Full professor

phone: 335-6534837

Current Position:
- Professor of Applied Economics, University of L’Aquila, Italy (2001-)
o University delegate for strategic planning and local development (2013-)
- Associate Research Fellow, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), Bruges, Belgium (2006-).
- Faculty Member, PhD School in Economics and Finance, University of Rome “Sapienza” (2015-)
- Member of the Italian Delegation in the OECD Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Working Party for the Globalization of Industry) (2015-)
- Member of the Italian Delegation in the OECD Trade Committee (2016-)

Previous Appointments:
- Researcher, Economic Research Dept., ICE, Rome, Italy (1981-87)
- Chief economist in the National Institute of Foreign Trade (ICE) (1998-93)
- Research Fellow, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy (1993-2001)
- Advisor to the Italian Minister of Foreign Trade (1993-94; 1996-2001).
- Adjunct Professor in International Economics, Johns Hopkins University, SAIS Bologna Center, Italy (2005-13).

- Degree in Political Sciences, University of Rome “Sapienza” (1980);
- PhD in Economic Analysis, University of Rome “Sapienza” (1987);
- Summer School in Economics of European Integration, London School of Economics (1996).

Key Qualifications:
- Consultant for the Annual Report on Foreign Trade, Italian Trade Agency (1993-2013)
- Coordinator of the Working Group established by the Bank of Italy, the National Institute of Statistics (Istat) and the Italian National Institute of Foreign Trade (ICE) for the feasibility project of the new yearbook on trade statistics (1998-2002)
- Member of the Italian delegation at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Seattle (1999)
- Vice-Chairperson-cum-Rapporteur, UNCTAD Expert Meeting on the Impact of FDI Policies on Industrialization, Local Entrepreneurship and the Development of Supply Capacity (Geneva, November 2001).
- Research fellow, joint project of the International Affairs Institute (IAI) and the World Bank Institute on “Capacity-building for the MENA countries in the WTO services negotiations” (1999-2002)
- Research co-ordinator, joint project of the International Affairs Institute (IAI) and the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA) on “Competition, cultural variety, and global governance: the case of the global audio-visual system” (2001-2004).
- Short-Term Expert, European Commission’s TRACE project (Trade Cooperation and Economic Policy Reform in South Asia) at the Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies, Dhaka (2002-3)
- Ide@ (Indipendent Development European Association) expert in the Global Development Network for the Annual Development Medals (October 2002) and for the Annual Development Awards (2004 and 2005).
- Member of the Council, Bank of Italy, L’Aquila branch office (2004-)
- CIDEI team leader in the GARNET Network of Excellence “Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: the Role of the EU”, EC Sixth Framework Programme, Contract n. 513330 (2005-09). Member of the organizing committee and co-chair of the international conference on "Food Security and Sustainable Development: Challenges for the Governance of International Relations", Rome, International Fund for Agricultural Development, November 2009.
- Teacher in the Training Course on the Italian system of trade statistics – MEDA Programme, Twinning Support on Trade Facilitation in the context of the Association Agreement between Morocco and the EU (Rabat, 2007-8).
- Expert on Statistical Indicators, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (2009)
- Teacher in the UNU-CRIS Training Course on Measurement and Modeling in International Trade and Regional Integration, UNECA, Addis Abeba (2009)
- OECD Expert, International Collaborative Initiative on Trade and Employment (ICITE) (2010-11)
- Member of the OECD-University of Groningen team for the project "Building Resilient Regions after a Natural Disaster: Abruzzo 2030" (2011-13)
- Faculty member, LUISS Summer School on International Trade: Law and Economics, co-financed by the European Commission Jean Monnet Module 2014 (2011-)
- Scientific Coordinator, Italian Trade Agency Annual Report (2014-)
- Member of the Scientific Committee, Centro Europa Ricerche, Rome (2015-)
- Member of the scientific Advisory Group, Progressive Lab for Sustainable Development, an initiative of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D) and SOLIDAR (European network of progressive NGOs) (2016-)
- Member of the research team for the project “Study on firm-level drivers of export performance and external competitiveness in Italy”, European Commission, Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (European Tender 2015 ECFIN 010E) (2016-).
- Member of the Universities of Udine, Catania, L’Aquila and Bologna research team for the Eurofound project “Establishment of European Reshoring Monitor” (2016-).
- Member of the Centre for Economic and Social Research “Manlio Rossi-Doria”, Centre of Excellence, Roma Tre University (2017-).
- Corresponding Member of the Turin Centre on Emerging Economies, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Università di Torino (2017-).

