Associate professor

email: pierfilippo.cerretti@uniroma1.it
phone: 0644702813
building: Piazzale Valerio Massimo 6

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=22957064000
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/1601471/pierfilippo-cerretti/peer-review/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PQZ9nUoAAAAJ&hl=en
ORCiD: 0000-0002-9204-3352

2001 University graduation, Sapienza Rome University, M.Sc. in Natural Sciences (grade: 110/110 cum laude)
2006 PhD, Sapienza Rome University, Animal Biology, ciclo XVIII

1Jan2007-31stDec2008: Postdoctoral Research Associate, CRA-ISAFA – Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura. Istituto Sperimentale per l’Assestamento Forestale e per l’Apicoltura. Sede Villazzano (Trento).
2Mar2009-1Mar2012: Researcher, Sapienza University of Rome, Dept. Biology and Biotechnologies “Charles Darwin”.
1Mar 2012-28Feb2014: Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, Sapienza University of Rome, Dept. Biology and Biotechnologies “Charles Darwin”.
1Mar2014-29Feb2016: Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Padova, Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural resources, Animals and Environment.
28Feb2014-31Oct2019: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board: Museum of Zoology, Sapienza University of Rome.
1June2016-31May2019: Tenure Track Assistant Professor (RTD-B), Sapienza University of Rome, Dept. Biology and Biotechnologies “Charles Darwin”.
1June2019-present day: Associate Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Dept. Biology and Biotechnologies “Charles Darwin”
1Nov2019-presente day: Director of Museum of Zoology, Sapienza University of Rome.

Research interests
I have broad interests in evolutionary biology and animal ecology and in combining these fields to study the evolutionary relationships among organisms. My research interests span such topics as phylogenetic systematics, the evolution of phenotypic plasticity and the structure of ecological communities.
Since 2001 I have focused much of my research activity on systematics, phylogeny and evolution, with Diptera, Neuroptera and Lepidoptera as target clades. My ongoing studies are aimed at elucidating the phylogenetic relationships and key character evolution of oestroid flies and lacewings using morphological and molecular approaches. A robust reconstruction of the phylogenetic history of these lineages is the first step to developing a more stable, predictive classification that can be applied on a world scale and reconstructing the evolution of a diverse array of key traits (e.g., reproductive strategies, trophic associations) of these organisms.
In addition, I hold a deep interest in the foudational task of documenting and understanding insect diversity.
The effects on biodiversity of the conversion of natural ecosystems into agricultural land and human settlements are of significant concern in Europe. I have been developing new research lines in collaboration with several ecologists for studying the effects of climate change, habitat loss and fragmentation on the higher trophic levels represented by insect predators and parasitoids.
The combined approaches and tools I employ in my studies of insects are broad, including field surveys and experiments, molecular and morphological phylogenetics, DNA-taxonomy, collection-based research and statistical modelling.

Research products

11573/1734099 - 2025 - Neglected predatory insects trigger potential Key Biodiversity Areas in threatened coastal habitats
Ascenzi, Aleida; Nania, Dario; Cristiano, Andrea; Badano, Davide; Pacifici, Michela; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION (-Dordrecht Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers -London: Chapman & Hall.) pp. - - issn: 0960-3115 - wos: WOS:001420733000001 (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1734098 - 2025 - Recent forest storm events benefit pollinators regardless of windthrow characteristics
Gazzea, Elena; Montero-Silva, Fernanda; Oggioni, Jacopo; Cappellari, Andree; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Mei, Maurizio; Paniccia, Dino; Battisti, Andrea; Marini, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. - - issn: 0378-1127 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85216115105 (0)

11573/1721892 - 2024 - Mesozoic larva in amber reveals the venom delivery system and the palaeobiology of an ancient lineage of venomous insects (Neuroptera)
Badano, Davide; Fratini, Michela; Palermo, Francesca; Pieroni, Nicola; Maugeri, Laura; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (London: Springer Nature London: Nature Publishing Group) pp. 1-15 - issn: 2045-2322 - wos: WOS:001298603000041 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85201947980 (0)

11573/1714563 - 2024 - EU2030 biodiversity strategy: unveiling gaps in the coverage of ecoregions and threatened species within the strictly protected areas of Italy
Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto; Iaria, Jacopo; Moretti, Gloria; Amendola, Valerio; Cassola, Francesca Maura; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Musciano, Michele Di; Francesconi, Luana; Frattaroli, Anna Rita; Livornese, Martina; Martini, Matilde; Nania, Dario; Pacifici, Michela; Piovesan, Gianluca; Prandelli, Sofia; Rocchini, Duccio; Rondinini, Carlo; Chiarucci, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION (Urban & Fischer Verlag Jena:Postfach 100537, D-07705 Jena Germany:011 49 3641 626430, EMAIL: journals@urbanfischer.de, INTERNET: http://www.urbanfischer.de, Fax: 011 49 3641 626500) pp. - - issn: 1617-1381 - wos: WOS:001241560500001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85192790348 (0)

11573/1721890 - 2024 - Phylogenomics resolves long-standing questions about the affinities of an endangered Corsican endemic fly
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Yan, Liping; Narayanan Kutty, Sujatha; Szpila, Krzysztof; Nania, Dario; Tintea, Roxana; Mei, Maurizio; Pape, Thomas - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF INSECT SCIENCE (Tucson, Ariz.: University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center and the UW-Madison Libraries' Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing) pp. - - issn: 1536-2442 - wos: WOS:001275679100001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85199661097 (0)

11573/1734100 - 2024 - Taxonomic notes and genus reassignments for recently described species in the genus Macquartia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Zhang, Dong; Ascenzi, Aleida; Zhang, Chuntian - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEMATICS (Stuttgart: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, 2018-) pp. 165-167 - issn: 2628-2380 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85215703743 (0)

11573/1726922 - 2024 - Glacier retreat decreases mutualistic network robustness over spacetime
Conti, Matteo; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Ferrari, Andrea; Gabrieli, Paolo; Paone, Francesco; Polidori, Carlo; Sommaggio, Daniele; Losapio, Gianalberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ECOGRAPHY (Blackwell Munksgaard:PO Box 2148, Periodicals Department, DK-1016 Copenhagen K Denmark:011 45 33 755913, EMAIL: agentservices@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com, INTERNET: http://www.blackwellmunksgaard.com, Fax: 011 45 77 333377) pp. - - issn: 0906-7590 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85208171705 (0)

11573/1728560 - 2024 - Identification of Dipteran species inhabiting Tuber aestivum (the summer truffle) ascomata
Marino, Alessia; Leonardi, Marco; Berrilli, Emanuele; Garzia, Matteo; Zambonelli, Alessandra; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Iotti, Mirco - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT (Springer Nature Dordrecht Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers) pp. - - issn: 0167-6369 - wos: WOS:001362394700001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85209756849 (0)

11573/1701431 - 2024 - Insects as indicators of Key Biodiversity Areas
Nania, Dario; Mei, Maurizio; Pacifici, Michela; Rondinini, Carlo; De Biase, Alessio; Michez, Denis; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY (Oxford : Blackwell, 2008-) pp. - - issn: 1752-458X - wos: WOS:001143940500001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85182437679 (4)

11573/1708630 - 2024 - Glacier retreat triggers changes in biodiversity and plant–pollinator interaction diversity
Tu, Bao Ngan; Khelidj, Nora; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; De Vere, Natasha; Ferrari, Andrea; Paone, Francesco; Polidori, Carlo; Schmid, Jürg; Sommaggio, Daniele; Losapio, Gianalberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ALPINE BOTANY (Basel : Springer Basel AG, 2011-) pp. - - issn: 1664-2201 - wos: WOS:001199186200001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85189873974 (3)

11573/1679497 - 2023 - New Cretaceous empidoids and the Mesozoic dance fly revolution (Diptera: Empidoidea)
Badano, D.; Sinclair, B. J.; Zhang, Q.; Palermo, F.; Pieroni, N.; Maugeri, L.; Fratini, M.; Cerretti, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CLADISTICS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE WILLI HENNIG SOCIETY (Editore indicati: ACADEMIC PRESS LTD ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 24-28 OVAL RD, LONDON, ENGLAND, NW1 7DX Blackwell Publishing Limited:9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868 , (781)388-8200, EMAIL: agentservices@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com, e-help@blackwellpublishers.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 714591) pp. - - issn: 0748-3007 - wos: WOS:000975079300001 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85153524204 (3)

