- Degree in Political Science with International Political orientation from university of Rome “La Sapienza”
with a thesis entitled "Geopolitical and geoeconomic relations between Great Britain and Commonwealth
- Subject expert in Political and Economical Geography at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Subject expert in Political and Economical Geography at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Subject expert in Political and Economical Geography at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- PhD in Political and Economical Geography, XIV cycle of studies, at the University of Trieste
- PhD in Political and Economical Geography, XIV cycle of studies, at the University of Trieste
- Subject expert in Political and Economical Geography at the “Libera università San Pio V” in Rome
- Editorial collaboration with Istituto Geografico De Agostini for the realization of some items in the “Il
Milione” Encyclopedia – “Populations” and “Economy” section
- PhD in Political and Economical Geography at the University of Trieste
- Subject expert in Political and Economical Geography at the “Libera università San Pio V” in Rome
- Phd’s degree in Economical Geography, XIV cycle of studies, at the University of Trieste with a thesis
entitled “Europe of the Car: geoeconomic analysis of the European automotive sector”
- Subject expert in Political and Economical Geography at the “Libera università San Pio V” in Rome
- Teacher of the course “Geography of transport” at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Winning competition for the position of researcher in Political and Economical Geography, ssd MGGR-02,
Faculty of Political Science - University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Teacher of the course “Geography of transport” at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Subject expert in Political and Economical Geography at the “Libera università San Pio V” in Rome
- Researcher in Political and Economical Geography, ssd MGGR-02, Faculty of Political Science - Department
of Economic Theory and Quantitative Methods for Policy Choices - University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Teacher of the course “Geography of transport” at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Teacher of the course “Political and Economic Geography” (evening class) at Faculty of Politic Science,
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Teacher of the course “Political and Economic Geography” (class 15) at Faculty of Political Science,
University of Rome “La Sapienza
- Teacher of the course “Geography of transport” at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Teacher of the course “Political and Economic Geography” (evening class) at Faculty of Political Science,
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Teacher of the course “Political and Economic Geography” (class 15) at Faculty of Political Science,
University of Rome “La Sapienza
- Seminar activity at the University Ulan Bator (Mongolia) in the PhD “Political Geography” of the University
of Trieste, Professor M. P. Pagnini Coordinator
- Teacher of the course “Geography of transport” at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Teacher of the course “Political and Economic Geography” (evening class) at Faculty of Political Science,
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Teacher of the course “Political and Economic Geography” (class 15) at Faculty of Political Science,
University of Rome “La Sapienza
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Since January 1, 2007 is Assistant Professor at Faculty of Political Science, University of Rome “La Sapienza
- Professor of the course “Political and Economic Geography” (evening class) at Faculty of Political Science,
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Professor of the course “Political and Economic Geography” (evening class) at Faculty of Political Science,
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Co-holder of the teaching of "Economic differentials and migration" , Master’s degree in Economic Analysis
of International Relations, Faculty of Politic Science, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Professor of the course “Political and Economic Geography” at Faculty of Sociology, University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , degree in Sociology
- Professor of the course “Political and Economic Geography” at Faculty of Sociology, University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , CATRI master’s degree
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Co-holder of the teaching of "Economic differentials and migration" , Master’s degree in Economic Analysis
of International Relations, Faculty of Political Science, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bulletin of Società
Geografica Italiana
- Co-holder of the teaching of "Economic differentials and migration" , Master’s degree in Economic Analysis
of International Relations, Faculty of Political Science, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Professor of Political and Economical Geography (advanced course) at the University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science, Master’s degree in International Relations and Politics Science
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Professor of Political and Economical Geography (advanced course) at the University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication, Master’s degree in International Relations
and Politics Science
- Member of the Scientific Teaching Board of the Master Level II “geopolitics and global security” at the
University of Rome “La Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science
- Contributor of the Italian Encyclopedia Institute for Geographical words
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Professor of “Political and Economical Geography” course (L36- international relations) at the University of
Rome “La Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication
- Member of the Scientific Teaching Board of the Master Level II “geopolitics and global security” at the
University of Rome “La Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science
- Teaching committee of the PhD in “Political geography and Geopolitics” at Cusano University in Rome,
Professor S. Conti Coordinator
- Contributor of the Italian Encyclopedia Institute for Geographical words
- Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Reviewers of the Journal "Geopolitica" - ISAG
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Journal, Professor B. Caravita Coordinator
- Member of the Board of Auditors of the Scientific Journal "Semestrale di studi e ricerche di geografia",
director Professor G. de Vecchis
- Professor of “Political and Economical Geography” course (L36- international relations) at the University of
Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication
- Head of the second Level Master’s degree “Geopolitics and global security” at the University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science
- Member of the didactic and scientific committee of the inter-faculties Master in Global Strategy and
Security organized by Sapienza in collaboration with CASD, Professor C. Pinelli director
- Member of the Phd College in Geopolitics and Geoeconomics established by the Telematic University N.