Research Interests:
- Statistical methods for the analysis of international economic integration
- International integration and sustainable local development
- Regional integration
- Trade policies
- Cultural policies.

Selected publications

- “Measuring International Specialization”, International Advances in Economic Research, Vol. 7, n. 2, May 2001.
- “Distretti industriali, specializzazione internazionale e quote di mercato delle esportazioni italiane”, in Sviluppo Locale, vol. IX, n. 21, 2002.
- “Convention on Cultural Diversity: Comment to Acheson and Maule”, Journal of Cultural Economics, vol. 28, 2004, n. 4, pp. 267-273.
- “The Bicycle on the Acclivity: WTO Negotiations and the International Integration of Services Markets”, Intereconomics, vol. 40, n. 6, 2005, pp. 317-22.
- “L’Italia nel mondo cambia pelle” (with M. Tresca), Politiche e reti per lo sviluppo, 20, 2007, pp. 59-72.
- “Measuring International Production Fragmentation: Where Do We Stand?” (with S. Formentini), in International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation, and Development, vol. 1, 2008, pp.330–352.
- “The World is not Flat: Implications for the Construction of Globalization Indicators” (with P. De Lombaerde), in World Economics, vol. 9, n. 4, 2008, pp. 159-180.
- “Indicadores de la Globalizaciòn” (with P. De Lombaerde), in Cuadernos de Economia, n. 57, 2012, pp. 1-20.
- “Le imprese italiane nelle reti produttive internazionali: il caso dei sistemi locali dell’abbigliamento e delle calzature” (with G. Mastronardi), in Economia italiana, n. 1, 2013, pp. 79-119.
- “Investimenti esteri e sviluppo locale: il sistema dell’Ict nella provincia dell’Aquila”, in QA- Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria, n. 1, 2013, pp. 47-72.
- "Emerging countries and trade regionalization. A network analysis" (with L. Tajoli), Journal of Policy Modeling, 36S (2014), pp. S89-S110.
- “Book review. The Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union. Cohesion, Results-Orientation and Smart Specialisation. by Philip McCann”, Growth and Change, vol. 47 n. 1 (March 2016), pp. 132–134, DOI: 10.1111/grow.12142.
- “Trade Intermediaries and the Tariff Pass-Through” (with G. Pace), Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, vol. 16 (2016), pp. 441-454. DOI: 10.1007/s10842-016-0228-x
- “Com’è cambiata la posizione sull’estero del Sud durante la “lunga crisi”” (with S. Prezioso), Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno, 2016, n. 4, pp. 745-778. DOI: 10.1432/86266.
- “L’Aquila” (with G. Breglia and A. Faggian), Il Mulino, viaggio in Italia, 6/2017, pp. 245-248, ISSN 0027-3120.
- “The European Economic Community and Italian Regional Disparities, 1951-1987” (with M. Mulino, L. Giallonardo and M. Cipriani), The Journal of European Economic History, 3/2017, pp. 9-50. ISSN (online) 2499-8281; ISSN (print) 0391-5115.
- “International production networks and the world trade structure” (with I. Cingolani and L. Tajoli), International Economics, 2018, 153,
- “Analyzing Global and Regional Value Chains” (with K. De Backer and P. De Lombaerde), International Economics, 2018, 153,

