. - - issn: 1553-3506 - wos: WOS:001095147500001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85175633185 (3)
11573/1611621 - 2022 -
Mesenchymal stem cells for cryptoglandular anal fistula: current state of art Eberspacher, Chiara; Mascagni, Domenico; Ferent, Iulia Catalina; Coletta, Enrico; Palma, Rossella; Panetta, Cristina; Esposito, Anna; Arcieri, Stefano; Pontone, Stefano - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
rivista: FRONTIERS IN SURGERY (Lausanne : Frontiers Media S.A., 2014-) pp. 1-6 - issn: 2296-875X - wos: WOS:000764304600001 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85125629591 (10)
11573/1649261 - 2022 -
The Role of Insulin Resistance in Fueling NAFLD Pathogenesis. From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Implications Palma, Rossella; Pronio, Annamaria; Romeo, Mario; Scognamiglio, Flavia; Ventriglia, Lorenzo; Maria Ormando, Vittorio; Lamazza, Antonietta; Pontone, Stefano; Federico, Alessandro; Dallio, Marcello - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE (MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland) pp. - - issn: 2077-0383 - wos: WOS:000824173900001 (28) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85132374103 (33)
11573/1673670 - 2022 -
A conservative management of gastric bezoar in a novel bariatric procedure: Nissen-sleeve gastrectomy Palma, Rossella; Ruggiero, Luigi; Santonicola, Antonella; Iovino, Paola; Angrisani, Luigi - 01f Lettera, Nota
rivista: OBESITY SURGERY (FD-Communications Incorporated:5863 Leslie Street, Box 1002, Toronto Ontario M2H 1J8 Canada:(416)224-5455, (416)224-5055, EMAIL: journal@obesitysurgery.com, INTERNET: http://www.obesitysurgery.com, Fax: (416)224-5455) pp. 944-947 - issn: 0960-8923 - wos: WOS:000746771700001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85123488966 (0)
11573/1638878 - 2022 -
Do difficulties in emotional processing predict procedure pain and shape the patient's colonoscopy experience? Pontone, S.; Lauriola, M.; Palma, R.; Panetta, C.; Tomai, M.; Baker, R. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: BMJ OPEN ([London] : BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2011-) pp. 1-12 - issn: 2044-6055 - wos: WOS:000759057000009 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85125157025 (7)
11573/1656183 - 2022 -
Eosinophilic esophagitis: cytokines expression and fibrotic markers in comparison to celiac disease Pronio, A; Covotta, F; Pallotta, L; Palma, R; Badiali, D; Sacchi, Mc; Lamazza, A; Severi, C. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: DIAGNOSTICS (Basel: MDPI) pp. 1-11 - issn: 2075-4418 - wos: WOS:000858106000001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85138646249 (2)
11573/1631558 - 2022 -
Safety of bariatric surgery in ≥ 65-year-old patients during the COVID-19 pandemic Singhal, Rishi; Omar, Islam; Madhok, Brijesh; Rajeev, Yashasvi; Graham, Yitka; Tahrani, Abd A.; Ludwig, Christian; Wiggins, Tom; Mahawar, Kamal; Pędziwiatr, Michał; Major, Piotr; Zarzycki, Piotr; Pantelis, Athanasios; Lapatsanis, Dimitris P.; Stravodimos, Georgios; Matthys, Chris; Focquet, Marc; Vleeschouwers, Wouter; Spaventa, Antonio G.; Zerrweck, Carlos; Vitiello, Antonio; Berardi, Giovanna; Musella, Mario; Sanchez-Meza, Alberto; Cantu, Felipe J.; Mora, Fernando; Cantu, Marco A.; Katakwar, Abhishek; Reddy, D. Nageshwar; Elmaleh, Haitham; Hassan, Mohammad; Elghandour, Abdelrahman; Elbanna, Mohey; Osman, Ahmed; Khan, Athar; Layani, Laurent; Kiran, Nalini; Velikorechin, Andrey; Solovyeva, Maria; Melali, Hamid; Shahabi, Shahab; Agrawal, Ashish; Shrivastava, Apoorv; Sharma, Ankur; Narwaria, Bhavya; Narwaria, Mahendra; Raziel, Asnat; Sakran, Nasser; Susmallian, Sergio; Karagöz, Levent; Akbaba, Murat; Pişkin, Salih Zeki; Balta, Ahmet Ziya; Senol, Zafer; Manno, Emilio; Iovino, Michele Giuseppe; Osman, Ahmed; Qassem, Mohamed; Arana-Garza, Sebastián; Povoas, Heitor P.; Vilas-Boas, Marcos Leão; Li, Alan; Ammori, Basil