Cusano, Professor S. Conti coordinator
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal , Professor B. Caravita coordinator
- Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Reviewers of the Journal "Geopolitica" - ISAG
- Member of the Board of Auditors of the Scientific Journal “Semestrale di studi e ricerche di geografia”,
Professor G. de Vecchis director
- Professor of “Political and Economical Geography” course (L36- international relations) at the University of
Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication
- Professor of the Master in “Global Strategy and Security” organized by Sapienza in collaboration with CASD
- Teaching activities at the Training School of Information System for the Republic’s security
- Head of the second Level Master’s degree “Geopolitics and global security” at the University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science
- Contributor of the Italian Encyclopedia Institute for Geographical words
- Member of the academic Board of the PhD in “Political geography and Geopolitics” at Cusano University in
Rome, Professor S. Conti Coordinator
- Member of the didactic and scientific committee of the inter-faculties Master in Global Strategy and
Security organized by Sapienza in collaboration with CASD, Professor C. Pinelli director
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal , Professor B. Caravita coordinator
- Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Reviewers of the Journal "Geopolitica" - ISAG
- Member of the Board of Auditors of the Scientific Journal “Semestrale di studi e ricerche di geografia”,
Professor G. de Vecchis director
- Professor of “Political and Economical Geography” course (L36- international relations) at the University of
Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication
- Professor of the Master in “Global Strategy and Security” organized by Sapienza in collaboration with CASD
- Professor of Italian Diplomatic Academy (Verona)
- Head of the second Level Master’s degree “Geopolitics and global security” at the University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science
- Member of the academic Board of the PhD in “Political geography and Geopolitics” at Cusano University in
Rome, Professor S. Conti Coordinator
- Member of the didactic and scientific committee of the inter-faculties Master in Global Strategy and
Security organized by Sapienza in collaboration with CASD, Professor C. Pinelli director
- Member of the Editorial Board and head of the “Reviews and reading notes” section of Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal , Professor B. Caravita coordinator
- Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Reviewers of the Journal "Geopolitica" - ISAG
- Member of the Board of Auditors of the Scientific Journal “Semestrale di studi e ricerche di geografia”,
Professor G. de Vecchis director
- Professor of “Political and Economical Geography” course (L36- international relations) at the University of
Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication
- Professor of the Master in “Global Strategy and Security” organized by Sapienza in collaboration with CASD
- Professor of Italian Diplomatic Academy (Verona)
- Head of the second Level Master’s degree “Geopolitics and global security” at the University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science
- Member of the academic Board of the PhD in “Political geography and Geopolitics” at Cusano University in
Rome, Professor S. Conti Coordinator
- Member of the didactic and scientific committee of the inter-faculties Master in Global Strategy and
Security organized by Sapienza in collaboration with CASD, Professor C. Pinelli director
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal , Professor B. Caravita coordinator
- Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Reviewers of the Journal "Geopolitica" - ISAG
- Member of the Board of Auditors of the Scientific Journal “Semestrale di studi e ricerche di geografia”,
Professor G. de Vecchis director
- VQR 2011-2014 Research Product Reviewer
- Member of the Board of Auditors of the Class A journal “Geotema”
- Professor of “Political and Economical Geography” course (L36- international relations) at the University of
Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication
- Professor of the Master in “Global Strategy and Security” organized by Sapienza in collaboration with CASD
- Head of the second Level Master’s degree “Geopolitics and global security” at the University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science
- Member of the academic Board of the PhD in “Political geography and Geopolitics” at Cusano University in
