PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
phone: 3518877709

My name is Reza Tavakoliabandansari. I have been engaged in painting, illustration, and graphic design for many years.

[Bachelor of Painting, 2000-2006]
I completed my bachelor's degree at Tehran University of Arts. During that time, in addition to the practical part, I also got acquainted with the theory of art. I was interested in art history, art criticism and art philosophy
[Master of Painting, 2007-2010]
I tried to enhance my experience in the visual arts by studying for a master's degree. An important part of our lessons was studying the theory of visual arts. At that time, I started to study the relationship between painting and the audience (in urban art), later in the biennial of Tehran Mural Painting (2011), one of my articles won the "Best Research" award.
[Immigrated to Italy and studied at the University of Pisa, 2016-2017]
In 2016, I immigrated from Iran to Italy to study. I took a one-year course in literature and art at the University of Pisa, which was a great experience. In the same year, I held a solo exhibition of my paintings.
[Master's Degree in Product Design, 2017-2020]
In 2017, I moved to Rome to study Product Design at Sapienza University.

The Importance of the Angle of Vision in Mural, 2013. Proceedings of the first mural painting biannual of Tehran.
The Study in Anamorphosis Method, 2014. Book of Month: Art,Specialized informative & Critical Monthy book review.

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