J.; Balamoun, Hany; Salman, Mohammed; Nasta, Amrit Manik; Goel, Ramen; Sánchez-Aguilar, Hugo; Herrera, Miguel F.; Abou-Mrad, Adel; Cloix, Lucie; Mazzini, Guilherme Silva; Kristem, Leonardo; Lazaro, Andre; Campos, Jose; Bernardo, Joaquín; González, Jesús; Trindade, Carlos; Viveiros, Octávio; Ribeiro, Rui; Goitein, David; Hazzan, David; Segev, Lior; Beck, Tamar; Reyes, Hernán; Monterrubio, Jerónimo; García, Paulina; Benois, Marine; Kassir, Radwan; Contine, Alessandro; Elshafei, Moustafa; Aktas, Sueleyman; Weiner, Sylvia; Heidsieck, Till; Level, Luis; Pinango, Silvia; Ortega, Patricia Martinez; Moncada, Rafael; Valenti, Victor; Vlahović, Ivan; Boras, Zdenko; Liagre, Arnaud; Martini, Francesco; Juglard, Gildas; Motwani, Manish; Saggu, Sukhvinder Singh; Al Momani, Hazem; López, Luis Adolfo Aceves; Cortez, María Angelina Contreras; Zavala, Rodrigo Aceves; D’Haese, Christine; Kempeneers, Ivo; Himpens, Jacques; Lazzati, Andrea; Paolino, Luca; Bathaei, Sarah; Bedirli, Abdulkadir; Yavuz, Aydın; Büyükkasap, Çağrı; Özaydın, Safa; Kwiatkowski, Andrzej; Bartosiak, Katarzyna; Walędziak, Maciej; Santonicola, Antonella; Angrisani, Luigi; Iovino, Paola; Palma, Rossella; Iossa, Angelo; Boru, Cristian Eugeniu; De Angelis, Francesco; Silecchia, Gianfranco; Hussain, Abdulzahra; Balchandra, Srivinasan; Coltell, Izaskun Balciscueta; Pérez, Javier Lorenzo; Bohra, Ashok; Awan, Altaf K.; Madhok, Brijesh; Leeder, Paul C.; Awad, Sherif; Al-Khyatt, Waleed; Shoma, Ashraf; Elghadban, Hosam; Ghareeb, Sameh; Mathews, Bryan; Kurian, Marina; Larentzakis, Andreas; Vrakopoulou, Gavriella Zoi; Albanopoulos, Konstantinos; Bozdag, Ahemt; Lale, Azmi; Kirkil, Cuneyt; Dincer, Mursid; Bashir, Ahmad; Haddad, Ashraf; Hijleh, Leen Abu; Zilberstein, Bruno; De Marchi, Danilo Dallago; Souza, Willy Petrini; Brodén, Carl Magnus; Gislason, Hjörtur; Shah, Kamran; Ambrosi, Antonio; Pavone, Giovanna; Tartaglia, Nicola; Kona, S. Lakshmi Kumari; Kalyan, K.; Perez, Cesar Ernesto Guevara; Botero, Miguel Alberto Forero; Covic, Adrian; Timofte, Daniel; Maxim, Madalina; Faraj, Dashti; Tseng, Larissa; Liem, Ronald; Ören, Gürdal; Dilektasli, Evren; Yalcin, Ilker; Almukhtar, Hudhaifa; Al Hadad, Mohammed; Mohan, Rasmi; Arora, Naresh; Bedi, Digvijaysingh; Rives-Lange, Claire; Chevallier, Jean-Marc; Poghosyan, Tigran; Sebbag, Hugues; Zinaï, Lamia; Khaldi, Saadi; Mauchien, Charles; Mazza, Davide; Dinescu, Georgiana; Rea, Bernardo; Pérez-Galaz, Fernando; Zavala, Luis; Besa, Anais; Curell, Anna; Balibrea, Jose M.; Vaz, Carlos; Galindo, Luis; Silva, Nelson; Caballero, José Luis Estrada; Sebastian, Sergio Ortiz; Marchesini, João Caetano Dallegrave; Da Fonseca Pereira, Ricardo Arcanjo; Sobottka, Wagner Herbert; Fiolo, Felipe Eduardo; Turchi, Matias; Coelho, Antonio Claudio Jamel; Zacaron, Andre Luis; Barbosa, André; Quinino, Reynaldo; Menaldi, Ga - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: OBESITY SURGERY (FD-Communications Incorporated:5863 Leslie Street, Box 1002, Toronto Ontario M2H 1J8 Canada:(416)224-5455, (416)224-5055, EMAIL: journal@obesitysurgery.com, INTERNET: http://www.obesitysurgery.com, Fax: (416)224-5455) pp. 2155-2167 - issn: 0960-8923 - wos: WOS:000791116000001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85132771164 (2)
11573/1555995 - 2021 -
Microbiota alterations in precancerous colon lesions: a systematic review Aprile, F.; Bruno, G.; Palma, R.; Mascellino, M. T.; Panetta, C.; Scalese, G.; Oliva, A.; Severi, C.; Pontone, S. - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
rivista: CANCERS (Basel: MDPI) pp. 1-14 - issn: 2072-6694 - wos: WOS:000666552700001 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85108140734 (19)
11573/1629326 - 2021 -