Rome, Professor S. Conti Coordinator
- Member of the didactic and scientific committee of the inter-faculties Master in Global Strategy and
Security organized by Sapienza in collaboration with CASD, Professor C. Pinelli director
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal
- Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Reviewers of the Journal "Geopolitica" - ISAG
- Member of the Board of Auditors of the Scientific Journal “Semestrale di studi e ricerche di geografia”,
Professor G. de Vecchis director
- VQR 2011-2014 Research Product Reviewer
- Member of the Board of Auditors of the Class A journal “Geotema”
- Member of the Board of Auditors of the Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana
- Professor of course of Political and Economic Geography for the Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and
International Relations L 36 (9 cfu)
- Professor of Geoeconomics Course for the Master’s Degree in Political Science (LM-62, 9 cfu)
- Head of the second Level Master’s degree “Geopolitics and global security” at the University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science
- Professor of the Master in Arctic Studies, SIOI, Rome
- Professor and Member of the Scientific Teaching Board of second level Master in Information Security and
Strategic Information, Department A. Ruberti , “La Sapienza” university
- Member of the academic Board of the PhD in “Political geography and Geopolitics” at Cusano University in
Rome, Professor S. Conti Coordinator
- Delegate for the geographical company to the ITS (Fondazione Turismo Sosteniblie) Governing Council
- Professor of course of Political and Economic Geography for the Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and
International Relations L 36 (9 cfu)
- Professor of Geoeconomics Course for the Master’s Degree in Political Science (LM-62, 9 cfu)
- Professor of Geopolitical convention of the sea LM-52 (9 cfu)
- Head of the second Level Master’s degree “Geopolitics and global security” at the University of Rome “La
Sapienza” , Faculty of Political Science
- Professor of the Master in Arctic Studies, SIOI, Rome
- Professor and Member of the Scientific Teaching Board of second level Master in Information Security and
Strategic Information, Department A. Ruberti , “La Sapienza” university
- Member of the academic Board of the PhD in “Political geography and Geopolitics” at Cusano University in
Rome, Professor S. Conti Coordinator
- Regional trustee of Società Geografica Ialiana
P.SELLARI e M. MARCONI (2020), Introduction to Elementi di strategia marittima, Roma, La nuova cultura.
P SELLARI (2020), Le Vie della Seta: ritratti del passato, disegni del futuro, in S. DELL’AGLIO, A. GUERRA, M.
VALENTE, Storie Nascoste, Milano, Franco Angeli.
P.SELLARI (2020), Scenari eurasiatici, Roma, La Nuova cultura.
P SELLARI (2019), La BRI: strumento geopolitico cinese verso l'Europa centro-orientale?, in “GEOPOLITICA”,
vol. 8, p. 267-282.
P. SELLARI (2019), Centralismo e minoranze etnico-religiose in Cina, in A.Guerra M. Marconi, Spazi e tempi
della Fede. Spunti per una geopolitica delle religioni, series of book “MATERIALI E DOCUMENTI”, pp. 113-
122, Roma, Sapienza Universita Editrice
P.SELLARI (2019), Repubblica o impero? La Cina oltre se stessa, Gnosis, 4/2019, pp.59-68.
C. CERRETI, M. MARCONI, P.SELLARI (2019), Spazi e Poteri. Geografia politica, geografia economica,
geopolitica, Roma-Bari, Laterza.
M. MARCONI e P.SELLARI, (2018), Luoghi, spazi e potere, Roma, La Nuova Cultura.
P.SELLARI, (2018), I Balcani del post bipolarismo, in “GNOSIS”, vol 2/2018.
P.SELLARI, (2018), Geopolitica e geoeconomia del calcio globale, in “GNOSIS”, vol. 1/2018, pp. 77-87
M. MARCONI e P. SELLARI (a cura di) (2018), Quaderni del Master in Geopolitica e sicurezza globale, vol. 1,
Roma, Aracne.
P. SELLARI (2018), introduction in Quaderni del Master in Geopolitica e sicurezza globale, vol. 1, Roma,
P.SELLARI, (2017) Geopolitica del (neo)colonialismo agricolo, in A. PAGANO (a cura di), Migrazioni e
Identità: Analisi multidisciplinari, Roma, Edicusano, pp. 347-359.
P.SELLARI (2016 ), Svalbard: Frontiera artica, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, vol. IX, pp.
P.SELLARI e A.CARUSO (2016), Geostrategia in Artico tra risorse energetiche, rotte e cambiamenti climatici,
in “Studi in onore di E. Paratore”, Roma, Edigeo, pp. 77-91.
P.SELLARI e M. ROIATTI (2016), Cina: centralismo e minoranze etnico-religiose, in “GNOSIS”, vol. 4/2016,
pp. 70-79.
M.MARCONI e P.SELLARI (2016) Quanta cautela occorre con il potere? Il pensiero geopolitico nel post
guerra fredda, in “GNOSIS”, vol. 2/2016, pp. 158-165.