11573/1692858 - 2023 - Manuale di zoologia
Ballarin, Loriano; Altiero, Tiziano; Badano, Davide; Balsamo, Maria; Bavestrello, Giorgio; Bonasoro, Francesco; Cammarata, Matteo; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Francesco Ficetola, Gentile; Fochetti, Romolo; Fontaneto, Diego; Galeotti, Paolo; Giangrande, Adriana; Guidetti, Roberto; Luporini, Pierangelo; Martinez, Pedro; Meriggi, Alberto; Minelli, Alessando; Vittoria Modica, Maria; Oliverio, Marco; Pennati, Roberta; Piraino, Stefano; Salvi, Daniele; Sugni, Michela; Ugolini, Alberto; Vallesi, Adriana; Zapparoli, Marzio - 03c Manuale Didattico

11573/1679496 - 2023 - Nominal genera and species of Diptera misidentified as to family by A.Z. Lehrer (Diptera: Muscidae, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, P.; Morgulis, E.; Michelsen, V.; Pape, T. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 189-194 - issn: 1175-5334 - wos: WOS:000993583600003 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85163208695 (0)

11573/1686189 - 2023 - Filogenesi ed evoluzione degli esapodi
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Badano, Davide; Beutel, Rolf - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Sistematica ed evoluzione degli esapodi - (978-88-207-6988-8)

11573/1692487 - 2023 - Elevational homogenization of mountain parasitoids across six decades
Di Marco, Moreno; Santini, Luca; Corcos, Daria; Tschorsnig, Hans-Peter; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Editore National Academy of Sciences a Washington, DC) pp. - - issn: 1091-6490 - wos: WOS:001230732800002 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85176338081 (4)

11573/1659831 - 2023 - Temperature and not landscape composition shapes wild bee communities in an urban environment
Geppert, C; Cappellari, A; Corcos, D; Caruso, V; Cerretti, P; Mei, M; Marini, L - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY (Oxford : Blackwell, 2008-) pp. 65-76 - issn: 1752-458X - wos: WOS:000851490300001 (21) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85135787309 (19)

11573/1688802 - 2023 - Phylogenetic relationships of the woodlouse flies (Diptera: Rhinophorinae) and the cluster flies (Diptera: Polleniidae)
Gisondi, Silvia; Buenaventura, Eliana; Jensen, Arn Rytter; Stireman, John O.; Nihei, Silvio S.; Pape, Thomas; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. 1-14 - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:001074592100020 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85171901200 (3)

11573/1679492 - 2023 - Robber flies and hover flies (Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae and Syrphidae) in beech forests of the central Apennines: a contribution to the inventory of insect biodiversity in Italian State Nature Reserves
Lenzi, Alice; Birtele, Daniele; Gisondi, Silvia; Romano, Mario; Petriccione, Bruno; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Campanaro, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIODIVERSITY DATA JOURNAL (Sofia : Pensoft Publishers, 2013-) pp. 1-15 - issn: 1314-2828 - wos: WOS:000996494700001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85161649705 (1)

11573/1686190 - 2023 - Mecoptera
Mei, Maurizio; Badano, Davide; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Sistematica ed evoluzione degli esapodi - (978-88-207-6988-8)

11573/1650251 - 2022 - A world review of the bristle fly parasitoids of webspinners
Badano, Davide; Lenzi, Alice; O’Hara, James E.; Miller, Kelly B.; Di Giulio, Andrea; Di Giovanni, Filippo; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BMC ZOOLOGY ([London]: BioMed Central, 2016-) pp. - - issn: 2056-3132 - wos: WOS:000820644700001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85133338045 (2)

11573/1650245 - 2022 - Functional traits of plants and pollinators explain resource overlap between honeybees and wild pollinators
Cappellari, A.; Bonaldi, G.; Mei, M.; Paniccia, D.; Cerretti, P.; Marini, L. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: OECOLOGIA (Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergartenstrasse 17, D 69121 Heidelberg Germany:011 49 6221 3450, EMAIL: g.braun@springer.de, INTERNET: http://www.springer.de, Fax: 011 49 6221 345229) pp. 1019-1029 - issn: 0029-8549 - wos: WOS:000779532700001 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85127575924 (16)

11573/1629457 - 2022 - Catalogue of the Diptera (Insecta) of Morocco - an annotated checklist, with distributions and a bibliography
Kettani, Kawtar; Ebejer, Martin J.; Ackland, David M.; Bã¤Chli, Gerhard; Barraclough, David; Bart('(A))K, Miroslav; Carles-Tolr('(A)), Miguel; ( (C))Ern('(Y)), Milos; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Chandler, Peter; Dakki, Mohamed; Daugeron, Christophe; De Jong, Herman; Dils, Josef; Disney, Henry; Droz, Boris; Evenhuis, Neal; Gatt, Paul; Graciolli, Gustavo; Grichanov, Igor Y.; Haenni, Jean-Paul; Hauser, Martin; Himmi, Oumnia; Macgowan, Iain; Mathieu, Bruno; Mouna, Mohamed; Munari, Lorenzo; Nartshuk, Emilia P.; Negrobov, Oleg P.; Oosterbroek, Pjotr; Pape, Thomas; Pont, Adrian C.; Popov, Grigory V.; Rognes, Knut; Skuhrav('(A)), Marcela; Skuhrav('(Y)), Vaclav; Speight, Martin; Tomasovic, Guy; Trari, Bouchra; Tschorsnig, Hans-Peter; Vala, Jean-Claude; Von Tschirnhaus, Michael; Wagner, Rã¼diger; Whitmore, Daniel; Wo('(Z))Nica, Andrzej J.; Zatwarnicki, Tadeusz; Zwick, Peter - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia : Pensoft Publishers) pp. 1-466 - issn: 1313-2970 - wos: WOS:000792609600001 (21) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85131695687 (25)

11573/1602892 - 2022 - DiversityScanner: Robotic handling of small invertebrates with machine learning methods
Wuhrl, L.; Pylatiuk, C.; Giersch, M.; Lapp, F.; Von Rintelen, T.; Balke, M.; Schmidt, S.; Cerretti, P.; Meier, R. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES (Oxford : Blackwell, 2008-) pp. 1626-1638 - issn: 1755-098X - wos: WOS:000733372300001 (49) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85121575612 (51)

11573/1561530 - 2021 - Burrowing specializations in a lacewing larva (Neuroptera: Dilaridae)
Badano, D.; Di Giulio, A.; Aspock, H.; Aspock, U.; Cerretti, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER (Urban & Fischer Verlag Jena:Postfach 100537, D-07705 Jena Germany:011 49 3641 626430, EMAIL: journals@urbanfischer.de, INTERNET: http://www.urbanfischer.de, Fax: 011 49 3641 626500) pp. 247-256 - issn: 0044-5231 - wos: WOS:000677658100010 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85108946741 (11)

11573/1552944 - 2021 - Discovery of Lebambromyia in Myanmar cretaceous amber: phylogenetic and biogeographic implications (Insecta, Diptera, Phoroidea)
Badano, D.; Zhang, Q.; Fratini, M.; Maugeri, L.; Bukreeva, I.; Longo, E.; Wilde, F.; Yeates, D. K.; Cerretti, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INSECTS (Basel: MDPI AG, 2010-) pp. 1-12 - issn: 2075-4450 - wos: WOS:000643060400001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85105016332 (0)

11573/1552955 - 2021 - X‐ray microtomography and phylogenomics provide insights into the morphology and evolution of an enigmatic mesozoic insect larva
Badano, Davide; Fratini, Michela; Maugeri, Laura; Palermo, Francesca; Pieroni, Nicola; Cedola, Alessia; Haug, Joachim T.; Weiterschan, Thomas; Velten, Jürgen; Mei, Maurizio; Di Giulio, Andrea; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY (Blackwell Science Limited:PO Box 88, Oxford OX2 0NE United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868, 011 44 1865 206038, EMAIL: journals.cs@blacksci.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwell-science.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 721205) pp. 672-684 - issn: 0307-6970 - wos: WOS:000658714300011 (40) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85107586641 (38)

11573/1460768 - 2021 - Pelamera atra (Rondani, 1861) (Diptera: Tachinidae)-systematics of a rare and enigmatic bristle fly from Europe
Gisondi, Silvia; Bellanti, Giulia; Mei, Maurizio; Di Giulio, Andrea; Stireman Iii, John; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER (Urban & Fischer Verlag Jena:Postfach 100537, D-07705 Jena Germany:011 49 3641 626430, EMAIL: journals@urbanfischer.de, INTERNET: http://www.urbanfischer.de, Fax: 011 49 3641 626500) pp. -12 - issn: 0044-5231 - wos: WOS:000614366600002 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85096400029 (0)