30-day morbidity and mortality of sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and one anastomosis gastric bypass: a propensity score-matched analysis of the GENEVA data Singhal, R.; Cardoso, V. R.; Wiggins, T.; Super, J.; Ludwig, C.; Gkoutos, G. V.; Mahawar, K.; Pedziwiatr, M.; Major, P.; Zarzycki, P.; Pantelis, A.; Lapatsanis, D. P.; Stravodimos, G.; Matthys, C.; Focquet, M.; Vleeschouwers, W.; Spaventa, A. G.; Zerrweck, C.; Vitiello, A.; Berardi, G.; Musella, M.; Sanchez-Meza, A.; Cantu, F. J.; Mora, F.; Cantu, M. A.; Katakwar, A.; Reddy, D. N.; Elmaleh, H.; Hassan, M.; Elghandour, A.; Elbanna, M.; Osman, A.; Khan, A.; Layani, L.; Kiran, N.; Velikorechin, A.; Solovyeva, M.; Melali, H.; Shahabi, S.; Agrawal, A.; Shrivastava, A.; Sharma, A.; Narwaria, B.; Narwaria, M.; Raziel, A.; Sakran, N.; Susmallian, S.; Karagoz, L.; Akbaba, M.; Piskin, S. Z.; Balta, A. Z.; Senol, Z.; Manno, E.; Iovino, M. G.; Osman, A.; Qassem, M.; Arana-Garza, S.; Povoas, H. P.; Vilas-Boas, M. L.; Naumann, D.; Li, A.; Ammori, B. J.; Balamoun, H.; Salman, M.; Nasta, A. M.; Goel, R.; Sanchez-Aguilar, H.; Herrera, M. F.; Abou-Mrad, A.; Cloix, L.; Mazzini, G. S.; Kristem, L.; Lazaro, A.; Campos, J.; Bernardo, J.; Gonzalez, J.; Trindade, C.; Viveiros, O.; Ribeiro, R.; Goitein, D.; Hazzan, D.; Segev, L.; Beck, T.; Reyes, H.; Monterrubio, J.; Garcia, P.; Benois, M.; Kassir, R.; Contine, A.; Elshafei, M.; Aktas, S.; Weiner, S.; Heidsieck, T.; Level, L.; Pinango, S.; Ortega, P. M.; Moncada, R.; Valenti, V.; Vlahovic, I.; Boras, Z.; Liagre, A.; Martini, F.; Juglard, G.; Motwani, M.; Saggu, S. S.; Momani, H. A.; Lopez, L. A. A.; Cortez, M. A. C.; Zavala, R. A.; D'haese Rn, C.; Kempeneers, I.; Himpens, J.; Lazzati, A.; Paolino, L.; Bathaei, S.; Bedirli, A.; Yavuz, A.; Buyukkasap, C.; Ozaydin, S.; Kwiatkowski, A.; Bartosiak, K.; Waledziak, M.; Santonicola, A.; Angrisani, L.; Iovino, P.; Palma, R.; Iossa, A.; Boru Cristian, Eugeniu.; De Angelis, F.; Silecchia, G.; Hussain, A.; Balchandra, S.; Coltell, I. B.; Perez, J. L.; Bohra, A.; Awan, A. K.; Madhok, B.; Leeder, P. C.; Awad, S.; Al-Khyatt, W.; Shoma, A.; Elghadban, H.; Ghareeb, S.; Mathews, B.; Kurian, M.; Larentzakis, A.; Vrakopoulou, G. Z.; Albanopoulos, K.; Bozdag, A.; Lale, A.; Kirkil, C.; Dincer, M.; Bashir, A.; Haddad, A.; Hijleh, L. A.; Zilberstein, B.; De Marchi, D. D.; Souza, W. P.; Broden, C. M.; Gislason, H.; Shah, K.; Ambrosi, A.; Pavone, G.; Tartaglia, N.; Kona, S. L. K.; Kalyan, K.; Perez, C. E. G.; Botero, M. A. F.; Covic, A.; Timofte, D.; Maxim, M.; Faraj, D.; Tseng, L.; Liem, R.; Oren, G.; Dilektasli, E.; Yalcin, I.; Almukhtar, H.; Hadad, M. A.; Mohan, R.; Arora, N.; Bedi, D.; Rives-Lange, C.; Chevallier, J. -M.; Poghosyan, T.; Sebbag, H.; Zinai, L.; Khaldi, S.; Mauchien, C.; Mazza, D.; Dinescu, G.; Rea, B.; Perez-Galaz, F.; Zavala, L.; Besa, A.; Curell, A.; Balibrea, J. M.; Vaz, C.; Galindo, L.; Silva, N.; Caballero, J. L. E.; Sebastian, S. O.; Marchesini, J. C. D.; Da Fonseca Pereira, R. A.; Sobottka, W. H.; Fiolo, F. E.; Turchi, M.; Coelho, A. C. J.; Zacaron, A. L.; Barbosa, A.; Quinino, R.; Menaldi, G.; Paleari, N.; Martinez-Duartez, P.; De Esparza, G. M. A. R.; Esteban, V. S.; Torres, A.; Garcia-Galocha, J. L.; Josa, M.; Pacheco-Garcia, J. M.; Mayo-Ossorio, M. A.; Chowbey, P.; Soni, V.; De Vasconcelos Cunha, H. A.; Castilho, M. V.; Ferreira, R. M. A.; Barreiro, T. A.; Charalabopoulos, A.; Sdralis, E.; Davakis, S.; Bomans, B.; Dapri, G.; Van Belle, K.; Takieddine, M.; Vaneukem, P.; Karaca, E. S. A.; Karaca, F. C.; Sumer, A.; Peksen, C.; Savas, O. A.; Chousleb, E.; Elmokayed, F.; Fakhereldin, I.; Aboshanab, H. M.; Swelium, T.; Gudal, A.; Gamloo, L.; Ugale, A.; Ugale, S.; Boeker, C.; Reetz, C.; Hakami, I. A.; Mall, J.; Alexandrou, A.; Baili, E.; Bodnar, Z.; Maleckas, A.; Gudaityte, R.; Guldogan, C. E.; Gundogdu, E.; Ozmen, M. M.; Thakkar, D.; Dukkipati, N.; Shah, P. S.; Shah, S. S.; Shah, S. S.; Adil, M. T.; Jambulingam, P.; Mamidanna, R.; Whitelaw, D.; Adil, M. T.; Jain, V.; Veetil, D. K.; Wadhawan, R.; Torres, A.; Torres, M.; Tinoco, T.; Leclercq, W.; Romeijn, M.; Van De Pas, K.; Alkhazraji, A. K.; Taha, S. A.; Ustun, M.; Yigit, T.; Inam, A.; Burhanulhaq, M.; - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY (Macmillan Magazines Limited:Porters South Crinian Street, London N1 9XW United Kingdom:011 44 207 8334000, 011 44 171 8434982, Fax: 011 44 207 812358) pp. 750-757-757 - issn: 0307-0565 - wos: WOS:000730530400001 (34) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85121334402 (35)