P.SELLARI (2016), La strings of pearl strategy cinese, in “GNOSIS”, vol. 1/2016, p. 130-139.
P.SELLARI (2016) Geopolitica, Intelligence, Alimentazione, Roma, Nuova Argos.
P.SELLARI (2015), Caduta e ripresa della geopolitica 1945-1989, in “GNOSIS”, vol. 4/2015, pp. 105-111.
P.SELLARI e D. SCALEA (2015), La geopolitica vista dal mare: la scuola anglosassone, in “GNOSIS”, vol.
2/2015, pp. 101-109.
P.SELLARI (2015), Il land grabbing: geopolitica e global-colonialismo agricolo, in “GNOSIS”, vol. 1/2015, pp.
P.SELLARI, C. CERRETI, (2015) Prospettive di geopolitica adriatica, in M.MARCONI e P.SELLARI (a cura di),
Verso un nuovo paradigma geopolitico, Roma, Aracne, pp. 359-380.
M.MARCONI e P.SELLARI (a cura di), (2015), Verso un nuovo paradigma geopolitico, Roma, Aracne, 2 voll.
M.MARCONI e P.SELLARI, (2015), introduction in Verso un nuovo paradigma geopolitico, Roma, Aracne.
P. SELLARI (2015), Land grabbing, in IX appendice, Istituto Enciclopedia italiana, pp. 30-31
P. SELLARI (2015), Regione transfrontaliera, in IX appendice, Istituto Enciclopedia italiana, pp. 415
P. SELLARI (2015), Ferrovia, in IX appendice, Istituto Enciclopedia italiana, pp. 491-492
P. SELLARI (2015), Le nuove vie della seta, in IX appendix, Istituto Enciclopedia italiana, pp. 124-125
P.SELLARI e M.MARCONI (2014), Da Humboldt a Ratzel: l'uomo e il suo ambiente, in “GNOSIS”, vol. 4/2014,
pp. 133-141.
P.SELLARI (2014), Il Mediterraneo nella geopolitica dei traffici marittimi, in “GNOSIS”, vol. 3/2014, pp. 94-
P. SELLARI, (2014), Profili geostrategici, in E. SCISO, La Crisi Ucraina e i problemi di sicurezza in Europa,
Roma, Luiss University Press, pp. 79-83.
P.SELLARI , (2013), Geopolitica dei trasporti, Roma-Bari, Laterza editore.
P.SELLARI (2013), Land Grabbing e crisi alimentari, in «Bollettino della Società geografica Italiana» , vol. VI.,
pp. 181-203.
P.SELLARI (2013), Alta velocità, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. I, p. 288- 289, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana.
P.SELLARI (2013), Corridoio, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo. vol. I, p. 288- 289, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana.
P.SELLARI (2013), Ferrovia, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo. vol. I, p. 444-446, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2013), Gallerie, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. I, p. 485, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia
P.SELLARI (2013), Intermodalità, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. I, p. 626, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2013), Vie della seta, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. I, p. 626, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2013), Interporto. in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. I, p. 626, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2013), Piattaforma d'alto mare, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. II, p. 277, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2013), Trasporti, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. II, p. 356- 357, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2013), Idrogeopolitica, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. I, p. 596-597, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2013), Localizzazione, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. I, p. 39-40, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2013), Regioni transfrontaliere, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. II, p. 356, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2013), Sviluppo, in Treccani, Lessico del XXI secolo, vol. II, p. 515, Roma, Istituto
dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
P.SELLARI (2011), Uno sguardo alle ferrovie italiane nell'ottocento postunitario, in «Studi e Ricerche socio-
territoriali», 1-2011, Napoli, pp. 99-122.
P. SELLARI (2011), Urbanizzazione ed economia globalizzata, in G. LIZZA (a cura di) Geopolitica delle
prossime sfide, Torino, UTET, pp. 153-193.
P. SELLARI (2011), Geopolitiche dell'energia: il caso del gas naturale, in «Atti del XXX Congresso Geografico
Italiano Firenze» 10-12 Settembre 2008, Bologna, Pàtron, pp- 531-536.
P. SELLARI (2008), Atlante dei trasporti in Italia, Roma, Carocci.
P. SELLARI (2006), Il Mediterraneo nei trasporti marittimi tra opportunità e rischi, NIKE, vol. 1/2006
P. SELLARI (2005), La Turchia nel sistema dei trasporti paneuropei, in AGEI, Geografia: dialogo tra
generazioni, «Atti del XXIX Congresso Geografico Italiano», Pàtron Editore, Bologna.