Books, reports and journal special issues
- Costruire regole nella globalizzazione – Conferenza nazionale sul ‘Millennium Round’, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2000.
- Le frontiere della globalizzazione: negoziati commerciali e riforma dell’OMC (with F. Pagani), Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001.
- Cultural Diversity and International Economic Integration: the Global Governance of the Audiovisual Sector (with P. Guerrieri and G. Koopmann), Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2005.
- L’internazionalizzazione delle imprese e dei distretti meridionali nel nuovo scenario di competizione globale: il caso della Campania (with R. Farella and G. Formiggini), Guida, Napoli, 2006.
- Integrazione internazionale, sistema finanziario e sviluppo dell’economia abruzzese, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2009.
- The Regional Integration Manual: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (with P. De Lombaerde, R. Flores and M. Schulz), Routledge, Abingdon, 2011.
- The Global Governance of Knowledge Creation and Diffusion (with H. Hveem), Routledge, Abingdon, 2011.
- Policy Making after Disasters: Helping Regions Become Resilient – The case of Post-earthquake Abruzzo (with various co-authors), OECD Publishing, 2013.
- Obiettivo internazionalizzazione (with various co-authors), Rapporto CER, n. 3, Centro Europa Ricerche, Roma, 2013.
- L'Italia nell'economia internazionale, Rapporto ICE 2013-2014, ICE, Roma, 2014.
- L'Italia nell'economia internazionale, Rapporto ICE 2014-2015, ICE, Roma, 2015.
- Integrazione internazionale e innovazione (with various co-authors), Rapporto CER, n. 3/2014, Centro Europa Ricerche, Roma, 2015.
- Attrarre sviluppo (with various co-authors), Rapporto CER, n. 3/2015, Centro Europa Ricerche, Roma, 2016.
- Sistemi locali, reti e intermediari dell’innovazione. Il Polo dell’ICT in Abruzzo (with G. Cappiello and S. Galbiati), Il Mulino, Bologna, 2016.
- L'Italia nell'economia internazionale, Rapporto ICE 2015-2016, ICE, Roma, 2016.
- L'Italia nell'economia internazionale, Rapporto ICE – Edizione celebrativa 1986-2016, ICE, Roma, 2016.
- Integrazione internazionale e occupazione (with G. Corò, M. Costantini, P. Garalova and M. Mutinelli), Rapporto CER, n. 4/2016, Centro Europa Ricerche, Roma, 2017.
- European Monitor of Reshoring – Annual Report 2016 (with various co-authors), Developed in the framework of the pilot project on The Future of Manufacturing in Europe (2015-18), entrusted to Eurofound for implementation by the European Commission, March 2017.
- Progressive Lab for Sustainable Development. From vision to action (with various co-authors), FEPS, Solidar, Group of the progressive alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Brussels, 2017.
- L'Italia nell'economia internazionale, Rapporto ICE 2016-2017, ICE, Roma, 2017.
- Study on Firm-Level Drivers of Export Performance and External Competitiveness in Italy (with various co-authors), MET, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Centro Ricerche Economiche e Sociali Manlio Rossi-Doria, Final report for the European Commission, Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs, August 2017.
- International Economics, special issue “Global value chains”, 2018, guest editor with K. De Bäcker and P. De Lombaerde.
- Commercio di beni e commercio di servizi. La posizione dell’Italia (with M. Di Giannantonio and G. Mastronardi), Rapporto CER, n. 4/2017, Centro Europa Ricerche, Roma, 2018.
- L'Italia nell'economia internazionale, Rapporto ICE 2017-2018, ICE, Roma, 2018.
- Le imprese italiane nelle reti produttive internazionali, ICE, Roma, 2018.
- Network Science, special issue on “Multipolarity and regionalization in the global system: applications of network analysis” (forthcoming), guest editor with P. De Lombaerde and L. Tajoli.