11573/1567437 - 2021 -
30-Day morbidity and mortality of bariatric surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multinational cohort study of 7704 patients from 42 countries Singhal, R.; Ludwig, C.; Rudge, G.; Gkoutos, G. V.; Tahrani, A.; Mahawar, K.; Pedziwiatr, M.; Major, P.; Zarzycki, P.; Pantelis, A.; Lapatsanis, D. P.; Stravodimos, G.; Matthys, C.; Focquet, M.; Vleeschouwers, W.; Spaventa, A. G.; Zerrweck, C.; Vitiello, A.; Berardi, G.; Musella, M.; Sanchez-Meza, A.; Cantu, F. J.; Mora, F.; Cantu, M. A.; Katakwar, A.; Reddy, D. N.; Elmaleh, H.; Hassan, M.; Elghandour, A.; Elbanna, M.; Osman, A.; Khan, A.; Layani, L.; Kiran, N.; Velikorechin, A.; Solovyeva, M.; Melali, H.; Shahabi, S.; Agrawal, A.; Shrivastava, A.; Sharma, A.; Narwaria, B.; Narwaria, M.; Raziel, A.; Sakran, N.; Susmallian, S.; Karagoz, L.; Akbaba, M.; Piskin, S. Z.; Balta, A. Z.; Senol, Z.; Manno, E.; Iovino, M. G.; Osman, A.; Qassem, M.; Arana-Garza, S.; Povoas, H. P.; Vilas-Boas, M. L.; Naumann, D.; Super, J.; Li, A.; Ammori, B. J.; Balamoun, H.; Salman, M.; Nasta, A. M.; Goel, R.; Sanchez-Aguilar, H.; Herrera, M. F.; Abou-Mrad, A.; Cloix, L.; Mazzini, G. S.; Kristem, L.; Lazaro, A.; Campos, J.; Bernardo, J.; Gonzalez, J.; Trindade, C.; Viveiros, O.; Ribeiro, R.; Goitein, D.; Hazzan, D.; Segev, L.; Beck, T.; Reyes, H.; Monterrubio, J.; Garcia, P.; Benois, M.; Kassir, R.; Contine, A.; Elshafei, M.; Aktas, S.; Weiner, S.; Heidsieck, T.; Level, L.; Pinango, S.; Ortega, P. M.; Moncada, R.; Valenti, V.; Vlahovic, I.; Boras, Z.; Liagre, A.; Martini, F.; Juglard, G.; Motwani, M.; Saggu, S. S.; Al Moman, H.; Lopez, L. A. A.; Cortez, M. A. C.; Zavala, R. A.; D'haese, C.; Kempeneers, I.; Himpens, J.; Lazzati, A.; Paolino, L.; Bathaei, S.; Bedirli, A.; Yavuz, A.; Buyukkasap, C.; Ozaydin, S.; Kwiatkowski, A.; Bartosiak, K.; Waledziak, M.; Santonicola, A.; Angrisani, L.; Iovino, P.; Palma, R.; Iossa, Angelo; Boru, Eugeniu Cristian; De Angelis, Francesco; Silecchia, Gianfranco; Hussain, A.; Balchandra, S.; Coltell, I. B.; Perez, J. L.; Bohra, A.; Awan, A. K.; Madhok, B.; Leeder, P. C.; Awad, S.; Al-Khyatt, W.; Shoma, A.; Elghadban, H.; Ghareeb, S.; Mathews, B.; Kurian, M.; Larentzakis, A.; Vrakopoulou, G. Z.; Albanopoulos, K.; Bozdag, A.; Lale, A.; Kirkil, C.; Dincer, M.; Bashir, A.; Haddad, A.; Hijleh, L. A.; Zilberstein, B.; De Marchi, D. D.; Souza, W. P.; Broden, C. M.; Gislason, H.; Shah, K.; Ambrosi, A.; Pavone, G.; Tartaglia, N.; Kona, S. L. K.; Kalyan, K.; Perez, C. E. G.; Botero, M. A. F.; Covic, A.; Timofte, D.; Maxim, M.; Faraj, D.; Tseng, L.; Liem, R.; Oren, G.; Dilektasli, E.; Yalcin, I.; Almukhtar, H.; Al Hadad, M.; Mohan, R.; Arora, N.; Bedi, D.; Rives-Lange, C.; Chevallier, J. -M.; Poghosyan, T.; Sebbag, H.; Zinai, L.; Khaldi, S.; Mauchien, C.; Mazza, D.; Dinescu, G.; Rea, B.; Perez-Galaz, F.; Zavala, L.; Besa, A.; Curell, A.; Balibrea, J. M.; Vaz, C.; Galindo, L.; Silva, N.; Caballero, J. L. E.; Sebastian, S. O.; Marchesini, J. C. D.; Da Fonseca Pereira, R. A.; Sobottka, W. H.; Fiolo, F. E.; Turchi, M.; Coelho, A. C. J.; Zacaron, A. L.; Barbosa, A.; Quinino, R.; Menaldi, G.; Paleari, N.; Martinez-Duartez, P.; De Aragon Ramirez De Esparza, G. M.; Esteban, V. S.; Torres, A.; Garcia-Galocha, J. L.; Josa, M.; Pacheco-Garcia, J. M.; Mayo-Ossorio, M. A.; Chowbey, P.; Soni, V.; De Vasconcelos Cunha, H. A.; Castilho, M. V.; Ferreira, R. M. A.; Barreiro, T. A.; Charalabopoulos, A.; Sdralis, E.; Davakis, S.; Bomans, B.; Dapri, G.; Van