11573/1461283 - 2021 - An experimental approach to assessing the impact of ecosystem engineers on biodiversity and ecosystem functions
Losapio, Gianalberto; Schmid, Bernhard; Bascompte, Jordi; Michalet, Richard; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Germann, Christoph; Haenni, Jean-Paul; Neumeyer, Rainer; Ortiz-Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Pont, Adrian C; Rousse, Pascal; Schmid, Jürg; Sommaggio, Daniele; Schöb, Christian - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ECOLOGY (Ecological Society of America:127 W State Street, Suite 301:Ithaca, NY 14850:(202)833-8773, EMAIL: esahq@esa.org, INTERNET: http://www.esa.org, Fax: (202)833-8775) pp. - - issn: 0012-9658 - wos: WOS:000602152000001 (19) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85098065154 (22)

11573/1623951 - 2021 - New and confirmed records of fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Italy
Mazzon, L.; Whitmore, D.; Cerretti, P.; Korneyev, V. A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIODIVERSITY DATA JOURNAL (Sofia : Pensoft Publishers, 2013-) pp. 1-14 - issn: 1314-2828 - wos: WOS:000691846800001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85114761385 (5)

11573/1561538 - 2021 - First record of Tettigonia viridissima Linnaeus, 1758 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) as host of the ormiine Therobia leonidei Mesnil, 1964 (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Mei, M.; Cerretti, P.; Nardi, G. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRAGMENTA ENTOMOLOGICA (Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Roma. Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo) pp. 65-66 - issn: 0429-288X - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85104041473 (1)

11573/1527025 - 2021 - Extraordinary diversification of the “bristle flies” (Diptera: Tachinidae) and its underlying causes
Stireman, John O; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; O’Hara, James E; Moulton, John K - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY (London; New York: Academic Press) pp. 1-21 - issn: 0024-4066 - wos: WOS:000648925300017 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85107884996 (7)

11573/1576680 - 2020 - Are freshwater species really bucking the trend of global insect decline?
Audisio, Paolo; Badano, Davide; Belfiore, Carlo; De Biase, Alessio; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Ciucci, Paolo; Fochetti, Romolo; Liu, Meike; Maiorano, Luigi; Mancini, Emiliano; Nania, Dario; Oliverio, Marco; Pacifici, Michela; Rondinini, Carlo; Sabatelli, Simone; Trizzino, Marco; Di Marco, Moreno - 01b Commento, Erratum, Replica e simili
paper: SCIENCE (American Association for the Advancement of Science:1200 New York Avenue Northwest:Washington, DC 20005:(202)326-6417, (202)326-6400, EMAIL: membership@aaas.org, INTERNET: http://www.aaas.org, Fax: (202)842-1065, (202)842-1065) pp. 1-2 - issn: 0036-8075 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1353115 - 2020 - The world woodlouse flies (Diptera, Rhinophoridae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Badano, Davide; Gisondi, Silvia; Lo Giudice, Giuseppe; Pape, Thomas - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia : Pensoft Publishers) pp. 1-130 - issn: 1313-2970 - wos: WOS:000508900400001 (12) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85078451736 (15)

11573/1433470 - 2020 - Contrasting effects of exotic plant invasions and managed honeybees on plant–flower visitor interactions
Corcos, Daria; Cappellari, Andree; Mei, Maurizio; Paniccia, Dino; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Marini, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS (-John Wiley & Sons Oxford: Blackwell Science) pp. 1-12 - issn: 1366-9516 - wos: WOS:000563880200001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85088576580 (9)

11573/1458234 - 2020 - Growing the Rhinophorid tree. Three new species and their phylogenetic implications (Diptera: Rhinophoridae)
Gisondi, Silvia; Pape, Thomas; Shima, Hiroshi; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INSECTS (Basel: MDPI AG, 2010-) pp. 1-19 - issn: 2075-4450 - wos: WOS:000593960600001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85096048658 (1)

11573/1440832 - 2020 - The world Polleniidae (Diptera, Oestroidea). Key to genera and checklist of species
Gisondi, Silvia; Rognes, Knut; Badano, Davide; Pape, Thomas; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1424047 - 2020 - Stylogaster eggs on blow flies attracted to millipede defence secretions in Tanzania, with a stab at summarising their biology (Diptera: Conopidae & Calliphoridae)
Jensen, Arn; Odgaard, Freja; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Pape, Thomas - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIODIVERSITY DATA JOURNAL (Sofia : Pensoft Publishers, 2013-) pp. - - issn: 1314-2828 - wos: WOS:000545119700001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85089101690 (1)

11573/1397640 - 2020 - Tachinid (Diptera, Tachinidae) parasitoids of Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) and other moths
Luigi Scaramozzino, Pier; Di Giovanni, Filippo; Loni, Augusto; Gisondi, Silvia; Lucchi, Andrea; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia : Pensoft Publishers) pp. -111 - issn: 1313-2970 - wos: WOS:000539032000005 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85085312824 (8)

11573/1278042 - 2019 - Reclustering the cluster flies (Diptera: Oestroidea, Polleniidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Stireman Iii, John O.; Badano, Davide; Gisondi, Silvia; Rognes, Knut; Lo Giudice, Giuseppe; Pape, Thomas - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY (Blackwell Science Limited:PO Box 88, Oxford OX2 0NE United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868, 011 44 1865 206038, EMAIL: journals.cs@blacksci.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwell-science.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 721205) pp. 957-972 - issn: 0307-6970 - wos: WOS:000483716900020 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85071739124 (26)

11573/1256853 - 2019 - Impact of urbanization on predator and parasitoid insects at multiple spatial scales
Corcos, Daria; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Caruso, Valerio; Mei, Maurizio; Falco, Matteo; Marini, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. 1-15 - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000463194300030 (44) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85063792291 (46)

11573/1296592 - 2019 - Effects of natural pyrethrum and synthetic pyrethroids on the tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (skuse) and non-target flower-visiting insects in urban green areas of Padua, Italy
Corcos, Daria; Mazzon, Luca; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Mei, Maurizio; Giussani, Edoardo; Drago, Andrea; Marini, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEST MANAGEMENT (Taylor & Francis Limited:Rankine Road, Basingstoke RG24 8PR United Kingdom:011 44 1256 813035, EMAIL: madeline.sims@tandf.co.uk, info@tandf.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.tandf.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1256 330245) pp. 1-7 - issn: 0967-0874 - wos: WOS:000544716300003 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85068213781 (3)

11573/1328350 - 2019 - Tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae) associated with crop pests in northern Cameroon, with the description of a new species of Carcelia Robineau-Desvoidy
Di Giovanni, Filippo; Prudent, Patrick; Gisondi, Silvia; Badano, Davide; Lo Giudice, Giuseppe; Lawe Djague, Théodore; Socrates Doke, Noé; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ANNALES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE (-Paris France: Societe Entomologique de France: -Paris : Mequignon-Marvis 1832-) pp. - - issn: 0037-9271 - wos: WOS:000496107600001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85074987597 (2)

11573/1252951 - 2019 - Stevenia gilasiani sp. nov. (Diptera: Rhinophoridae): the first woodlouse fly with male sexual-patches
Gisondi, Silvia; Lenzi, Alice; Ziegler, Joachim; Di Giulio, Andrea; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 423-431 - issn: 1175-5334 - wos: WOS:000462454500010 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85063452268 (3)

11573/1224571 - 2019 - Plant interactions shape pollination networks via nonadditive effects
Losapio, Gianalberto; Fortuna, Miguel A; Bascompte, Jordi; Schmid, Bernhard; Michalet, Richard; Neumeyer, Rainer; Castro, Leopoldo; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Germann, Christoph; Haenni, Jean-Paul; Klopfstein, Seraina; Ortiz-Sanchez, Francisco Javier; Pont, Adrian C; Rousse, Pascal; Schmid, Jürg; Sommaggio, Daniele; Schöb, Christian - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ECOLOGY (Ecological Society of America:127 W State Street, Suite 301:Ithaca, NY 14850:(202)833-8773, EMAIL: esahq@esa.org, INTERNET: http://www.esa.org, Fax: (202)833-8775) pp. 1- - issn: 0012-9658 - wos: WOS:000460163500012 (29) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85061225332 (33)