Book chapters
- “La politica commerciale europea e gli interessi dell’Italia” (with F. Onida), in F. Bruni and N. Ronzitti (eds.), L’Italia e la politica internazionale, IAI-ISPI, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001, pp. 165-191.
- “Slowdown in the World Economy, Uncertainties of WTO Negotiations and Recovery of Italian Exports”, Overview of the ICE 2000-01 Report – Italy and the World Market, Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, Rome, 2001.
- “Exporting and Producing Abroad: Italian Enterprises and the Transformations of International Markets”, Italy and the World Economy – Summary ICE Report 2001-2002, Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, Rome, 2002.
- “Il settore degli audiovisivi nei negoziati GATS 2000”, in P. Guerrieri (ed.), Libero scambio e regole multilaterali - L'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio e il nuovo negoziato multilaterale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003.
- “Come definire e misurare il commercio intra-industriale: l’attualità del contributo di Stefano Vona”, in “Il commercio con l’estero e la collocazione internazionale dell’economia italiana”, Bank of Italy, Rome, 2003.
- “La crisi del Mercosur e le sue prospettive” (with G. Basevi), Sistan-ICE, L’Italia nell’economia internazionale, Rapporto ICE 2002-2003, Roma, 2003.
- “Attraction of Foreign Investments and the Ability to Export”, Italy in the World Economy – Summary ICE Report 2002-2003, Rome 2003.
- “Integrazione regionale e investimenti diretti esteri in Europa: indicatori statistici ed evidenza empirica” (with E. Marini), in N. Acocella and E. Sonnino (eds.), Movimenti di persone e movimenti di capitali in Europa, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003.
- “La collocazione internazionale dell’economia italiana: commercio e produzione” (with S. Iammarino), in P. Guerrieri (ed.), Processi e politiche per l’internazionalizzazione del sistema Italia, Istituto Affari Internazionali, IAI Quaderni, n. 19, Roma, novembre 2003.
- Intervention in the Roundtable discussion “Modelli di sviluppo locale e competitività dell’Italia”, in Economie locali, modelli di agglomerazione e apertura internazionale – Nuove ricerche della Banca d’Italia sullo sviluppo territoriale, Atti del convegno, Bologna, 20 novembre 2003, Facoltà e Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche dell’Università degli Studi, Banca d’Italia, Roma, 2004, pp. 565-577.
- “Italian Firms in International Markets: Declining Exports, Growing Production Abroad”, Italy in the World Economy – Summary ICE Report 2003-2004, Rome 2004.
- “Negoziati commerciali internazionali e sviluppo economico: tre dubbi sulla Doha Development Agenda”, in F. Kostoris Padoa Schioppa and S. Gabriele (eds.) Globalizzazione, sviluppo e disuguaglianza, LUISS University Press, Roma, 2005.
- “Italy in the World Economy” (with G. Giovanetti), Summary ICE Report 2004-2005, Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, Rome, 2005.
- “Regional Integration Agreements and the Geography of World Trade: Statistical Indicators and Empirical Evidence”, in P. De Lombaerde (ed.), Assessment and Measurement of Regional Integration, Routledge, London, 2006, pp. 65-85.
- “I negoziati sugli scambi di servizi nella Doha Development Agenda”, in E. Sciso (ed.), L’OMC 1995-2005 – Bilanci e prospettive, LUISS University Press, Roma, 2006, pp. 105-117.
- “L’integrazione internazionale dei mercati dei servizi e la posizione dell’Italia” (with E. Mazzeo), Sistan-ICE, L’Italia nell’economia internazionale, Rapporto ICE 2005-2006, Roma, 2006, pp. 379-388.
- “The integration of international markets, competitiveness and specialization of Italian firms: signs of change” (with G. Giovannetti), Italy in the World Economy – Summary ICE Report 2005-2006, Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, Rome, 2006.
- “Integration between EU and South Mediterranean Countries: Trends in Trade Intensity and Shifts in Specialisation after Barcelona” (with A. Ferragina and G. Giovannetti), in G. Giovannetti e M. S. Elsheikh (eds.) Economic Cooperation among the Countries in the Mediterranean Area (II), University of Florence, 2006, pp. 15-55.
- “La delocalizzazione nei sistemi produttivi abruzzesi: i settori tradizionali” (with G. Mastronardi), in A. Rossi e A. Cenderello (eds.), L’internazionalizzazione dei sistemi produttivi del Mezzogiorno – Strumenti per la P.A., Quaderni Formez, 61, Roma, 2007, pp. 83-131.
- “International openness, structural transformation and economic recovery in Italy” (with G. Giovannetti), Italy in the World Economy – Summary ICE Report 2006-2007, Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, Rome, 2007.
- “La collocazione internazionale dell’economia pugliese: il modello di specializzazione delle esportazioni”, in F. S. Coppola e P. Guerrieri (eds.), L’economia pugliese e le nuove sfide dell’internazionalizzazione produttiva, Giannini, Napoli, 2007, pp. 67-100.
- “Il negoziato sui servizi” (with G. Pace), in P. Guerrieri e L. Salvatici (eds.), Il Doha Round e il WTO, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2008, pp. 99-123.
- “Problems of the international economy and market strategies of Italian firms” (with G. Giovannetti), Italy in the World Economy – Summary ICE Report 2007-2008, Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, Rome, 2008.
- “International Integration and Societal Progress: A Critical Review of Globalisation Indicators” (with P. De Lombaerde), in OECD, Statistics, Knowledge and Policy 2007: Measuring and Fostering the Progress of Societies, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2008.
- “I sistemi produttivi territoriali dell’industria dell’abbigliamento in Abruzzo” (with G. Mastronardi), in G. Mauro (ed.), Tra globalizzazione e localismo – Alcune riflessioni sull’economia dell’Abruzzo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2009, pp. 129-193.