Belle, K.; Takieddine, M.; Vaneukem, P.; Karaca, E. S. A.; Karaca, F. C.; Sumer, A.; Peksen, C.; Savas, O. A.; Chousleb, E.; Elmokayed, F.; Fakhereldin, I.; Aboshanab, H. M.; Swelium, T.; Gudal, A.; Gamloo, L.; Ugale, A.; Ugale, S.; Boeker, C.; Reetz, C.; Hakami, I. A.; Mall, J.; Alexandrou, A.; Baili, E.; Bodnar, Z.; Maleckas, A.; Gudaityte, R.; Guldogan, C. E.; Gundogdu, E.; Ozmen, M. M.; Thakkar, D.; Dukkipati, N.; Shah, P. S.; Shah, S. S.; Shah, S. S.; Adil, M. T.; Jambulingam, P.; Mamidanna, R.; Whitelaw, D.; Adil, M. T.; Jain, V.; Veetil, D. K.; Wadhawan, R.; Torres, A.; Torres, M.; Tinoco, T.; Leclercq, W.; Romeijn, M.; Van De Pas, K.; Alkhazraji, A. K.; Taha, S. A.; Ustun, M.; Yigit, T.; Inam, - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: OBESITY SURGERY (FD-Communications Incorporated:5863 Leslie Street, Box 1002, Toronto Ontario M2H 1J8 Canada:(416)224-5455, (416)224-5055, EMAIL: journal@obesitysurgery.com, INTERNET: http://www.obesitysurgery.com, Fax: (416)224-5455) pp. 1-17 - issn: 0960-8923 - wos: WOS:000679631800003 (30) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85111690256 (34)
11573/1383788 - 2020 -
Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery - Endoscopy assisted treatment of colorectal anastomotic stenosis D'ambrosio, Giancarlo; Lamazza, Antonietta; Palma, Rossella; Picchetto, Andrea; Panetta, Cristina; Trecca, Antonello; Pontone, Stefano; Lezoche, Emanuele - 01i Case report
rivista: ANNALS OF COLOPROCTOLOGY (Seoul Korean Society of Coloproctology) pp. - - issn: 2287-9714 - wos: WOS:000565969400014 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85091853475 (2)
11573/1375376 - 2020 -
Procedural anxiety, pain catastrophizing, and procedure-related pain during EGD and colonoscopy Lauriola, M.; Tomai, M.; Palma, R.; La Spina, G.; Foglia, A.; Panetta, C.; Raniolo, M.; Pontone, S. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SOUTHERN MEDICAL JOURNAL (Southern Medical Association:PO Box 190088, 35 Lakeshore Drive:Birmingham, AL 35219:(800)423-4992, (205)945-1840, Fax: (205)945-1548) pp. 8-15 - issn: 0038-4348 - wos: WOS:000506576900002 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85077436382 (7)
Palma, R. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES (Plenum Press:Book Customer Service, 233 Spring Street:New York, NY 10013:(212)620-8471, (212)620-8000, EMAIL: info@plenum.com, INTERNET: http://www.plenum.com, Fax: (212)807-1047) pp. 1954-1954 - issn: 0163-2116 - wos: WOS:000540579900016 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85083368401 (0)
11573/1381300 - 2020 -
Sheep in wolf’s clothing: pedunculated colonic lipoma with overlying hyperplastic and ulcerated epithelium Palma, R.; Pontone, S.; Marino, I. R.; Magliocca, F. M.; Frattaroli, S.; Tonini, V.; D'andrea, V. - 01i Case report
rivista: DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES (Plenum Press:Book Customer Service, 233 Spring Street:New York, NY 10013:(212)620-8471, (212)620-8000, EMAIL: info@plenum.com, INTERNET: http://www.plenum.com, Fax: (212)807-1047) pp. - - issn: 0163-2116 - wos: WOS:000519505000001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85081593162 (3)
11573/1443067 - 2020 -
Sleeve gastrectomy and gastric cancer: is it really rare? Palma, Rossella - 01f Lettera, Nota
rivista: OBESITY SURGERY (FD-Communications Incorporated:5863 Leslie Street, Box 1002, Toronto Ontario M2H 1J8 Canada:(416)224-5455, (416)224-5055, EMAIL: journal@obesitysurgery.com, INTERNET: http://www.obesitysurgery.com, Fax: (416)224-5455) pp. 4119-4121 - issn: 0960-8923 - wos: WOS:000535155500001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85085285877 (0)
11573/1443917 - 2020 -
Late-term hiatal hernia after gastric bypass: an emerging problem. “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” Palma, Rossella; Angrisani, Luigi; Santonicola, Antonella; Fierro, Francesca; Iovino, Paola - 01f Lettera, Nota
rivista: SURGERY FOR OBESITY AND RELATED DISEASES (New York, N.Y. : Elsevier, c2005-) pp. 1623-1624 - issn: 1550-7289 - wos: WOS:000576314300045 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85090063095 (1)