11573/1239299 - 2019 - Phylogenomic analysis of Calyptratae: resolving the phylogenetic relationships within a major radiation of Diptera
Narayanan Kutty, Sujatha; Meusemann, Karen; Bayless, Keith M.; Marinho, Marco A. T.; Pont, Adrian C.; Zhou, Xin; Misof, Bernhard; Wiegmann, Brian M.; Yeates, David; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Meier, Rudolf; Pape, Thomas - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CLADISTICS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE WILLI HENNIG SOCIETY (Editore indicati: ACADEMIC PRESS LTD ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 24-28 OVAL RD, LONDON, ENGLAND, NW1 7DX Blackwell Publishing Limited:9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868 , (781)388-8200, EMAIL: agentservices@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com, e-help@blackwellpublishers.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 714591) pp. - - issn: 0748-3007 - wos: WOS:000532425900001 (57) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85061979522 (61)

11573/1296595 - 2019 - Artificial illumination near rivers may alter bat-insect trophic interactions
Russo, Danilo; Cosentino, Francesca; Festa, Francesca; De Benedetta, Flavia; Pejic, Branka; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Ancillotto, Leonardo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION (United Kingdom: Elsevier Science Limited) pp. 1671-1677 - issn: 0269-7491 - wos: WOS:000483405400078 (37) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85068415849 (39)

11573/1211104 - 2019 - Molecular phylogeny and evolution of world Tachinidae (Diptera)
Stireman, J O; Cerretti, P; O'hara, J E; Blaschke, J D; Moulton, J K - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION (-ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, USA, CA, 92101-4495 -Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL: ap@acad.com, INTERNET: http://www.idealibrary.com, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. - - issn: 1055-7903 - wos: WOS:000485041900002 (71) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85061025837 (83)

11573/1135745 - 2018 - Diverse Cretaceous larvae reveal the evolutionary and behavioural history of antlions and lacewings
Badano, Davide; Engel, Michael S.; Basso, Andrea; Wang, Bo; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (London: Nature Publishing Group-Springer Nature) pp. - - issn: 2041-1723 - wos: WOS:000442374600001 (92) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85052066693 (90)

11573/1077202 - 2018 - Molecular phylogenetics and piercer evolution in the bug-killing flies (Diptera: Tachinidae: Phasiinae)
Blaschke, Jeremy D.; Stireman, John O.; O'hara, James E.; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Moulton, John K. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY (Blackwell Science Limited:PO Box 88, Oxford OX2 0NE United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868, 011 44 1865 206038, EMAIL: journals.cs@blacksci.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwell-science.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 721205) pp. 218-238 - issn: 0307-6970 - wos: WOS:000419326900015 (22) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85040061829 (25)

11573/1161975 - 2018 - BumbleKey: an interactive key for the identification of bumblebees of Italy and Corsica (Hymenoptera, Apidae)
Cappellari, Andree; Mei, Maurizio; Lopresti, Massimo; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia: Pensoft Publishers. tramite PENSOFTONLINE.NET Piattaforma dell'Editore per le edizioni digitali) pp. 127-138 - issn: 1313-2989 - wos: WOS:000444637900005 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85053409872 (6)

11573/1211140 - 2018 - DNA barcodes reveal a new host record for Carcelia atricosta Herting (Diptera Tachinidae) in Italy
Corcos, Daria; Centorame, Massimiliano; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: REDIA (Florence, Italy: Institute Sperimentale Zoologia Agraria) pp. 9-11 - issn: 0370-4327 - wos: WOS:000455562600002 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85059887965 (0)

11573/1114001 - 2018 - Predator and parasitoid insects along elevational gradients. Role of temperature and habitat diversity
Corcos, Daria; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Mei, Maurizio; Vigna Taglianti, Augusto; Paniccia, Dino; Santoiemma, Giacomo; De Biase, Alessio; Marini, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: OECOLOGIA (Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergartenstrasse 17, D 69121 Heidelberg Germany:011 49 6221 3450, EMAIL: g.braun@springer.de, INTERNET: http://www.springer.de, Fax: 011 49 6221 345229) pp. 193-202 - issn: 0029-8549 - wos: WOS:000441953300018 (30) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85047298043 (33)

11573/1173397 - 2018 - Phylogeny of Rhinophoridae and Polleniidae (Diptera): toward the evolution of Oestroidea
Gisondi, S.; Pape, T.; Cerretti, P. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XI European congress of entomology (Italy, Naples)
book: XI European congress of entomology in Naples - ()

11573/951146 - 2018 - The monophyly of the Glaurocarini (Diptera: Tachinidae: Tachininae) with the description of a new species of Semisuturia from Australia
Inclán, Diego J.; O’Hara, James E.; Stireman Iii, John O.; Shima, Hiroshi; Pohjoismäki, Jaakko; Giudice, Giuseppe Lo; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INSECT SYSTEMATICS & EVOLUTION (Apollo Books:Kirkeby Sand 19, DK 5771 Stenstrup Denmark:011 45 62 263737, Fax: 011 45 62 263780) pp. 1-22 - issn: 1399-560X - wos: WOS:000416229900001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85037176532 (4)

11573/1087915 - 2018 - Taxonomy based on science is necessary for global conservation
Thomson, Scott A; Pyle, Richard L; Ahyong, Shane T; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel; Ammirati, Joe; Araya, Juan Francisco; Ascher, John S; Audisio, Tracy Lynn; Azevedo-Santos, Valter M; Bailly, Nicolas; Baker, William J; Balke, Michael; Barclay, Maxwell V L; Barrett, Russell L; Benine, Ricardo C; Bickerstaff, James R M; Bouchard, Patrice; Bour, Roger; Bourgoin, Thierry; Boyko, Christopher B; Breure, Abraham S H; Brothers, Denis J; Byng, James W; Campbell, David; Ceríaco, Luis M P; Cernák, István; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Chang, Chih-Han; Cho, Soowon; Copus, Joshua M; Costello, Mark J; Cseh, Andras; Csuzdi, Csaba; Culham, Alastair; D'elía, Guillermo; D'udekem D'acoz, Cédric; Daneliya, Mikhail E; Dekker, René; Dickinson, Edward C; Dickinson, Timothy A; Van Dijk, Peter Paul; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B; Dima, Bálint; Dmitriev, Dmitry A; Duistermaat, Leni; Dumbacher, John P; Eiserhardt, Wolf L; Ekrem, Torbjørn; Evenhuis, Neal L; Faille, Arnaud; Fernández-Triana, José L; Fiesler, Emile; Fishbein, Mark; Fordham, Barry G; Freitas, André V L; Friol, Natália R; Fritz, Uwe; Frøslev, Tobias; Funk, Vicki A; Gaimari, Stephen D; Garbino, Guilherme S T; Garraffoni, André R S; Geml, József; Gill, Anthony C; Gray, Alan; Grazziotin, Felipe G; Greenslade, Penelope; Gutiérrez, Eliécer E; Harvey, Mark S; Hazevoet, Cornelis J; He, Kai; He, Xiaolan; Helfer, Stephan; Helgen, Kristofer M; Van Heteren, Anneke H; Hita Garcia, Francisco; Holstein, Norbert; Horváth, Margit K; Hovenkamp, Peter H; Hwang, Wei Song; Hyvönen, Jaakko; Islam, Melissa B; Iverson, John B; Ivie, Michael A; Jaafar, Zeehan; Jackson, Morgan D; Jayat, J Pablo; Johnson, Norman F; Kaiser, Hinrich; Klitgård, Bente B; Knapp, Dániel G; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Kõljalg, Urmas; Kontschán, Jenő; Krell, Frank-Thorsten; Krisai-Greilhuber, Irmgard; Kullander, Sven; Latella, Leonardo; Lattke, John E; Lencioni, Valeria; Lewis, Gwilym P; Lhano, Marcos G; Lujan, Nathan K; Luksenburg, Jolanda A; Mariaux, Jean; Marinho-Filho, Jader; Marshall, Christopher J; Mate, Jason F; Mcdonough, Molly M; Michel, Ellinor; Miranda, Vitor F O; Mitroiu, Mircea-Dan; Molinari, Jesús; Monks, Scott; Moore, Abigail J; Moratelli, Ricardo; Murányi, Dávid; Nakano, Takafumi; Nikolaeva, Svetlana; Noyes, John; Ohl, Michael; Oleas, Nora H; Orrell, Thomas; Páll-Gergely, Barna; Pape, Thomas; Papp, Viktor; Parenti, Lynne R; Patterson, David; Pavlinov, Igor Ya; Pine, Ronald H; Poczai, Péter; Prado, Jefferson; Prathapan, Divakaran; Rabeler, Richard K; Randall, John E; Rheindt, Frank E; Rhodin, Anders G J; Rodríguez, Sara M; Rogers, D Christopher; Roque, Fabio De O; Rowe, Kevin C; Ruedas, Luis A; Salazar-Bravo, Jorge; Salvador, Rodrigo B; Sangster, George; Sarmiento, Carlos E; Schigel, Dmitry S; Schmidt, Stefan; Schueler, Frederick W; Segers, Hendrik; Snow, Neil; Souza-Dias, Pedro G B; Stals, Riaan; Stenroos, Soili; Stone, R Douglas; Sturm, Charles F; Štys, Pavel; Teta, Pablo; Thomas, Daniel C; Timm, Robert M; Tindall, Brian J; Todd, Jonathan A; Triebel, Dagmar; Valdecasas, Antonio G; Vizzini, Alfredo; Vorontsova, Maria S; De Vos, Jurriaan M; Wagner, Philipp; Watling, Les; Weakley, Alan; Welter-Schultes, Francisco; Whitmore, Daniel; Wilding, Nicholas; Will, Kipling; Williams, Jason; Wilson, Karen; Winston, Judith E; Wüster, Wolfgang; Yanega, Douglas; Yeates, David K; Zaher, Hussam; Zhang, Guanyang; Zhang, Zhi-Qiang; Zhou, Hong-Zhang - 01b Commento, Erratum, Replica e simili
paper: PLOS BIOLOGY (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, c2003-) pp. 1-12 - issn: 1545-7885 - wos: WOS:000428987600017 (179) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85045235618 (195)