- “Le relazioni economiche tra Albania e Italia” (with G. Mastronardi), in F. Niglia (ed.), L’Albania verso l’Unione Europea: il ruolo dell’Italia, Documenti IAI, Roma, 2009, pp. 39-93.
- “The Global Crisis and the Outlook for the Italian Economy” (with G. Giovannetti), Italy in the World Economy – Summary of the ICE Report 2008-2009, Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, Rome, 2009.
- “Cultural Politics and International Economic Integration: The Case of the European Union” (with S. Formentini), in J. Chen, C. Smekal, K. Socher (eds.), Contributions to the Study of International Institutions and Global Governance, Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, 2009, pp. 95-130.
- “Intra-regional Trade” in OECD Economic Globalisation Indicators 2010, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 2010, pp. 80-81.
- “The Italian economy and the recovery of world trade” (with G. Giovannetti), Italy in the World Economy – Summary of the ICE Report 2009-2010, Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, Rome, 2010.
- “Global production networks and Italian firms: The outlook for recovery” (with G. Giovannetti), Italy in the World Economy – Summary of the ICE Report 2010-2011, Ministry for Economic Development, Rome, 2011.
- “Globalization Indicators: Ways Forward” (with P. De Lombaerde), in Guido Erreygers and Mieke Vermeire (eds.), Macroeconomics and Beyond. Essays in honour of Wim Meeusen, Garant, Antwerp, 2012, pp. 159-174.
- "Il sistema produttivo territoriale dell’ICT a L’Aquila", in Mimmo Cersosimo and Gianfranco Viesti (eds.), Il Mezzogiorno tecnologico. Una ricognizione in sei distretti produttivi, Invitalia e Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione Economica, Roma, 2012, pp. 56-81.
- “The European crisis and changes in Italy’s model of specialization” (with G. Giovannetti), Italy in the World Economy – Summary of the ICE Report 2011-2012, ICE - Italian Trade Promotion Agency, Rome, 2012.
- Un’internazionalizzazione in ritardo (with various co-authors), Rapporto CER, n. 3, Centro Europa Ricerche, Roma, 2012.
- “Mercato comune”, in Fiorella Kostoris (ed.), Economia e Finanza, vol. II, p. 596, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-12-00129-3.
- “Politiche commerciali preferenziali comunitarie”, in Fiorella Kostoris (ed.), Economia e Finanza, vol. II, p. 596, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-12-00129-3.
- “Programma Quadro dell’Unione Europea”, in Fiorella Kostoris (ed.), Economia e Finanza, vol. II, p. 305, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-12-00129-3.
- “Unione doganale”, in Fiorella Kostoris (ed.), Economia e Finanza, vol. II, p. 594-5, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-12-00129-3.
- “Unione Economica Europea”, in Fiorella Kostoris (ed.), Economia e Finanza, vol. II, pp. 595-6, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-12-00129-3.
- “Unione Europea dei Pagamenti (UEP)”, in Fiorella Kostoris (ed.), Economia e Finanza, vol. II, p. 596, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-12-00129-3.
- “Measuring Trade Regionalisation in Africa: The Case of ECOWAS” (with P. De Lombaerde and G. Mastronardi), in R. Sohn e A. K. Oppong (eds.), Regional Trade and Monetary Integration in West Africa and Europe, WAI-ZEI Paper No. 6-2013, West Africa Institute e Center for European Integration Studies, 2013, pp. 57-86, ISBN 978-3-941928-27-5 (translated into French and Portuguese).
- “Risposte alla crisi: caduta della domanda interna e strategie di internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane” (with G. Giovannetti), Sistan-ICE, L’Italia nell’economia internazionale, Sintesi del rapporto ICE 2012-2013, Roma, 2013, ISSN 2282-5835.
- “Multinazionali estere e dinamica delle esportazioni in Abruzzo”, in Economia e società in Abruzzo. Rapporto 2012, Centro regionale di studi e ricerche economico-sociali (CRESA), L’Aquila, 2013, pp. 175-185, ISSN 2038-8918.
- “Cultural Products in the International Trading System” in V. A. Ginsburgh, D. Throsby (eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture. vol. 2, North-Holland, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2014, pp. 381-409, ISBN: 978-0-444-53776-8.
- “Sviluppo locale e apertura internazionale in Abruzzo” (with G. Mastronardi), in M. Mulino (ed.), L’economia abruzzese nella crisi globale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2014, pp. 75-116, ISBN: 978-88-15-25087-2.
- “Manufacturing Reshoring: Threat and Opportunity for East Central Europe and Baltic Countries” (with L. Fratocchi, A. Ancarani, C. Di Mauro, P. Barbieri and A. Zanoni), in A. Zhuplev and K. Liuhto (eds.), Geo-regional competitiveness in Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic countries, and Russia, IGI Global, Hershey, PA (USA), 2014, pp. 83-118, ISBN: 978-1-4666-6054-0
- “Il modello di specializzazione internazionale delle esportazioni abruzzesi”, in Economia e società in Abruzzo. Rapporto 2013, Centro regionale di studi e ricerche economico-sociali (CRESA), L’Aquila, 2014, pp. 155-170, ISSN 2038-8918.
- “Migrazioni e scambi internazionali”, in IDOS, Dossier statistico immigrazione, Roma, 2016.
- “Integrazione europea: un grande progetto da rilanciare”, in V. Lucchese (ed.), Quale Europa? Crisi economica e partecipazione democratica, Tau editrice, 2016.
- “Le imprese italiane nei mercati internazionali: una panoramica”, in G. Cappiello (ed.), Innovazione e internazionalizzazione. La conoscenza come motore di sviluppo, Egea, Milano, 2017.
- “Assessing Globalization and Regionalization through Network Indices” (with L. Tajoli), in P. De Lombaerde e E. Saucedo (ed.), Indicator-Based Monitoring of Regional Economic Integration, Fourth World Report on Regional Integration, Springer, 2017.
- “International Specialization and Export Performance of Local Economies: Methodological Issues”, in M. Bellandi, B. Biagi, A. Faggian, E. Marrocu and S. Usai (eds.), Regional Development Trajectories beyond the Crisis, Franco Angeli, 2018,pp. 121-133.