11573/1442301 - 2020 -
Efficacy of sedation by midazolam in association with meperidine or fentanyl and role of patient distress during elective colonoscopy Pontone, S.; Palma, R.; Donato, G.; Borghini, R.; Frattaroli, S.; Raniolo, M.; Panetta, C.; Lauriola, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
-[Baltimore, MD] : Williams & Wilkins, [c1989-) pp. 258-263 - issn: 1042-895X - wos: WOS:000553326800011 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85085904022 (1)
11573/1443923 - 2020 -
Gastric peroral endoscopic pyloromyotomy for refractory gastroparesis: a systematic review of early outcomes with pooled analysis Spadaccini, M.; Maselli, R.; Chandrasekar, V. T.; Anderloni, A.; Carrara, S.; Galtieri, P. A.; Di Leo, M.; Fugazza, A.; Pellegatta, G.; Colombo, M.; Palma, R.; Hassan, C.; Sethi, A.; Khashab, M. A.; Sharma, P.; Repici, A. - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
rivista: GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY (Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V.
Orlando, FL: Mosby Year Book Incorporated) pp. 746-752.e5 - issn: 0016-5107 - wos: WOS:000521958200004 (50) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85079165291 (54)
11573/1268647 - 2019 -
Intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety-related dispositions predict pain during upper endoscopy Lauriola, Marco; Tomai, Manuela; Palma, Rossella; La Spina, Gaia; Foglia, Anastasia; Panetta, Cristina; Raniolo, Marilena; Pontone, Stefano - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY (Lausanne: Frontiers Editorial) pp. - - issn: 1664-1078 - wos: WOS:000467965000001 (34) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85066296973 (30)
11573/1685761 - 2019 -
OTSC Proctology vs. fistulectomy and primary sphincter reconstruction as a treatment for low trans-sphincteric anal fistula in a randomized controlled pilot trial Mascagni, D; Pironi, D; Grimaldi, G; Romani, Am; La Torre, G; Eberspacher, C; Palma, R; Sorrenti, S; Pontone, S - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: MINERVA CHIRURGICA (Edizioni Minerva Medica:Corso Bramante 83-85, 10126 Turin Italy:011 39 011 678282318, EMAIL: journals.dept@minervamedica.it, INTERNET: http://www.minervamedica.it, Fax: 011 39 011 674502) pp. - - issn: 0026-4733 - wos: WOS:000461738500001 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85054886319 (15)
11573/1443921 - 2019 -
Colonic stents for malignant bowel obstruction: current status and future prospects Ormando, V. M.; Palma, R.; Fugazza, A.; Repici, A. - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
rivista: EXPERT REVIEW OF MEDICAL DEVICES (London, United Kingdom: Expert Reviews Ltd) pp. 1053-1061 - issn: 1743-4440 - wos: WOS:000499090500001 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85076200039 (31)
11573/1194646 - 2018 -
Quality of life in patients with loco-regional rectal cancer after ELRR by TEM versus VLS TME after nChRT. Long-term results D'ambrosio, Giancarlo; Picchetto, Andrea; Campo, Salvatore; Palma, Rossella; Panetta, Cristina; De Laurentis, Francesca; La Rocca, Stefania; Lezoche, Emanuele - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY (Springer-Verlag New York Incorporated:175 Fifth Avenue:New York, NY 10010:(212)460-1500, EMAIL: orders@springer-ny.com, INTERNET: http://www.springer-ny.com, Fax: (212)533-3503) pp. 1-8 - issn: 0930-2794 - wos: WOS:000459683700035 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85056386963 (13)
11573/1039594 - 2018 -
Quadruple, sequential, and concomitant first-line therapies for H. pylori eradication: a prospective, randomized study De Francesco, Vincenzo; Pontone, Stefano; Bellesia, Annamaria; Serviddio, Gaetano; Panetta, Cristina; Palma, Rossella; Zullo, Angelo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE (-Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana; Milano: Elsevier
-Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana.