11573/895428 - 2017 - Phylogeny of Myrmeleontiformia based on larval morphology (Neuropterida: Neuroptera)
Badano, Davide; Aspöck, Ulrike; Aspöck, Horst; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY (Blackwell Science Limited:PO Box 88, Oxford OX2 0NE United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868, 011 44 1865 206038, EMAIL: journals.cs@blacksci.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwell-science.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 721205) pp. 94-117 - issn: 0307-6970 - wos: WOS:000392420300007 (77) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84983432019 (81)

11573/925085 - 2017 - A total evidence phylogeny for the processionary moths of the genus Thaumetopoea (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae: Thaumetopoeinae)
Basso, Andrea; Negrisolo, Enrico; Zilli, Alberto; Battisti, Andrea; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CLADISTICS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE WILLI HENNIG SOCIETY (Editore indicati: ACADEMIC PRESS LTD ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 24-28 OVAL RD, LONDON, ENGLAND, NW1 7DX Blackwell Publishing Limited:9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868 , (781)388-8200, EMAIL: agentservices@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com, e-help@blackwellpublishers.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 714591) pp. 557-573 - issn: 0748-3007 - wos: WOS:000414578500001 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85033383958 (12)

11573/1003336 - 2017 - First fossil of an oestroid fly (Diptera: Calyptratae: Oestroidea) and the dating of oestroid divergences
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Stireman, John O; Pape, Thomas; O'hara, James E; Marinho, Marco A. T; Rognes, Knut; Grimaldi, David A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. 1-24 - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000408355800011 (48) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85029161450 (47)

11573/1014055 - 2017 - Environmental heterogeneity effects on predator and parasitoid insects vary across spatial scales and seasons. A multi-taxon approach
Corcos, Daria; Inclán, Diego J.; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Mei, Maurizio; Di Giovanni, Filippo; Birtele, Daniele; Rosa, Paolo; De Biase, Alessio; Audisio, Paolo Aldo; Marini, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY (Oxford : Blackwell, 2008-) pp. 462-471 - issn: 1752-458X - wos: WOS:000414390600002 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85032750527 (11)

11573/1077216 - 2017 - Vertical stratification of selected Hymenoptera in a remnant forest of the Po Plain (Italy, Lombardy) (Hymenoptera: Ampulicidae, Crabronidae, Sphecidae)
Di Giovanni, Filippo; Mei, Maurizio; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRAGMENTA ENTOMOLOGICA (Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Roma. Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo) pp. 71-77 - issn: 0429-288X - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85021705446 (13)

11573/1077221 - 2017 - A new host record for Euthera fascipennis (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Francati, Santolo; Dindo, Maria Luisa; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRAGMENTA ENTOMOLOGICA (Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Roma. Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo) pp. 93-95 - issn: 0429-288X - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85021709239 (3)

11573/1077239 - 2017 - Detailed morphological descriptions of the immature stages of the ant parasite Microdon mutabilis (Diptera: Syrphidae: Microdontinae) and a discussion of its functional morphology, behaviour and host specificity
Giulia, Scarparo ; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Mei, Maurizio; Andrea Di Giulio , - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY (Ceské Budějovice : Institute of Entomology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 1993- -[S. l.] : Czech Entomological Society, 1993-) pp. 565-586 - issn: 1802-8829 - wos: WOS:000419219900049 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85043369738 (11)

11573/1679495 - 2017 - Diversity of Edible Saturniids (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) and Their Parasitoids in Kenya
Subramanian, S.; Tanga, C. M.; Kusia, E.; Cerretti, P.; Khamis, F.; Copeland, R. S.; Borgemeister, C.; Ekesi, S. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods (Langkawi; Malaysia)
book: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods - (978-1-78639-411-8)

11573/895432 - 2016 - Spillover of tachinids and hoverflies from different field margins
Inclán, Diego J.; Dainese, Matteo; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Paniccia, Dino; Marini, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY (Urban & Fischer Verlag Jena:Postfach 100537, D-07705 Jena Germany:011 49 3641 626430, EMAIL: journals@urbanfischer.de, INTERNET: http://www.urbanfischer.de, Fax: 011 49 3641 626500) pp. 33-42 - issn: 1439-1791 - wos: WOS:000370291400004 (22) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84958050733 (21)

11573/895427 - 2016 - Redefining the generic limits of Winthemia (Diptera:Tachinidae)
Inclán, Diego J.; Stireman, John O.; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS (Melbourne: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 2002-) pp. 274-289 - issn: 1445-5226 - wos: WOS:000380134200006 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84977563840 (4)

11573/895430 - 2016 - Revision of Malayia Malloch, with the first reports of Rhinophoridae from India and Indonesia (Diptera: Oestroidea)
Lo Giudice, Giuseppe; Pape, Thomas; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRAGMENTA ENTOMOLOGICA (Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Roma. Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo) pp. 61-67 - issn: 0429-288X - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85006091231 (3)

11573/843728 - 2016 - Morphological, genetic and host-plant diversification in pollen-beetles of the Brassicogethes coracinus group (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Meligethinae)
Mancini, Emiliano; De Biase, Alessio; Cline, Andrew Richard; Antonini, Gloria; Trizzino, Marco; Clayhills, Tom; Sabatelli, Simone; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Audisio, Paolo Aldo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI (Milano : Springer Verlag Italia) pp. 321-339 - issn: 2037-4631 - wos: WOS:000376410300017 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84947901360 (11)

11573/895431 - 2016 - The Shannoniella sisters (Diptera: Rhinophoridae)
Nihei, Silvio S; Andrade, Marcos R.; Pape, Thomas; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 85-92 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000367887400009 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84959440457 (3)

11573/895429 - 2016 - Annotated catalogue of the Tachinidae (Insecta, Diptera) of the Afrotropical Region, with the description of seven new genera
O’Hara, James E; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia: Pensoft Publishers. tramite PENSOFTONLINE.NET Piattaforma dell'Editore per le edizioni digitali) pp. 1-344 - issn: 1313-2989 - wos: WOS:000373164000001 (45) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84962800285 (50)

11573/623396 - 2015 - Revision of the pollen beetle African genera Tarchonanthogethes and Xenostrongylogethes, with insect-host plants relationships and cladistic analysis of the Anthystrix genus-complex (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Meligethinae)
Audisio, Paolo Aldo; A. R., Cline; Trizzino, Marco; Mancini, Emiliano; Antonini, Gloria; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 101-152 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000349697100006 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84930690095 (8)

11573/652009 - 2015 - First report of exocrine epithelial glands in oestroid flies: The tachinid sexual patches (Diptera: Oestroidea: Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Andrea Di, Giulio; Roberto, Romani; Diego J., Inclan; Daniel, Whitmore; Di Giovanni, Filippo; Massimiliano, Scalici; Alessandro, Minelli - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ACTA ZOOLOGICA (-Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010 -BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD, 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OXON, OX4 2DG) pp. 383-397 - issn: 0001-7272 - wos: WOS:000355623600011 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84930042019 (11)

