PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: qianjian.fu@uniroma1.it

Qianjian Fu is a Chinese landscape architect. He received his master's degree in Landscape and Architecture at the Sapienza University of Rome, with the dissertation, "Landscape and environmental re-qualification of the outdoor spaces of the 70s Neuperlach district on the outskirts of Munich" with Professor Alessandra Battisti and Professor Thomas Auer as his advisors. He contributed to a number of national and international academic research activities, including research of micro-climate walk, research of urban regeneration, and research on local healthcare landscape system under the influence of semi-urbanization. In parallel to his academic activity, he works on landscape and urban projects. Since 2021 he has been a teaching assistant in the courses of Theories of Contemporary Landscape of Professor Lucina Caravaggi at the Faculty of Architecture - Sapienza University of Rome. Qianjian is currently a PhD student of Architecture and Design Department in Landscape and Environment at "Sapienza" University of Rome.

Research products

11573/1727118 - 2023 - Inclusive and Integrated Landscape Governance Framework. New Approaches for Corviale Inclusive Landscape
Fu, Qianjian - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Paesaggio Inclusione - (978-88-6242-906-1)

11573/1600535 - 2019 - 半城市化境遇下的基础医疗环境研究 Research on Local Healthcare Landscape System Under the Influence of Semi-urbanization
Fu, Qianjian; Wu, Bo - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

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