-Ospedaletto Pisa: Pacini) pp. 139-141 - issn: 1590-8658 - wos: WOS:000425272100005 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85032359402 (24)
11573/1067967 - 2018 -
OTSC® Proctology vs. fistulectomy and primary sphincter reconstruction as a treatment for low trans-sphincteric anal fistula in a randomized controlled pilot trial Mascagni, Domenico; Pironi, Daniele; Grimaldi, Gianmarco; Romani, Anna M; La Torre, Giuseppe; Eberspacher, Chiara; Palma, Rossella; Sorrenti, Salvatore; Pontone, Stefano - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: MINERVA CHIRURGICA (Edizioni Minerva Medica:Corso Bramante 83-85, 10126 Turin Italy:011 39 011 678282318, EMAIL: journals.dept@minervamedica.it, INTERNET: http://www.minervamedica.it, Fax: 011 39 011 674502) pp. - - issn: 0026-4733 - wos: WOS:000461738500001 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85054886319 (15)
11573/1123062 - 2018 -
OC.01.3 Pain catastrophizing and pain experience during endoscopic procedures Palma, R.; Panetta, C.; Pontone, S.; Raniolo, M.; Gallo, G.; Foglia, A.; La Spina, G.; Cremona, M.; Tomai, M.; Lauriola, M. - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE (-Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana; Milano: Elsevier
-Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana.
-Ospedaletto Pisa: Pacini) pp. e69- - issn: 1590-8658 - wos: WOS:000428642600012 (2) - scopus: (0)
congresso: Fismad 2018 (Roma)
11573/1123058 - 2018 -
P.05.16 Endocuff vision-assisted resection for “difficult” colonic lesions. Efficacy and safety in a pilot randomized study Palma, R.; Panetta, C.; Raniolo, M.; Gallo, G.; Pontone, S. - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE (-Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana; Milano: Elsevier
-Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana.
-Ospedaletto Pisa: Pacini) pp. e172- - issn: 1590-8658 - wos: WOS:000428642600245 (1) - scopus: (0)
congresso: Fismad 2018 (Roma)
11573/1073535 - 2018 -
Paucisymptomatic gastric anisakiasis: endoscopical removal of Anisakis sp. larva Palma, Rossella; Mattiucci, Simonetta; Panetta, Cristina; Raniolo, Marilena; Magliocca, Fabio Massimo; Pontone, Stefano - 01i Case report
rivista: MINI-INVASIVE SURGERY (Alhambra CA : OAE Publishing Inc.) pp. 1-5 - issn: 2574-1225 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/1123064 - 2018 -
Intolerance of Uncertainty, Anxiety Sensitivity and Health Distress Predicted Self-Reported and Clinician Rated Pain During Upper Endoscopy Though Pain Catastrophizing Palma, Rossella; Pontone, Stefano; Panetta, Cristina; La Spina, Gaia; Foglia, Anastasia; Raniolo, Marilena; Tomai, Manuela; Lauriola, Marco - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: Digestive Disease Week (Washington DC)
libro: gastroenterology Volume 154, Issue 6, Supplement 1, Pages S-1003–S-1004 - ()
11573/1073736 - 2018 -
Polyethylene glycol-based bowel preparation before colonoscopy for selected inpatients. A pilot study Pontone, Stefano; Palma, Rossella; Panetta, Cristina; Eberspacher, Chiara; Angelini, Rita; Pironi, Daniele; Filippini, Angelo; Pontone, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF DIGESTIVE DISEASES (Carlton, Victoria ; [Great Britain] : Blackwell Publishing, 2007-) pp. 40-47 - issn: 1751-2972 - wos: WOS:000426070200006 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85042439791 (9)
11573/1123066 - 2018 -
Predictive factors for the eradication of esophageal varices in cirrhotic patient undergoing endoscopic band ligation Tavano, D.; Palma, R.; Di Gregorio, V.; Panetta, C.; Lattanzi, B.; D'ambrosio, D.; Raniolo, M.; Incicco, S.; Antoniozzi, A.; Pontone, S.; Lamazza, A.; Merli, M. - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE (-Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana; Milano: Elsevier
-Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana.
-Ospedaletto Pisa: Pacini) pp. e191- - issn: 1590-8658 - wos: WOS:000428642600286 (1) - scopus: (0)
congresso: Fismad 2018 (Rome)
11573/964493 - 2017 -
Quality of Life in Rectal Cancer Treated by Endoluminal Loco-Regional Resection by Tem Vs Laparoscopic Total Mesorectal Excision: Long Term Results D'ambrosio, Giancarlo; Picchetto, Andrea; Campo, Salvatore; Palma, Rossella; Agostini, Mariangela; Paganini, Alessandro Maria; Lezoche, E. - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY (Springer-Verlag New York Incorporated:175 Fifth Avenue:New York, NY 10010:(212)460-1500, EMAIL: orders@springer-ny.com, INTERNET: http://www.springer-ny.com, Fax: (212)533-3503) pp. 25-25 - issn: 0930-2794 - wos: WOS:000462519900001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85059496915 (0)
congresso: 25th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) (Frankfurt, Germany,)
11573/963398 - 2017 -
Efficacy of Sedation and Analgesia by Midazolam in Association with Meperidine or Fentanyl for Elective Colonoscopy Gallusi, Giulia; Donato, Giuseppe; Panetta, Cristina; Palma, Rossella; Pontone, Paolo; Borghini, Raffaele; Lauriola, Marco; Pontone, Stefano - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
rivista: DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE. SUPPLEMENT (Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana.) pp. - - issn: 1594-5804 - wos: WOS:000440419300314 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: fismad (bologna)
11573/950362 - 2017 -
Can endoscopic markers predict the gastroesophageal variceal eradication after endoscopic band ligation? Lamazza, Antonietta; Panetta, C; Antoniozzi, Angelo; Palma, Rossella; Fiori, Enrico; Mazzucca Mari, L; Pontone, Stefano - 04f Poster
rivista: DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE. SUPPLEMENT (Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana.) pp. 151-152 - issn: 1594-5804 - wos: WOS:000440419300320 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: 23 National Congress of digestive disease (Bologna)
libro: Digestive and Liver Disease. Supplement - ()
11573/950373 - 2017 -
Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM)-endoscopy assisted: an original treatment of colorectal complete anastomotic stenosis Lamazza, Antonietta; Picchetto, Andrea; Mazzucca Mari, L; Trecca, A; Panetta, Cristina; Palma, Rossella; Fiori, Enrico; Antoniozzi, Angelo; D'ambrosio, Giancarlo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
rivista: DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE. SUPPLEMENT (Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana.) pp. e176-e177 - issn: 1594-5804 - wos: WOS:000440419300231 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: 23rd National Congress of Digestive Diseases, Italian Federation of Societies of Digestive Diseases – FISMAD (Bologna)
11573/963397 - 2017 -
A Pilot Study Analyzing A 1L Peg Bowel Preparation Before Colonoscopy for Selected Inpatients Palma, Rossella; Panetta, Cristina; Eberspacher, Chiara; Pontone, Paolo; Angelini, Rita; Pontone, Stefano - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
rivista: DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE. SUPPLEMENT (Roma: Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana.) pp. - - issn: 1594-5804 - wos: WOS:000440419300325 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: FISMAD (BOLOGNA)
11573/963312 - 2017 -
1L Peg Bowel Preparation before Colonoscopy for Selected High-Risk Inpatients in a Pilot Study Pontone, Stefano; Palma, Rossella; Panetta, Cristina; Eberspacher, Chiara; Pontone, Paolo - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: Digestive Disease Week (Chicago)
libro: Gastroenterology - ()
11573/908436 - 2017 -
Endoscopic mucosal resection in elderly patients Pontone, Stefano; Palma, Rossella; Panetta, Cristina; Pironi, Daniele; Eberspacher, Chiara; Angelini, Rita; Pontone, Paolo; Catania, Antonio; Filippini, Angelo; Sorrenti, Salvatore - 01a Articolo in rivista
Milano: Editrice Kurtis) pp. 109-113 - issn: 1594-0667 - wos: WOS:000396128300016 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84994731577 (8)
11573/963313 - 2017 -
CAN ENDOSCOPIC FEATURES IDENTIFYING THE LAST ENDOSCOPIC BAND LIGATION SESSION BEFORE GASTROESOPHAGEAL VARICEAL ERADICATION? Pontone, Stefano; Panetta, Cristina; Palma, Rossella; Antoniozzi, Angelo; Lamazza, Antonietta - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: Digestive Disease Week (Chicago)
libro: Gastroenterology - ()
11573/964537 - 2016 -
A Rare Case of Colorectal Complete Anastomotic Stenosis Treated by TEM D’Ambrosio, A. Picchetto; Palma, Rossella; Panetta, Cristina; Trecca, A.; Lamazza, Antonietta; Seitaj, Ardit; Campo, Salvatore; Paganini, Alessandro Maria; Lezoche, E. - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY (New York : Springer) pp. - - issn: 1432-2218 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85057372086 (0)
11573/963316 - 2014 -
Antioxidant Activity of Inulin and Its Ability to Prevent Human Colonic Muscle Cell Impairment Induced by Lipopolysaccharide Mucosal Exposure Altomare, Annamaria; Guarino, Michele Pier Luca; Pasqualetti, Valentina; Cocca, Silvia; Locato, Vittoria; Cimini, Sara; Palma, Rossella; Alloni, Rossana; Cicala, Michele; Gara, Laura De - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
rivista: GASTROENTEROLOGY (USA: Elsevier
Philadelphia, PA: W B Saunders Company) pp. 482-482 - issn: 0016-5085 - wos: WOS:000371236402284 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: 55th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Surgery-of-the-Alimentary-Tract (SSAT) / Digestive Disease Week (DDW) (Chicago; USA)
libro: Gastroenterology - ()
11573/963059 - 2014 -
Antioxidant activity of inulin and its role in the prevention of human colonic muscle cell impairment induced by lipopolysaccharide mucosal exposure. Pasqualetti, Valentina; Altomare, Annamaria; Guarino, Michele Pier Luca; Locato, Vittoria; Cocca, Silvia; Cimini, Sara; Palma, Rossella; Alloni, Rossana; Gara, Laura De; Cicala, Michele - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. - - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000339614800099 (61) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84901367480 (73)