Working Papers
- “Cultural policies and international economic integration: The case of the European Union”, in C. Maule (ed.), Trade and Culture – Issues in 2004, Centre for Trade Policy and Law, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada;
- “Cultural Diversity and Regional Trade Agreements: The Case of Audiovisual Services” (with S. Formentini), UNU-CRIS Working Papers, 2007/4.
- “Measuring Trade Regionalisation: The Case of Asia” (with F. Tironi), UNU-CRIS Working Papers, 2009/9.
- “Industrial Development and the Dynamics of International Specialization Patterns” (with Olga Memedovic), UNIDO Research and Statistics Branch, Working Paper 23/2009, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna, March 2010.
- “Structural Change in the World Economy: Main Features and Trends” (with Olga Memedovic), UNIDO Research and Statistics Branch, Working Paper 24/2009, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna, March 2010.
- “Trade Regionalisation and Openness in Africa” (with F. Luchetti), European University Institute, Working Paper RSCAS 2010/54. Background paper for the European Report on Development 2009, Overcoming Fragility in Africa, European Communities and EUI.
- “The international governance of knowledge creation and diffusion” (with Cristina Castelli and Helge Hveem), GARNET Policy Brief, no. 13, April 2010.
- “Immigration and trade networks: the importance of informational barriers in the Italian case” (with Giuseppe De Arcangelis), GARNET Working Paper No. 81/10, August 2010.
- “Trade and Employment in Italy”, OECD Trade Policy Working Papers, No. 126, OECD Publishing, 2011.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma