PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI
email: riccardo.nieri@uniroma1.it
phone: 3891008784
building: pl38- Dip Medicina Sperimentale
room: 330

supervisor: Prf. Marco Tafani
advisor: Prf. Marco Tafani
co-supervisor: Dtt.ssa Eleonora Foglio
co-supervisor (2): Prf.ssa Federica Limana

Research: Microbiota in atherosclerosis

From 10/1/2020: Research Doctorate (PhD) in Molecular Medicine at the La Sapienza University of Rome, carried out in the General Pathology department of the Umberto Primo Polyclinic in Rome

9/3/2020: Master's degree in Human Nutrition Sciences at the San Raffele University of Rome, experimental thesis carried out at the CNR of Pisa in the ICCOM institute as Dr. Bramanti Emilia. Thesis supervisor Prf.ssa Montorsi Michela, title "Analysis of biomarkers in saliva by HPLC" with vote 110/110 Lode.

November 2019-February 2020: internship at the ICCOM institute of the CNR in Pisa as Dr. Bramanti Emilia. In this period I carried out research activities dealing with all phases: acquisition and preparation of samples and standards, reverse phase liquid chromatography analysis (RP-HPLC-DAD) for the identification of salivary metabolites, statistical and chemometric analysis, interpretation and data processing.

12/12/2017: Degree in Sports Science c/o at the faculty of Pisa, Thesis carried out at the Sports Medicine department of the Santa Chiara hospital in Pisa with the thesis title "The importance of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET ) in the planning of sports training”, vote 108/110.

Work address: Professor Tafani Laboratory, building pl38 room 330 and Istituto Superiore di Sanità in building 8 (BENA)

Supervisors: Dr. Eleonora Foglio, Prof. Federica Limana

Previous research experiences: CNR of Pisa at ICCOM as Dr. Emilia Bramanti

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