Full professor

building: I Clinica Medica
room: Direzione

Academic and scientific training B.A. degree at Liceo classico T.Tasso Rome(1987). M.D. degree (cum laude), University of Rome La Sapienza defending a thesis entitled "Lack correlation between calcium mobilization and fibrinogen binding in thrombin degranulated platelets " (24 November 1993). Undergraduate fellow at the Section of Platelet Physiophatology of Department of Experimental Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Rome La Sapienza (1987-1993). Advisary board for Medical practice, University of Rome La Sapienza (1983). Residency in Clinical Pathology at the University of Rome La Sapienza (1992) Postgraduate researcher (under supervision of Dr. Fabio M. Pulcinelli) at the Section of Platelet Physiophatology Department of Experimental Medicine and Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Rome La Sapienza (1993-1998). PhD student in Experimental Medicine. Section of Platelet Physiophatology Department of Experimental Medicine and Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Rome La Sapienza (1998-2003). Winner of research grant (2003-2004) (Prof Francesco Violi Chair) 4° division of internal medicine Didattics Coordinator of Internal Medicine course for “Corso di Laurea in Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico (since 2002) Professor of Internal medicine, I° School of Medicine: Coordinator of Clinical Methodology course (since 2009) Actual position Associated Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (med 09) since 2015 Clinical Assistant: Internal Medicine, First Clinic, Sapienza University of Rome, since 2011 Dean of The Antithrombotic Center (AVK and NOACs center) , First Clinic, Sapienza University of Rome, since 2008 Dean of the Platelets Physiopathology Research Laboratory (Athero-thrombotic Center, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialities) since 2002 Researcher, Scientific societies Italian Society of Thrombosis and Emostasis (SISET): member of the steering committee since 2008-2010 Italian Society of Internal Medicin (SIMI): Menber since 2005 Grants He obtained in the 2007 and 2008 the “young investigator university grant” from MIUR. He has been involved in several research projects granted by government funds (MIUR COFIN, ex 60%, ex 40%). In the past two years Dr. Pignatelli has been granted Government and Regional funds as principal investigator of University and Faculty projects: in particular: Obtained a grant as Operative Unit for PRIN 2010 in Careggi Project entitled : The responsiveness to Clopidogrel and Stent thrombosis 3 (reclose 3) tailored therapy Obtained a grant from Regione Lazio FILAS 2011as PI with the project CardioRisk Areas of interest and skills Dr Pignatelli is in charge as Dean of The Antithrombotic Center (AVK and NOACs center) , First Clinic, Sapienza University of Rome, coordinating a staff composed by physicians and nurses involved in both assistance and research in the field of atherothrombosis. The centre is linked to the other 3 Internal Medicine wards and to the geriatric wards of the Umberto I Policlinico. This particulars situation permits Dr Pignatelli to access a large umber of Patients with the purpose of starting and monitoring anticoagulant therapies with both anti vitamin K antagonists and the new direct oral anticoagulants. All these results in a large number of publication in the fiend of anticoagulations in patients affected by atherothrombotic diseases and in particular in subjects affected by atrial fibrillation. This last Issue represents the main interest of Dr Pignatelli resulting in more than 40 publications in the specific topic. Publications Dr. Pignatelli is co-author of 210 full papers published on national and international journals (IF>1000). Citation indexes citations 4734 H-index 40

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