11573/895433 - 2015 - Two tribes hidden in one genus: the case of Agaedioxenis Villeneuve (Diptera: Tachinidae: Exoristinae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; O’Hara, Je; Winkler, Is; Lo Giudice, G; Stireman, J. O. I. I. I. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ORGANISMS DIVERSITY & EVOLUTION (Urban & Fischer Verlag Jena:Postfach 100537, D-07705 Jena Germany:011 49 3641 626430, EMAIL: journals@urbanfischer.de, INTERNET: http://www.urbanfischer.de, Fax: 011 49 3641 626500. Editore precedente:Elsevier.) pp. 489-512 - issn: 1439-6092 - wos: WOS:000360817600005 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84940889674 (6)

11573/895437 - 2015 - A new ventrops (Diptera: Rhinophoridae) from Ethiopia
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Ziegler, Joachim; Pape, Thomas - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AFRICAN INVERTEBRATES (Pietermaritzburg South Africa: Natal Museum Pietermaritzburg I http://www.nmsa.org.za,) pp. 579-583 - issn: 1681-5556 - wos: WOS:000369527100005 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84950116431 (2)

11573/652055 - 2015 - Vertical stratification of ichneumonid wasp communities: the effects of forest structure and life-history traits
Di Giovanni, Filippo; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; F., Mason; E., Minari; L., Marini - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INSECT SCIENCE (Carlton South, Vic. ; Oxford] : Blackwell [Richmond, Vic. ; Oxford] : Wiley-Blackwell) pp. 688-699 - issn: 1744-7917 - wos: WOS:000360764900011 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84940879073 (19)

11573/652056 - 2015 - Explosive radiation or uninformative genes? Origin and early diversification of tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae)
I. S., Winkler; J. D., Blaschke; D. J., Davis; J. O., Stireman Iii; J. E., O’Hara; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; J. K., Moulton - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION (-ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, USA, CA, 92101-4495 -Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL: ap@acad.com, INTERNET: http://www.idealibrary.com, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. 38-54 - issn: 1055-7903 - wos: WOS:000355057400004 (53) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84927556236 (54)

11573/895438 - 2015 - Organic farming enhances parasitoid diversity at the local and landscape scales
Inclán, Diego J.; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Gabriel, Doreen; Benton, Tim G.; Sait, Steven M.; Kunin, William E.; Gillespie, Mark A. K.; Marini, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY (Blackwell Science Limited:PO Box 88, Oxford OX2 0NE United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868, 011 44 1865 206038, EMAIL: journals.cs@blacksci.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwell-science.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 721205) pp. 1102-1109 - issn: 0021-8901 - wos: WOS:000358004300033 (31) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84928660511 (35)

11573/895434 - 2015 - Landscape composition affects parasitoid spillover
Inclán, Diego J; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Marini, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT (Amsterdam: Elsevier) pp. 48-54 - issn: 0167-8809 - wos: WOS:000357147400006 (34) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84928675525 (33)

11573/895436 - 2015 - First North American record of the Palaearctic rhinophorid Stevenia deceptoria (Loew) (Diptera: Rhinophoridae)
O'hara, James E.; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Dahlem, Gregory A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 293-295 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000366450300011 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84950148707 (6)

11573/878460 - 2015 - The identity of Tachina westermanni Wiedemann, 1819 (Diptera: Calliphoridae or Tachinidae) with a solution to a nomenclatural problem
Rognes, Kunt; O'hara, James E.; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 467-479 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000354993900007 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84931418068 (3)

11573/769589 - 2015 - Fauna Europaea: Diptera – Brachycera
T., Pape; P., Beuk; A. C., Pont; A. I., Shatalkin; A. L., Ozerov; A. J., Woźnica; B., Merz; C., Bystrowski; C., Raper; C., Bergström; C., Kehlmaier; D. K., Clements; D., Greathead; E. P., Kameneva; E., Nartshuk; F. T., Petersen; G., Weber; G., Bächli; F., Geller Grimm; G., Van De Weyer; H. P., Tschorsnig; H., De Jong; J. W., Van Zuijlen; J., Vaňhara; J., Roháček; J., Ziegler; J., Majer; K., Hůrka; K., Holston; K., Rognes; L., Greve Jensen; L., Munari; M., De Meyer; M., Pollet; M. C. D., Speight; M. J., Ebejer; M., Martinez; M., Carles Tolrá; M., Földvári; M., Chvála; M., Barták; N. L., Evenhuis; P. J., Chandler; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; R., Meier; R., Rozkosny; S., Prescher; S. D., Gaimari; T., Zatwarnicki; T., Zeegers; T., Dikow; V. A., Korneyev; V. A., Richter; V., Michelsen; V. N., Tanasijtshuk; W. N., Mathis; Z., Hubenov; Y., De Jong - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIODIVERSITY DATA JOURNAL (Sofia : Pensoft Publishers, 2013-) pp. 1-31 - issn: 1314-2828 - wos: WOS:000454927300007 (43) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85018200029 (47)

11573/652001 - 2014 - Survey of saproxylic beetle assemblages at different forest plots in central Italy
C., Cocciufa; W., Gerth; L., Luiselli; L., Redolfi De Zan; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; G. M., Carpaneto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY (Forlì: Filograf Litografia) pp. 295-306 - issn: 1721-8861 - wos: WOS:000345556200018 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84923271010 (16)

11573/651997 - 2014 - Remarkable Rhinophoridae in a growing generic genealogy (Diptera: Calyptratae, Oestroidea)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; G., Lo Giudice; T., Pape - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY (Blackwell Science Limited:PO Box 88, Oxford OX2 0NE United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868, 011 44 1865 206038, EMAIL: journals.cs@blacksci.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwell-science.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 721205) pp. 660-690 - issn: 0307-6970 - wos: WOS:000342153800003 (19) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84908556296 (20)

11573/651589 - 2014 - Signal through the noise? Phylogeny of the Tachinidae (Diptera) as inferred from morphological evidence
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; James E., O'hara; D., Montgomery Wood; Hiroshi, Shima; Diego J., Inclan; J. O., Stireman Iii - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY (Blackwell Science Limited:PO Box 88, Oxford OX2 0NE United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868, 011 44 1865 206038, EMAIL: journals.cs@blacksci.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwell-science.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 721205) pp. 335-353 - issn: 0307-6970 - wos: WOS:000332599700011 (66) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84896841992 (68)

11573/651587 - 2014 - A new Loewia Egger (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Turkey, with taxonomic and nomenclatural remarks on congeners
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Lo Giudice, Giuseppe; J. E., O'hara - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 450-460 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000329697600006 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84892558630 (6)

11573/651787 - 2014 - Interactive effects of area and connectivity on tachinid (Diptera: Tachinidae) parasitoid diversity inhabiting highly fragmented landscapes
D. J., Inclán; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; L., Marini - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY (- DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS: Springer -Den Haag ; Dordrecht : SPB Academic Publishing : Kluwer Academic Publishers -Amesterdam Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing) pp. 879-889 - issn: 0921-2973 - wos: WOS:000334689900010 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84942076954 (27)

11573/651992 - 2014 - ChiloKey, an interactive identification tool for the geophilomorph centipedes of Europe (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha)
L., Bonato; A., Minelli; M., Lopresti; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia : Pensoft Publishers) pp. 1-9 - issn: 1313-2970 - wos: WOS:000342341300001 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84908140731 (26)

11573/895435 - 2014 - First record of a parasitoid tachinid fly (Diptera: Tachinidae) on a dragonfly (Odonata: Calopterygidae)
Von Ellenrieder, N.; Hauser, M.; Kinnee, S.; O’Hara, J. E.; Stireman J. O., Iii; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; D., M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUDIA DIPTEROLOGICA (DR. A. STARK, SEEBENER STR. 190, HALLE (SAALE), GERMANY, D-06114) pp. 335-341 - issn: 0945-3954 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/651386 - 2013 - Phylogeny of Heteronychia: the largest lineage of Sarcophaga (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)
Daniel, Whitmore; Thomas, Pape; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY (Blackwell Publishing Limited:9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868 , (781)388-8200, EMAIL: agentservices@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com, e-help@blackwellpublishers.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 714591) pp. 604-639 - issn: 0024-4082 - wos: WOS:000326237600006 (46) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84886772210 (50)

11573/651989 - 2013 - A neotype designation for the bone-skipper Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Diptera, Piophilidae, Thyreophorina), with a review of the Palaearctic species of Centrophlebomyia
Mei, Maurizio; Daniel, Whitmore; Lo Giudice, Giuseppe; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia: Pensoft Publishers. tramite PENSOFTONLINE.NET Piattaforma dell'Editore per le edizioni digitali) pp. 7-28 - issn: 1313-2989 - wos: WOS:000320646300002 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84879128974 (9)

11573/624387 - 2013 - Gli artropodi italiani in Direttiva Habitat: biologia, ecologia, riconoscimento e monitoraggio
Trizzino, Marco; Audisio, Paolo Aldo; F., Bisi; A., Bottacci; A., Campanaro; G. M., Carpaneto; S., Hardersen; F., Mason; D., Preatoni; Vigna Taglianti, Augusto; A., Zilli; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Nardi, Gian Luca - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: Gli artropodi italiani in Direttiva Habitat: biologia, ecologia, riconoscimento e monitoraggio - ()

11573/439610 - 2012 - New Afrotropical species belonging to genera never recorded before for the Afrotropical fauna (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER (Urban & Fischer Verlag Jena:Postfach 100537, D-07705 Jena Germany:011 49 3641 626430, EMAIL: journals@urbanfischer.de, INTERNET: http://www.urbanfischer.de, Fax: 011 49 3641 626500) pp. 317-330 - issn: 0044-5231 - wos: WOS:000311266200007 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84866502254 (4)

11573/439609 - 2012 - Three new species of Estheria Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae) from the Mediterranean, with a key to the European and Mediterranean species of the genus
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; H. P., Tschorsnig - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUTTGARTER BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURKUNDE. SERIE A, BIOLOGIE (Staaliches Museum Naturkunde:Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart 1 Germany:011 49 7 1189360, INTERNET: http://www.naturkundenmuseum-bw.de, Fax: 011 49 7 118936200) pp. 271-286 - issn: 0341-0145 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85049147443 (8)

11573/509448 - 2012 - MOSCHweb — a matrix-based interactive key to the genera of the Palaearctic Tachinidae (Insecta, Diptera)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; H. P., Tschorsnig; Hans Peter, Tschorsnig; Massimo, Lopresti; Giovanni, Fd; Di Giovanni, Filippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia : Pensoft Publishers) pp. 5-18 - issn: 1313-2970 - wos: WOS:000307148700002 (33) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84863801927 (37)

11573/500471 - 2012 - Neoethilla, a new genus for the first record of the Ethillini from the New World (Diptera, Tachinidae, Exoristinae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Monty, Wood; James, O'hara - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia: Pensoft Publishers. tramite PENSOFTONLINE.NET Piattaforma dell'Editore per le edizioni digitali) pp. 25-41 - issn: 1313-2989 - wos: WOS:000311869700003 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84869156389 (8)

11573/439817 - 2012 - Phylogenetics and taxonomy of Ventrops — the largest genus of Afrotropical Rhinophoridae (Diptera)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; T., Pape - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS (Melbourne: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 2002-) pp. 274-292 - issn: 1445-5226 - wos: WOS:000308930800003 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84867040601 (18)

11573/334672 - 2012 - Composition and stratification of a tachinid (diptera: tachinidae) parasitoid community in a european temperate plain forest
John O., Stireman; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Daniel, Whitmore; Sonke, Hardersen; Damiano, Gianelle - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY (Oxford : Blackwell, 2008-) pp. 346-357 - issn: 1752-458X - wos: WOS:000308876700002 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84864392858 (22)

11573/478188 - 2012 - Publishing online identification keys in the form of scholarly papers
Lyubomir, Penev; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Hans Peter, Tschorsnig; Massimo, Lopresti; Teodor, Georgiev; Pavel, Stoev; Terry, Erwin; Di Giovanni, Filippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOKEYS (Sofia: Pensoft Publishers. tramite PENSOFTONLINE.NET Piattaforma dell'Editore per le edizioni digitali) pp. 1-3 - issn: 1313-2989 - wos: WOS:000307148700001 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84863803142 (8)

11573/333886 - 2011 - Basic concepts and research activities at Italian forest sites of the Long Term Ecological Research network
C., Cocciufa; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; G., Matteucci; G. M., Carpaneto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: IFOREST (Viterbo : SISEF) pp. 233-241 - issn: 1971-7458 - wos: WOS:000299307900001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84861541796 (3)

11573/387485 - 2011 - Primo tentativo di analisi cladistica numerica dei tachinidi (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XXIII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia (Genova, Italia)

11573/334927 - 2011 - A new Besseria Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Israel
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; G., Lo Giudice; M., Mei - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ISRAEL JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY (Entomological Society of Israel:PO Box 6, Bet Dagan 50200 Israel:011 972 3 9683520, Fax: 011 972 3 9604180) pp. 187-194 - issn: 0075-1243 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/334926 - 2011 - World revision of Dolichocolon Brauer & Bergenstamm (Diptera: Tachinidae: Exoristinae: Goniini)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Hiroshi, Shima - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY (Blackwell Publishing Limited:9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868 , (781)388-8200, EMAIL: agentservices@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com, e-help@blackwellpublishers.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 714591) pp. 544-584 - issn: 0024-4082 - wos: WOS:000292107600004 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-79959589454 (13)

11573/478202 - 2011 - Biodiversity of Marganai and Montimannu (Sardinia). Research in the framework of the ICP Forests network
G., Nardi; D., Whitmore; M., Bardiani; D., Birtele; F., Mason; L., Spada; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: Biodiversity of Marganai and Montimannu (Sardinia). Research in the framework of the ICP Forests network - (9788883146534)

11573/333887 - 2011 - Nomenclatural Studies Toward a World List of Diptera Genus-Group Names. Part II: Camillo Rondani
O'hara J., E; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Pape, T; Evenhuis, N. L. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 1-268 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000299940700001 (57) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84555187992 (43)

11573/352963 - 2010 - I tachinidi della fauna italiana (Diptera Tachinidae), con chiave interattiva dei generi ovest paleartici vol. 1
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/353663 - 2010 - I tachinidi della fauna italiana (Diptera Tachinidae), con chiave interattiva dei generi ovest paleartici vol. 2
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/387491 - 2010 - MOSCHWEB - An open access interactive key to the Palaearctic genera of Diptera: Tachinidae
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; H. P., Tschorsnig; M., Lopresti - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 7th International Congress of Dipterology (San Jose, Costa Rica)

11573/387701 - 2010 - Over 200 genera and counting – the megadiverse fauna of Afrotropical Tachinidae
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; J. E., O’Hara; D. M., Wood; J. O., Stireman - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 7th International Congress of Dipterology (San Jose, Costa Rica)

11573/387488 - 2010 - Rhinophoridae here, there and everywhere: evidence of ancient origin?
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; T., Pape - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 7th International Congress of Dipterology (San Jose, Costa Rica)

11573/333885 - 2010 - Annotated host catalogue for the Tachinidae (Diptera) of Italy
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Tschorsnig, H. P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUTTGARTER BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURKUNDE. SERIE A, BIOLOGIE (Staaliches Museum Naturkunde:Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart 1 Germany:011 49 7 1189360, INTERNET: http://www.naturkundenmuseum-bw.de, Fax: 011 49 7 118936200) pp. 305-340 - issn: 0341-0145 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/360027 - 2009 - Preliminary re-examination of genus-level taxonomy of the pollen beetle subfamily Meligethinae (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)
Audisio, Paolo Aldo; A. R., Cline; De Biase, Alessio; Antonini, Gloria; Mancini, Emiliano; Trizzino, Marco; L., Costantini; S., Strika; F., Lamanna; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE (Praha : Národní muzeum, 1967-) pp. 341-504 - issn: 0374-1036 - wos: WOS:000274023100002 (53) - scopus: 2-s2.0-73849126830 (58)

11573/333936 - 2009 - A review of the genus Kuwanimyia Townsend (Diptera: Tachinidae), with taxonomic remarks on related genera
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AFRICAN ENTOMOLOGY (Entomological Society of Southern Africa:PO Box 13162, Hatfield 0028 South Africa:011 27 12 3293272, EMAIL: avzyl@iafrica.com, INTERNET: http://journals.sabinet.co.za, Fax: 011 27 12 3293278) pp. 51-63 - issn: 1021-3589 - wos: WOS:000267138000007 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-67649635497 (7)

11573/333937 - 2009 - A new Afrotropical genus of Voriini, with remarks on related genera (Diptera: Tachinidae: Dexiinae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INSECT SYSTEMATICS & EVOLUTION (Apollo Books:Kirkeby Sand 19, DK 5771 Stenstrup Denmark:011 45 62 263737, Fax: 011 45 62 263780) pp. 105-120 - issn: 1399-560X - wos: WOS:000266212600006 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-68849103602 (7)

11573/358375 - 2009 - Systematic study of the genus Rossimyiops Mesnil (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; De Biase, Alessio; A., Freidberg - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 31-56 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000262632900002 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-63849244739 (9)

11573/352962 - 2009 - Research on the Terrestrial Arthropods of Sardinia - Foreword
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Mason, F; Minelli, A; Nardi, G. Whitmore D. - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 5-7 - issn: 1175-5334 - wos: WOS:000273009900001 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-73849152542 (2)

11573/334925 - 2009 - Phylogeny and re-definition of the genus Melanophora (Diptera: Rhinophoridae), with description of a new species from Sardinia
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; T., Pape - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 552-563 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000273009900021 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-73849127766 (9)

11573/387705 - 2008 - Parassitoidi di insetti di ecosistemi forestali: il caso dei ditteri tachinidi (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; F., Mason; G., Nardi; Campanaro, Alessandro - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: III Congresso Nazionale di Selvicoltura (Taormina, CT, Italia)
book: Atti del III Congresso Nazionale di Selvicoltura - ()

11573/333938 - 2008 - A new species of Plesina Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae) from the Mediterranean
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Tschorsnig, H. P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUTTGARTER BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURKUNDE. SERIE A, BIOLOGIE (Staaliches Museum Naturkunde:Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart 1 Germany:011 49 7 1189360, INTERNET: http://www.naturkundenmuseum-bw.de, Fax: 011 49 7 118936200) pp. 445-450 - issn: 0341-0145 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-73849112448 (5)

11573/387707 - 2007 - Entomofauna delle formazioni aperte dell’area mediterranea e cambiamenti climatici del Quaternario
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XXI Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia (Campobasso, Italia)

11573/333884 - 2007 - Anomalostomyia namibica a new genus and species of Afrotropical Tachinidae (Diptera)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Barraclough, D. A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY (-ABINGDON, ENGLAND: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD -Modena: Mucchi Editore) pp. 101-107 - issn: 1125-0003 - wos: WOS:000245567300011 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-34547725281 (3)

11573/333934 - 2007 - Two new species of European Stevenia (Diptera: Rhinophoridae), with a key to the Palaearctic species
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Pape, T. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 31-41 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000250504100003 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-35948932679 (8)

11573/333939 - 2007 - Two new species of Siphona Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Sardinia and Morocco
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Tschorsnig, H. P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUTTGARTER BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURKUNDE. SERIE A, BIOLOGIE (Staaliches Museum Naturkunde:Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart 1 Germany:011 49 7 1189360, INTERNET: http://www.naturkundenmuseum-bw.de, Fax: 011 49 7 118936200) pp. 1-7 - issn: 0341-0145 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-73849120538 (3)

11573/387709 - 2007 - Le chiavi interattive nella tassonomia del XXI secolo
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Vigna Taglianti, Augusto - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XXI Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia (Campobasso, Italia)

11573/387717 - 2006 - Comparative morphology of “Sturmia-spots” in male tachinids – first results (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; A., Di Giulio; M., Scalici - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 6th International Congress of Dipterology (Fukuoka, Japan)

11573/333883 - 2006 - A new species of Eomedina Mesnil (Diptera Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Wyatt, N. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 61-68 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000235975900003 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33745275889 (5)

11573/387713 - 2006 - Dipterological research by the National Centre for the Study and Conservation of Forest Biodiversity (CNBF), Verona – Bosco della Fontana (Italy)
F., Mason; D., Avesani; M., Bardiani; D., Birtele; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; S., Hardersen; G., Nardi; M., Tisato; D., Whitmore - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 6th International Congress of Dipterology (Fukuoka, Japan)

11573/333941 - 2006 - Aspects of biological diversity in the CONECOFOR plots. IV. The InvertebrateBiodiv pilot project
Mason, F; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Nardi, G; Whitmore, D; Birtele, D; Hardersen, S; Gatti, E. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ANNALI DELL'ISTITUTO SPERIMENTALE PER LA SELVICOLTURA (Arezzo : Istituto sperimentale per la selvicoltura) pp. 51-70 - issn: 0390-0010 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/333633 - 2005 - World revision of the genus Nealsomyia Mesnil (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE (Genève: Muséum d'histoire naturelle 1893-) pp. 121-144 - issn: 0035-418X - wos: WOS:000228215000009 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-17444419720 (4)

11573/333634 - 2005 - Revision of the West Palaearctic species of the genus Pales Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZOOTAXA (Auckland: Magnolia Press.) pp. 1-36 - issn: 1175-5326 - wos: WOS:000227402500001 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33745112863 (17)

11573/330611 - 2004 - I Tachinidi (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Il Monte Pastello. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona – 2. serie, Monografie Naturalistiche - (9788889230008)

11573/333942 - 2004 - A new species of Pseudogonia Brauer & Bergenstamm from Sardinia, and a key to the West Palaearctic species (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUTTGARTER BEITRAEGE ZUR NATURKUNDE. SERIE A, BIOLOGIE (Staaliches Museum Naturkunde:Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart 1 Germany:011 49 7 1189360, INTERNET: http://www.naturkundenmuseum-bw.de, Fax: 011 49 7 118936200) pp. 1-11 - issn: 0341-0145 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-73849087095 (3)

11573/334924 - 2004 - Chorologic and taxonomic notes on the European species of the genus Trigonospila (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BOLLETTINO DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE ROMANA DI ENTOMOLOGIA (Roma: A.r.d.e..) pp. 101-106 - issn: 0004-6000 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/481093 - 2004 - Survey on the spatio-temporal distribution of tachinid flies – using Malaise traps (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; D., Whitmore; F., Mason; Vigna Taglianti, Augusto - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana Bosco della Fontana, Secondo Contributo - (8883143353)

11573/334923 - 2004 - Short notes No. 7/2003 – Behaviour. Metopodia pilicornis (Pandellé, 1895) kleptoparasitic on Sphex funerarius Gussakovskij, 1934 (Diptera: Sarcophagidae, Miltogramminae; Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Pape, T. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUDIA DIPTEROLOGICA (DR. A. STARK, SEEBENER STR. 190, HALLE (SAALE), GERMANY, D-06114) pp. 557-558 - issn: 0945-3954 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/163967 - 2004 - Survey on the spatio-temporal distribution of tachinid flies (Diptera, Tachinidae) - using Malaise traps (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Whitmore, D; Mason, F; Vigna Taglianti, Augusto - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana, Bosco della Fontana. Secondo contributo. - (9788883143359)

11573/333632 - 2004 - Chorologic data on Tachinid flies from mainland Greece (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Ziegler, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRAGMENTA ENTOMOLOGICA (Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Roma. Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo) pp. 273-315 - issn: 0429-288X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/329937 - 2002 - Chloropidae
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana, Bosco della Fontana, Primo contributo - (9788888499031)

11573/329938 - 2002 - Ephydridae
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana, Bosco della Fontana, Primo contributo - ()

11573/330610 - 2002 - Calliphoridae
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana, Bosco della Fontana, Primo contributo - ()

11573/330612 - 2002 - Rhinophoridae
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana, Bosco della Fontana, Primo contributo - ()

11573/334921 - 2001 - Note su Tachinidi nuovi per la fauna italiana (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETÀ ENTOMOLOGICA ITALIANA (Genova: Società entomologica italiana) pp. 153-166 - issn: 0373-3491 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/334922 - 2001 - I Tachinidi della Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano (Diptera Tachinidae)
Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BOLLETTINO DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE ROMANA DI ENTOMOLOGIA (Roma: A.r.d.e..) pp. 63-113 - issn: 0004-6000 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/333631 - 2001 - Eugymnopeza braueri (Diptera, Tachinidae)as parasitoid of Blaps gibba (Coleoptera, Tenevrionidae), with description of the preimaginal instars
Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Mei, Maurizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY (-ABINGDON, ENGLAND: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD -Modena: Mucchi Editore) pp. 215-222 - issn: 1125-0003 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0035168232 (5)

11573/334920 - 1997 - Elenco dei lavori pubblicati sul Bollettino dell’Associazione Romana di Entomologia dal Vol. I (1946) al Vol. L (1995)
Nardi, G; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Fattorini, S; Moretti, R; Tenga, A. M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BOLLETTINO DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE ROMANA DI ENTOMOLOGIA (Roma: A.r.d.e..) pp. 95-137 - issn: 0004-6000 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/333943 - 1997 - Coenomyia ferruginea, un dittero dimenticato (Diptera, Xylophagomorpha)
Vigna Taglianti, Augusto; Cerretti, Pierfilippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETÀ ENTOMOLOGICA ITALIANA (Genova: Società entomologica italiana) pp. 25-30 - issn: 0373-3491 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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