P. SELLARI (2004), Prospettive dei trasporti nell'Unione allargata, in G. LIZZA, Paneuropa, Torino, UTET.
P. SELLARI (2002), L'Europa dell'Auto: Analisi geoeconomica del settore automobilistico europeo, Trieste,
Edizioni Università di Trieste.
P.SELLARI (2002), Il centenario della linea ferroviaria Roccasecca-Avezzano, in “Bollettino della Società
Geografica Italiana”, Volume VII, pp.670-672.
P.SELLARI (2000), L’Abruzzo in Movimento, in “Le Metamorfosi” n. 5, ediz.”Insieme per il Centro Abruzzo”,
P.SELLARI (2000), Idrogeopolitca: acqua il petrolio del 2000, in “Le Metamorfosi” n. 3, edizioni “Insieme per
il Centro Abruzzo”, pp.19-23.
P. SELLARI (2000), Scenari energetici in Italia: il petrolio della Basilicata, in «Atti del XXVIII Congresso
Geografico Italiano», Roma, AGEI, vol. 1.
P.SELLARI (1999), L'Europa in movimento, in G. LIZZA (a cura di), Geografia della nuova Europa, Torino,
UTET, pp. 166-214.
P.SELLARI (1999), I problemi del trasporto stradale nell’area alpina, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica
Italiana”, Volume IV, pp.781-782.
P.SELLARI (2018), introduction, in M. MARCONI e P. SELLARI (a cura di) (2018), Quaderni del Master in
Geopolitica e sicurezza globale, vol. 1, Roma, Aracne.
P.SELLARI (2015), Introduction, in M.MARCONI e P.SELLARI (a cura di), Verso un nuovo paradigma
geopolitico, Roma, Aracne, 2 voll.
P.SELLARI (2010), Preface, in A. OSTI GUERRAZZI, I duemila dell’Appennino, Sulmona, Ed. Il Lupo.
M.ARMIERO, Le montagne della patria. Natura e Nazione nella storia d’Italia. Secoli XIX e XX, Torino,
Einaudi, 2013, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume VII, 2014, pp.476-479.
S. BETTI, I Great Lakes e la St. lawrence Seaway, Napoli, Loffredo editore, 2011, in “Bollettino della Società
Geografica Italiana”, Volume VI, 2013, pp.521-522.
M. PROTO, Le utopie fluviali nell’Italia contemporanea, La navigazione padana e l’idrovia Padova-Venezia,
Bologna, Clueb, 2011, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume VI, 2013, pp.521-522.
C. DE VITO, F. Coppola (a cura di), QVQC. Quale velocità Quale città. Report 2008, Roma, CIFI edizioni,
2011, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume VI, 2013, p. 779.
A. PERRONE, Arktika. La sfida dell’Artico. Il Polo Nord tra geopolitica e risorse energetiche, Roma, Fuoco
edizioni, 2010, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume V, 2012, p. 666.
J.P RODRIGUE, C. COMTOIS e B. SLACK, The Geography of Transportation, Londra e New York, Routledge,
2009, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume V, 2012, p. 161.
B. CARDINALE, Mobilità delle merci e sostenibilità urbana. Dinamiche territoriali e politiche di intervento,
Bologna, Pàtron, 2009, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume IV, 2011, pp.646-647.
M. FUMAGALLI (a cura di), La rete planetaria della Cina. Il Regno di Mezzo nel mondo globalizzato,
Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume IV, 2011,
A. SCIORTINO, L’Africa in guerra: i conflitti africani e la globalizzazione, Milano, Baldini Castoldi editore,
2008, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume III, 2010, p. 241.
M. LODA, Geografia sociale. Storia, teoria e metodi di ricerca, Roma, Carocci, 2008, in “Bollettino della
Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume II, 2009, pp.239-242.
S. CRESTA ( a cura di), La geodiversità del lazio. Geositi e geoconservazione nel sistema delle aree protette,
2005, in “Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume XII, 2007, p. 570.
F. ATTORRE, Sistema informativo della Natura del Lazio. Piani di gestione e tematismi ambientali in aree:
Monti Simbruini, Monti Lucretili, Monte Rufeno e Marturanum, Roma, Agenzia Regionale dei Parchi, 2005, in
“Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana”, Volume XII, 2007, p. 570.
M. RUSCA e M. SIMONCELLI, Hydrowar: geopolitica dell’acqua tra guerra e cooperazione, Roma, Archivio del
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